A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 324 Become a human

After October, the weather became colder and colder, but the relationship between Ron and Hermione quickly heated up, reaching a fever pitch on the night of the second Friday in October.

"All petrified!"

A petrifying spell was shot from the top of Ron's wand, hitting Crookshanks' tail, and his whole body stiffened.

With a "thud", Crookshanks fell heavily from the long table to the ground, and the box of chocolate frogs in his mouth rolled aside.

"Ron!" Hermione suddenly became furious, dropped her quill, and raised her wand to cast a spell on Ron.

"Take care of your beast!" Ron was angrier than her. "If you can't take care of it, someone will help you!"

After Ron finished yelling, he went over to pick up the chocolate frog box from the ground, checked that Scabbers was okay inside, and went back to the dormitory before Percy came over.

Hermione ignored Ron and went over to break the curse for Crookshanks.

The people around them could only shake their heads. The two of them were having trouble four times in three days, and even Charles didn't care. Others were even more confused.

Charles was sitting on the other side of the long table today, concentrating on sorting out the data from the resistance experiment after finishing his homework.

He wanted to study whether the resistance of alchemically treated lead wires would change over time. He had obtained a small privilege these days. He could go to Hogsmeade to measure it after dinner, but he only had one hour.

After finishing the resistance data, there is still the experimental data in the greenhouse to sort out. Many herbs have shown differences, the seedlings are stronger, and some have grown new leaves in advance.

So he doesn't have time to care about Pidan and the others.

An owl flew into the common room and landed on Charles' head.

Ruby is eating candy nearby, showing that she has learned.

Charles took down the owl with a black thread, the owl from the Diagon Alley Owl Post Office, notorious for its tendency to sit on the heads of recipients and a champion of business.

There was a letter tied to the owl's foot. Charles took it off and opened it, his face suddenly darkened.

“It’s so expensive!”

His exclamation made Seamus next to him curious.

Seamus asked him: "What makes you feel expensive?"

In everyone's eyes, Charles is better at spending money than the Malfoy family, and his ability to make money is even better. He said that expensive things must be ridiculously expensive.

Charles just shook his head and said, "Nothing."

He didn't expect that life-size silicone dolls produced by movie prop companies would be so expensive, and 1:1 ship girls would no longer be a necessity in a short time.

Forget about the cheap ones, they can scare people to death.

If the big one doesn't work, try a smaller one. Try a 60cm high one.

Charles asked Neville across the long table: "Neville, do you know who makes those armors in Hogwarts?"

Neville's family has many paths and knows a lot of people, but this time he shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of anyone making armor now."

Charles thought the same thing. The armors in Hogwarts were hundreds of years old. The market was limited and no one had made them for a long time.

He asked Neville again: "Do you know anyone who makes dolls?"

Neville continued to shake his head and replied: "I don't know, I don't play with dolls."

At this time, Ginny, who was sitting at the second grade table behind Charles, turned around and said, "Charles, do you want to buy a doll? I know where to buy one."

Charles found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. Of course, it was most convenient to ask a girl about this kind of thing.

He took out a package of peach cakes sent by Fang Xian and gave it to Ginny.

After Ginny took the peach shortbread, she said: "You can go to the Jumping Magic Joke Shop in Diagon Alley or Zuko's Joke Shop in Hogsmeade. They will sell a lot of toys in their stores. I'm in Jumping Magic." Joke shops have seen singing dolls.”

"That's it!" Charles then remembered that the joke shop that sold toys did sell dolls, but he was not interested in them before so he didn't take them to heart.

Ginny asked him curiously: "You want to buy a doll?"

Charles made a random excuse: "I want to use it to greet guests in the restaurant."

Ginny said, "I thought you were giving it away."

Seamus said from the side: "Maybe he is playing by himself."

Charles was too lazy to pay attention to him. He held his chin and thought for a while. When he went to Hogsmeade to measure the data tomorrow, he stopped by Zuko's Joke Shop to ask.

