A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 321 It’s exciting just thinking about it

Time has arrived in October. If you ignore the dementors outside the school, life at Hogwarts is no different from usual.

Charles's planting experiment in the greenhouse went well. All the plants have been transplanted into pots, and the hired students recorded the data carefully.

After lunch that day, Charles sorted out the second batch of soil samples alone in the greenhouse. The soil in each flower pot was sampled and put into a small bottle the size of a finger, numbered, and put into different boxes according to the number. Send it to be tested for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in the soil.

"Charles, are you busy?" Ginny asked as she stuck her head in at the greenhouse door.

Charles saw her followed by Colin Creevey and a group of first- and second-year Gryffindor students. He frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ginny asked, "Can we go in and have a look?"

"We promise, just to see."

Charles saw a tall figure behind them through the greenhouse glass, and said, "If you promise to just take a look and not touch anything, I will allow you to come in."

He did not hire first-year or second-year students this time, just because he was afraid that they would mess up the job.

After hearing his agreement, Ginny excitedly called the classmates behind her to come in. Colin had a camera hanging around his neck. When he came in, he asked Charles: "Can I take a photo?"

Charles nodded.

The current herbs are nothing special, whether it is Chinese biting cabbage or mandrake, they are still growing quietly.

Dumbledore came in at the end and took Colin and the others to see some interesting-looking herbs.

Charles didn't know if Ginny and the others met Dumbledore on the way, or if Dumbledore took the initiative to bring them here. Anyway, with the principal watching, nothing would happen.

"Why don't you go over?" He found Ginny standing next to the table where the samples were placed, not with other students.

Ginny took out the chocolate frog box from her pocket, and then took out a large box from the box, handed it to Charles and said, "Mummy asked me to give this to you."

Charles opened the box and looked at it. It was a box of jam pies, the size of an egg tart, with a bowl-shaped pie crust filled with blueberry jam.

He remembered that a full owl brought Ginny a big box during breakfast this morning, and it seemed like this was it.

Recently, Fred and George have begun to study hard in order to achieve good results in the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination at the end of this school year in order to obtain a high investment from Charles. They have also roped in their good friend Lee Jordan. .

Percy specifically mentioned this incident when he wrote home, telling his parents that he could help them to change their past and get on the right track, so that their parents could rest assured.

Mrs. Weasley was grateful to Charles for helping her four and five children to go on the right path, and specially made some snacks for him.

Ginny continued: "Mom also said that she would invite you to come to our house during the summer vacation."

Charles could only say that he would wait until then. He had agreed to help Fleur go to the Veela Secret Realm next summer to solve the problem. If he didn't change back to a boy when he came out by then, he would change his name and go to school elsewhere.

Charles only had one ancient rune class that afternoon. After class, he went to the garden and found a stone bench to sit down and read the letter.

When this garden glows at night, it becomes a place for couples to go on dates, exuding the sour smell of love. There are not many people during the day, and most of them are gatherings organized by some small societies.

Charles had previously written to friends asking whether alchemy studied metal resistance. Now the replies are coming in one after another, and everyone basically says they have never heard of it.

Valentina's reply said by the way that Kodosdorez will hold a potion championship next year, so Charles must come and have a surprise.

Charles thought that she might have prepared some "accidentally spoiled grape juice" or something like that.

It seems that there are no wizards studying the resistance of metals, which is a good thing for Charles. It is easiest to achieve results by exploring blank areas.

The old man also asked a professor from the University of Manchester to write a review of the current status of superconducting research. It should be that the professor left this work to his students, and the students pieced together this book.

Maybe it's because the author thinks this book is for capitalists or politicians who don't understand technology. The introduction at the beginning is detailed and easy to understand, and the following part is simply a collection of abstracts of various related papers in recent years. As long as the relevant things are relevant, go to Stuffed inside.

But because of this, Charles saw the Nobel Prize in Physics waving to him.

"What are you looking at so fascinated by?"

Dumbledore's inquiry awakened Charles.

Only then did Charles realize that it was already dark around him, and he didn't notice it as he was sitting next to a flower that was used as a street lamp.

Dumbledore continued: "Thinking is good, but you can't skip dinner."

Only then did Charles realize that he was very hungry and that it was already an hour before dinner time.

He didn't care so much. Nobel was waving to him, so he put the meal aside.

"Hey Hey……"

Charles suddenly smiled weirdly, scaring Dumbledore so much that he took half a step back and immediately took out his brow-level wand to treat him.

"Headmaster!" he said to Dumbledore: "I apply to use the Time-Turner with Hermione."

Dumbledore asked: "What do you want to do?"

Charles raised the corners of his mouth and asked with a smile: "Have you ever heard of the Muggle Nobel Prize?"

Dumbledore replied firmly: "I have heard of it, but I don't think you can win this award, the highest honor for a Muggle scholar."

Charles also knew the secret behind the Nobel Prize, but he had to give it a try. Anyway, he had to get something out first.

Dumbledore thought that Charles was acting out of imagination or had other agendas, so he vetoed his application to use a time turner.

"Okay then." Charles curled his lips, "Then principal, please teach me the magic spell to make the transparent glue stick up. I can use it."

Dumbledore took it as comfort and taught him this simple little spell on the spot.

After learning the lesson, Charles shook his head and said, "Your Excellency Dumbledore, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Dumbledore hit him on the head angrily with his eyebrow-level wand, and said with a tigerish face: "Don't talk nonsense, this is just a variation of the curse that lifts the curtains."

"Yes, yes." Charles looked like he would be surprised if he believed you.

The curse that makes transparent glue stick up is similar to the curse that lifts a skirt, so Charles used it to tease Dumbledore, who asked him not to use the time turner on himself.

Charles ran away before he was beaten again, and there was a lot to do next.

He had to ask the old man to find experts to write a paper on the cutting-edge of graphite research. However, he was not sure about using highly directional pyrolytic graphite and transparent glue to produce graphene. Under the conditions of Hogwarts, it could only be 300 nanometers. Using an optical microscope to use the interference effect of light waves to find graphene on a silicon wafer with a thick silicon oxide coating, graphene cannot be found if the thickness error of the silicon oxide coating exceeds 5%.

The problem is that information obtained through public channels is one thing, and actual operation is another. Who knows what the final result will be.

But I still have to try, just in case it succeeds.

Just think about the Nobel Prize. You can write a paper yourself, and at worst, publish it in the "Sun" and cause headaches to scholars who cite the paper in the future.

The more Charles thought about it, the more he felt that it would be interesting to publish such an important paper in The Sun. However, if he wanted to join the circle of materials science in the future, he might be slapped with a sack by experts in this field. It's exciting just thinking about it.

When he made up his mind, he found that he had returned to the common room. Harry and others were all looking at him, including Ron and Hermione, who had been arguing just now.

Parvati Patil was closest to Charles. He laughed and said to his female classmates: "Hey, Parvati, you are so beautiful today!"

In the past, Parvati might have blushed, but today Charles smiled so weirdly that it scared the girl.

Harry said with certainty: "Charles found the money."

Hermione added: "I picked up quite a few."

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