A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 325 Ready for mass production

In the boys' dormitory, several boys built a fence around Ron's bed.

Harry went to Hagrid to get the wood and rope for the fence. The gaps allowed Scabbers to get in, but there was nothing Crookshanks could do.

Ron distributed snacks to everyone and said at the same time: "Now Scabbers can be inside, and you don't have to be afraid of that beast."

Harry sighed inwardly. During this period of time, he had been sandwiched between Ron and Hermione and had a difficult time.

He took the two of them to Hagrid's place, and Hagrid came up with such a solution.

After Seamus finished helping, he returned to his room and saw that Charles had found a large bucket from somewhere, filled it with potion, and was putting some metal in it.

"What are you doing?" Seamus asked curiously.

He went over and took a look, and the corners of his mouth twitched. It looked a bit like a scene of dismemberment of a human corpse.

If the limbs in the bucket weren't made of metal, he would be looking for an Auror right now.

Charles didn't reply, just quietly doing his own thing, putting the humanoid metal parts into the potion, and then casting the spell.

The parts in the potion began to change color, and after drinking a bottle of happy water, everything turned into a dark golden color.

Charles took all the parts out of the potion, wiped them clean, and started assembling them.

Seamus was eating snacks and watching as he assembled the inner structure of the humanoid, installed the eyes, put on the skin, put on clothes, combed the hair, and finally tied the red bow.

"It's quite cute." Seamus looked at the human figure that Charles had assembled carefully, "Who do you want to give it to?"

He felt that it would be a waste to use such a cute doll as a waiter in a restaurant, and it would be just right to give it to a girl.

Charles replied: "Daughter."

Seamus didn't think there was anything wrong with this answer. He looked like it was a normal operation and nodded and said, "Indeed, you rarely talk to her recently."

Charles didn't reply. He put the figure on the desk and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Seamus saw that he was holding the wand as if he was about to cast a spell, so he took two steps back without making any sound, for fear of disturbing him.

The biggest difference between the Sorting Hat and the Magic Smart Painting is that the Smart Painting acts based on the "database" installed by the producer and has no ability to innovate. However, the Sorting Hat can perform limited thinking and innovation, such as compiling a song every year.

Most importantly, the Sorting Hat has the ability to use some kind of Legilimency to tell which house a student should go to.

Therefore, it is normal for the humanoid to use some rainbow special effects spells or sit in front of the computer and work as a coder.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the producer himself can copy the past.

Charles is also worried about causing an omnic crisis, so the content to be copied must be carefully selected and banned at the bottom.

In the principal's office, Dumbledore was hesitating whether to dig up Peter's grave to see if the bone of the finger was cut open or blown off.

Suddenly, the magic he had left behind to detect the basilisk made him feel that something was wrong in the castle, and he suddenly apparated to Charles and Seamus' dormitory.

Seamus had already run to the door, not daring to approach, but curious, so he watched the excitement with Harry and the others.

Charles stood in front of the table, not holding a wand in his hand, but touching the golden hair of the human figure with his hand, and a flaming fire erupted from his body, mixed with dots of white starlight.

"Activate the source of magic,"

"Let magic reverberate in the air,"

"This body is my shadow,"

"Steel for the body,"

"Fire is blood,"

"The stars that adorn the ancient sky gather into the shining soul of new life,"

"The light illuminates the void,"

"The power shakes the heaven and the earth,"

"Beyond the boundaries of time and space, come!"

Everyone, including Dumbledore, felt a burst of light sting their eyes, making it impossible to see everything around them clearly for a short time.

When everyone's vision returned to normal, they saw that the human figure on the table had stood up and was staring at Charles.

Dumbledore walked over, observed it carefully for a while, and couldn't help but sigh: "Charles, I didn't expect you to succeed so quickly."

Seamus, Harry, Neville and others also gathered around and noticed that the humanoid's eyes moved to look at them, and they suddenly exclaimed.

Charles didn't say anything, he just took out a blank parchment book with a black cover and sealed the humanoid two-dimensional form on the first page.

Seamus and the others were very curious and wanted to ask more about the situation and take a look, but something seemed wrong about a group of boys playing with dolls, so they dispersed.

Charles didn't want too many people to know the function of this humanoid, so he went to the Response Room to test it when he had time.

Dumbledore saw the bucket containing alchemy potions next to the table, with some small weapons soaked in it, and understood something.

During lunch break the next day, Charles did not go to the greenhouse. After lunch, he went to the Response Room and released the human form.

Charles said to it: "Start."

The humanoid stood on the ground, opened his blue eyes, and said in a clear and lovely voice: "Shanghai Unit Zero has started and started self-checking. The energy system is normal, the movement system is normal, the detection system is normal, the casting system is normal, and the self-destruction system is not online... …”

It performs a set of radio gymnastics at the same time as self-examination. The range of movements of radio gymnastics is large, and the main joints are moved, which can comprehensively test the body's activity performance.

Then it cast a spell on itself to float up, flew twice in the air, and finally hovered in front of Charles.

Charles nodded with satisfaction, pointed to a row of targets in the distance and said, "Each target uses a magic spell."

There is a small piece of extremely rough wand in each fingertip of the humanoid fingers and toes, which is a piece of wood with a piece of unicorn tail hair pierced in the middle, used for aiming.

Charles installed several spells on the Shanghai doll, including the snot spell and the burping spell for mischief as non-lethal attacks, the petrification spell and the freezing spell to control enemies, and the cleaning spell, lighting spell and lock-picking spell for daily use. Currently, he plans to So much for the public curse.

The smell of burnt wood filled the Room of Requirement, and a red beam of light shot out from the fingers of the Shanghai figure, burning through the wooden target in the blink of an eye.

This is an offensive spell from Ilvermorny College in the United States. Moss Jeff taught it to Charles when he had nothing to do. Not only can it kill enemies, but it can also be used to do tasks such as chopping down trees.

This laser-like curse, along with the Rainbow Avada Kedavra and the Air Fryer Curse, are used as a means of killing when necessary.

Charles was very satisfied, so he took out a deck of playing cards, randomly picked out four cards, let it count 24, and then played a game of two-player Landlords.

Tests have proven that the Shanghai doll’s intelligence and thinking ability are qualified and can be mass-produced. Next, research on coder-type dolls can be carried out, and the cost of starting a company can be greatly reduced.

It was time for class, and Charles took the Shanghai dolls back. On the way to the Transfiguration Classroom, he thought about using the public funds of the restaurant to make a batch of waiters to guide customers. After a while, when he has money, he can order dozens of them. Hundreds.

Now that Voldemort is dormant, the old man and the others want to attack the goblins. It is necessary to increase their armed forces. When the world is peaceful in the future, they can be allowed to clean and work as security guards at Farbarton Castle.

Charles came to the door of the classroom and saw everyone waiting for Professor McGonagall to open the door. He also saw Lavender Brown crying very sadly.

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