Ginny asked Charles, "What kind of doll would you like to play with?"

Charles thought for a while, took out paper and pen and started drawing.

He bought a colored quill pen at Wenrenju Quill Shop. There are 24 colors on the feathers. When you click on it, the corresponding ink will appear under the pen.

The human figure drawn by Charles has long golden shawl hair, a big red bow on the head, sky blue pupils, wearing a dark blue dress similar to a maid's outfit, a white apron and shawl, and a chest tie. Wearing a red bow tie, black leather shoes, white socks, and white pumpkin pants.

Seamus and Ginny watched Charles painting the doll, and Neville also leaned over to take a look.

Ruby was indispensable for joining in the fun. She put her head on Charles's shoulder, and Ginny broke the peach shortbread into small pieces and fed it to her.

But at the end of the painting, Ginny asked curiously: "Why did you prepare weapons for it?"

Charles drew a knight's lance, a two-handed sword, a shield, a bow and other weapons on the side, and said as he drew: "Prevent the ruby ​​from sneaking into the kitchen."

Ruby pecked him twice on the skull.

The next day, Charles brought the drawings to Zuko's Joke Shop and handed them to the owner, Billton Billmes.

Bill Mays's dress has quite a comedic effect. He wears a sky blue coat every day. The two curved beards on his lips extend wider than his face on both sides. There is only a small amount of light blond hair on the top of his head.

After looking at Charles's drawings, he said: "There is no problem with such a doll. Is it a gift or for your own use?"

Charles replied: "For my own use."

Bill Mays looked at Charles, thought about his age, was silent for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Does that require some... special functions?"

Charles didn't hear the hint and said, "There are no requirements. It's best to be strong."

"I understand." Bill Mays said clearly, "It will definitely be strong enough."

Charles thought for a while and then said: "I hope its inner layer is like the armor in Hogwarts Castle, made of steel, and the outer layer is covered with a layer of skin that is easier to replace."

"By the way, I will assemble it myself in the end."

This figure was meant for fighting and had to be strong, and he also planned to use alchemy to strengthen the internal components.

Bill Mays graduated from Hufflepuff College, so he naturally knows how to wear armor.

He was a little surprised by this request, frowned and said, "If this happens, it will be very hard and uncomfortable."

Charles asked with a question mark on his head: "What's wrong?"

Bill Mess replied in a low voice: "Well...when I hold him."

Charles had a black line on his face and understood what he meant, and said angrily: "I'm going to use this in the restaurant!"

"Oh!" Bill Mess looked enlightened, "I told you earlier."

Charles stared at him angrily and didn't want to speak.

A steel doll like this was a little pricey, but Charles paid for it with a voucher from the Dancing Grass restaurant, which Bill Mays happily accepted.

He had originally planned to take his family to dinner when the restaurant opened on Halloween Eve a while later, and Charles even arranged for him to have a seat on the second floor.

There is nothing we can do about the private rooms on the third floor. Everything that is open to the public is left to the head of the Ministry of Magic. Charles still wants to let the Ministry of Magic use public funds to eat and drink.

Bill Mays said that the internal steel structure of this doll is more complicated, but it is not a big problem and can be completed in two or three days.

And he doesn’t do this work himself, he is just the shop owner. The goods in the shop are made by others and sold. The human-shaped clothes are made by the apprentices of the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store in the village.

The relevant matters were quickly negotiated. During this period, Charles could come to Hogsmeade for an hour every day, just to see if everything was done well.

When he was about to leave, Bill Mays said to him: "You are also a member of the village now. Our Villagers Association plans to hold a meeting at Three Broomsticks next Saturday morning. We hope you will come to participate."

Charles said, "No problem, it happens to be Hogsmeade week."

"You didn't know?" Bill Mace was a little surprised, "Next week's Hogsmeade week will be changed to All Hallows' Eve."

Charles really didn't know this.

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