A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 326 The divination came true

Lavender Brown received a letter after breakfast today. The content inside made her lose energy all morning, and she couldn't help crying just now.

Parvati put her arm around Lavender's shoulders to comfort her and explained the situation to the students around her.

Lavender's family has a rabbit named Binky. This morning a letter came from home saying that the rabbit jumped to his death from the building.

Seamus scratched his head and asked, "Why did the rabbit jump off the building?"

"I should have known this a long time ago!" Lavender said, wiping away tears, "Do you know what day today is?"

"October 16th." Neville covered his mouth in surprise, "Professor Trelawney said that something you are afraid of will happen today!"

Hermione asked Lavender: "Are you afraid a rabbit will jump out of the window?"

At this time, Charles said to Hermione: "How many times have I told you to grasp the key points."

"The process is not the point, the point is the result. Whether it is jumping from a building or hitting a tree, the result is that Binky is dead. This is what Brown is afraid of."

Hermione asked again: "Then why are you afraid of it dying?"

Lavender continued to wipe her tears and said: "There is a fox near my house. I was worried that Binky would be bitten to death by a fox, so I wrote back and asked my mother to lock him in my room."

"But the program on the radio had the sound of a wolf, and when he heard it, he was frightened and jumped out of the window."

Hermione continued: "But this is not logical. This thing did not happen on the 16th today. You just learned about it today. This does not mean that the divination is correct."

"Ignore Hermione, Lavender." Ron shouted angrily, "She always thinks other people's pets don't matter."

"Charles also said that there will be a slight deviation in divination, and a day or two is nothing."

The students around him nodded in agreement.

Hermione seemed very angry and her face turned red.

At this time, Dean Thomas seemed to have discovered a new world and said to Charles: "Charles, did you divine this matter a long time ago, so the doll yesterday was given to Lavender?"

Many people are curious about why Charles made a moving doll last night. It stands to reason that boys wouldn’t play with this. If you look at what happened with Lavender today, it seems to make sense. Charles knows that dolls can move. Wende's rabbit will die, so he prepared this gift.

Lavender also thought this was a possibility and looked at Charles in surprise, only to see Charles rolling his eyes at Thomas.

Seamus shook his head and said, "You're wrong, that's for Hermione."

Now everyone, including Lavender, felt that Seamus was right. It was normal for Charles to send something to Hermione, and there was no need for a reason at all.

At this time Neville said: "Professor Trelawney's divination of Lavender is accurate. Does that mean... Harry will die?!"

Everyone then remembered that in the divination class that day, in addition to Seamus causing a big explosion and predicting that something would happen to Lavender, there was also the fact that Harry would die if he saw a dog.

According to Charles, even if there was an error, he would probably have to be hospitalized if he didn't die.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall opened the classroom door. Hearing the second half of Neville's words, he frowned and asked, "Longbottom, what are you talking about? Why did Potter die?"

Professor McGonagall just now heard that Professor Trelawney predicted the death of a student in the first class a month and a half ago. She nonchalantly told everyone that the basic test was wrong, and it happened every year, but no one died.

But in the case of Lavender, everyone didn't believe it.

After class, Professor McGonagall asked Charles to wait.

She said to Charles: "Don't forget about the Hogsmeade Villagers' Council meeting tomorrow."

Professor McGonagall once lived in Hogsmeade, and moved to the castle after her husband died. Now the house is rented to the Centaur Liaison Office, and she is still one of the most prestigious elders.

Because Charles bought Fallbottom Castle and opened the Dancing Grass Restaurant, he is now a part of Hogsmeade like the owners of the shops there.

Although he is still underage and is not eligible to participate in the meeting according to tradition, he has the Order of Merlin, First Class, which allows him to participate under the exception.

Charles asked curiously: "Professor, what will be done in this meeting?"

He originally planned to just be familiar with each other by then, and didn't want to get involved in village affairs yet.

Who knows what long-standing grudges those villagers have privately, and it wouldn't be fun if they were used as pawns.

So ask clearly about the situation, and the worst possible outcome is to keep pace with Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall sighed and said: "Recently, dementors have been checking Hogsmeade too frequently. Many residents' children were frightened when their homes were searched, and many shops were affected."

"Now everyone has decided to write a letter of protest to the Ministry of Magic and let the dementors patrol outside the village and not enter the village."

Charles understood in his heart that this matter must be supported.

The Dancing Grass Restaurant will open in half a month. If some unfriendly dementors make trouble at that time, there will be no need to close the business.

The meeting held in the Three Broomsticks pub the next day was full of anger and turned into a meeting of complaints, especially when the dementors came to search in the middle of the meeting.

A resident who worked as a reporter for the Daily Prophet wrote a letter of protest on the spot and revised it three times because the criticism was not harsh enough.

When the signatures began, Professor McGonagall was the first to sign, and Charles signed the second as a recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class.

After the meeting, Charles went to Zuko's Joke Shop again and showed the Shanghai Humanoid Zero to Bildon Bilmes.

"Welcome, do you have an appointment?"

After seeing how the Shanghai doll greeted the guests, Bill Mays turned to Charles and said, "Are you asking Professor Dumbledore for help?"

In his opinion, only Dumbledore could make the doll so vivid and lifelike.

Charles said proudly: "I did this myself, it's awesome."

Bill Mess looked at him in surprise, not believing it in his heart.

Charles didn't care whether he believed it or not and continued to place the order: "I want to sell some more. The clothes and bows are in seven colors. I want three of each color first. No weapons. Is it too late?"

This time he decided to use the public funds of the Dancing Grass Restaurant to hire a group of waiters, who only needed to guide the guests to their seats.

Bill Mays did the math and said, "No problem, it can be done within ten days."

Ten days later it was October 27, four days before graduation, enough time for Charles to cast the spell.

As the opening time got closer, Charles began to get busy. Inviting ribbon-cutting guests was a headache for him.

Jack said he would go to the ribbon cutting.

Grindelwald said that he would go and invite Dumbledore, and he would talk about goblins after cutting the ribbon.

In terms of celebrities, staff master Ollivander agreed to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony and helped invite Barnabas Guffey, editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet, and Aidan Linzy, captain of the Irish Quidditch national team.

At the Ministry of Magic, Charles invited Scrimgeour. He promised to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony and also promised to help invite Fudge, but Fudge never responded.

Charles was a little regretful that Voldemort was hiding and couldn't be found, otherwise he would have invited him.

So he gave the spot to another person.

"Am I going to attend the ribbon-cutting?" Harry was startled. These days, everyone was discussing his death, and he was tired of it.

If Voldemort can't come, then a piece of his soul plus the "savior" Harry Potter will come.

Charles also gave Rita Skeeter a coupon and a VIP card, and asked her to come over that day to help write soft articles.

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