A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 322 The future is promising

On the first weekend of October, students in third grade and above at Hogwarts happily went to have breakfast. After eating, they went to Hogsmeade for a walk.

The Harry trio had just descended the stairs when they met the Malfoy trio plus Pansy Parkinson coming up from the basement.

A sinister smile appeared on Malfoy's face, and he said to Harry in a sinister tone: "Potter, are you going to play with the dementors again today? They will definitely be happy to give you a hug when they see your face twisting in fear. kiss."

Pansy screamed strangely from the side: "Hoo~ho~ the dementors are coming, Potter run quickly and hey..."

Harry glanced sideways at Malfoy and said, "Malfoy, Charles is looking for you."

Malfoy's face instantly turned pale and he looked around, fearing that Charles would appear next to him.

Rumor has it that Boggart turned into Charles in front of Malfoy during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and Malfoy was so frightened that he almost ran away from the classroom.

Charles was going downstairs with three girls, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Padma Patil, mainly because Lavender asked him about divination.

In the first divination class of this school year, Professor Trelawney said that something Lavender was afraid of would happen on October 16th this year. Since October, Lavender has been worried so much that she cannot eat or sleep well.

Today Parvati suggested that Lavender and Charles talk about this matter and see if there is any way.

Charles was a little helpless and could only say: "There are many things a person is afraid of. If you take precautions against the thing you are most afraid of, the second thing you are afraid of will become the thing you are most afraid of."

Professor Trelawney has real skills. Who knows if her predictions have predicted yours.

Lavender was very depressed, it was as if he hadn't said anything.

Padma said to her: "As long as you are not afraid of anything, nothing will happen."

Charles felt that the Indian Ravenclaw girl had a point.

Several people came to the cafeteria while they were talking. After everyone sat down, Seamus asked Charles: "Is there still a lottery in your restaurant today?"

Charles replied: "Starting this month, the prizes will include vouchers."

Fred, who was passing by, immediately came over after hearing this and asked Charles lazily: "Is there really a voucher?"

George next to him looked at Ginny and thought about it, wondering whether he should take her out secretly to draw a lottery.

They have a lot of Weasleys, so each of them takes a little bit, which adds up to a lot of money.

"That's right." Charles nodded and said, "In addition to vouchers, there are also discount coupons."

The twins immediately went to find Ron and Percy.

After having breakfast, Charles went to the small building of the Centaur Liaison Office in Hogsmeade and found an unexpected visitor.

In the living room, Grindelwald looked at the high-precision resistance tester on the table, very curious, but did not dare to move it.

Charles asked him curiously: "Why are you here?"

Grindelwald replied: "Leave a box in your restaurant for Halloween. I want to meet Dumbledore."

Charles thought for a while and said: "It's not a problem to reserve a box. I have arranged a special box for you and it is not open to other people."

"But I'm afraid the timing won't work. In the past two years, something has happened in Hogwarts on Halloween. In Millennium, Quirrell, controlled by Voldemort, released the troll. Last year, the Basilisk came out. I'm worried that something will happen again this year."

Grindelwald thought for a moment and said, "That's true. Hogwarts has a problem with its feng shui. Sometimes it's quite evil."

Charles blinked and asked in disbelief: "Do you know how to read Feng Shui?"

Grindelwald replied: "I understand a little bit."

Charles didn't bother to care whether he really knew how to read Feng Shui or had been deceived before. He took out things and prepared to do experiments.

Grindelwald watched him running around the living room, cutting all the lead wires processed with alchemy into 4 meters long, bending them and placing them on the floor in preparation for measuring resistance.

Charles turned on the resistance tester, which was still available here, and tested several known resistances. The readings were OK, and then began to measure the untreated lead wire as a reference.

The resistivity of lead is 0.2084Ω·㎜/m. At 20°C, the resistance of a 4m long, 1mm diameter lead wire as a reference sample is 1.0614Ω. At this point, the difference caused by temperature changes can be ignored.

Charles took the test five times and recorded it on a form.

Grindelwald asked him: "What are you doing?"

"You don't understand this." Jack suddenly appeared, "My grandson is doing something worthy of leaving his name in the history books."

Grindelwald said angrily: "Aren't you going on a date?"

Jack shook his head and said, "Charles's matters are more important today."

While the two were talking, they noticed that Charles was frowning and scratching his head while measuring the second set of lead wires, as if something was wrong.

Jack asked: "What's wrong, the machine is broken?"

Charles scratched his head and said: "The machine is not broken, but the softened lead wire seems to have become an insulator."

Jack knew what an insulator was and what a conductor was, and said in disbelief: "No way, wouldn't it be the opposite of what you expected?"

Charles shook his head and said: "This is good news. It shows that alchemy can change the resistance of metals. I will try the next set."

As he was recording the data, Jack said: "I heard that material research is very expensive and requires little experiments to improve the formula."

Charles nodded and said, "Yeah, it's just a waste of money until there are no results."

Jack added: "You don't have to worry about money. If we run out of money, we will go to Gringotts to get...borrow some money."

Charles said with a black line: "Isn't this good? There was quite a big fuss last time. The goblins must have stepped up their defenses."

Grindelwald said something that almost frightened him: "That money is what the goblins are going to use to launch a rebellion."

Jack continued: "Rebellion is inseparable from manpower, material and financial resources. That year I just eliminated the rebellion in the first stage, and subsequent operations could not continue, so the money remained untouched and increased."

While measuring the third set of lead wires, Charles asked, "What are your plans?"

Grindelwald said: "I want to contact Voldemort and work with them to deal with the goblins."

Charles said indifferently: "I will not participate in what you big guys do."

"Oh, this works!"

The resistance of this set of color-changing lead wires was only about 3mΩ, which gave Charles a glimmer of hope.

He was too lazy to care about the two old men scheming against goblins. One used to kill goblins like a meal, and the other was a wily strategist who once dominated the world. The two of them brought Voldemort and Death Eaters to the front, and couldn't figure out how to lose.

Now it is measured that the resistance of the fourth set of lead wires that have raised the melting point has dropped to the micro-ohm level, which shows that the use of alchemy to make superconducting materials is promising in the future, and I have concentrated on this.

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