A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 331 Changing teams

A rain greeted the arrival of November. It rained non-stop and the weather became colder and colder.

An umbrella bucket appears next to the castle gate. There are three umbrellas in it. If you take one away, it will be automatically replenished, and when you return it, it will automatically disappear.

The umbrella is big enough for three people to stand on it. Smaller girls can stand up to four if they squeeze in.

Once the dark umbrella is opened, no matter how violent the storm is outside, no one can enter the vertical projection range of the umbrella. Inside is bright sunshine, blue sky, cotton candy-like white clouds, and slowly flying butterflies from time to time forming a "Dancing Grass Restaurant" "Welcome" makes people feel like they are under the bright spring sun.

This is prepared by Charles for students who go to the greenhouse to participate in planting experiments, and students who go to herbalism classes can also use it.

There was an herbology class that day. On the way to the greenhouse, Hannah Abbott said seriously to Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil under the umbrella: "That night Black turned into a flowering plant. The flowered bush sneaked into the castle."

Lavender asked her, "How can a bush walk?"

Hannah explained to her: "His legs are like tree roots."

Now almost everyone in Hogwarts is discussing how Blake sneaked into the castle. Various speculations from students are emerging. Hannah's statement is quite reliable. Some people say that Blake flew in dressed as a dementor.

At the same time, there was another piece of gossip secretly circulating among the students.

That night, Snape tried to frame Charles for helping Black sneak into the castle, but was threatened by Charles with an old incident and had to apologize.

At that time, some students could not sleep in a strange environment and heard the conversation clearly. The content spread quickly and fermented the next day, especially among Slytherin House.

Charles was using a knife to make a small slit in the palm-sized flesh and put in a few needle-sized herbal seeds.

When the seeds of this man-eating vine mature, they will cover the entire vine. When an animal passes by, the vine will hit the animal hard. The seeds left on the wound will germinate directly in the flesh and take root in the flesh. Finally, the animal will die. Where to thrive.

Therefore, students should be careful when handling. If they accidentally cut a cut on their fingers and have seeds stuck to them, it will be very troublesome to deal with.

Charles operated carefully, but Professor Sprout looked at him with strange eyes from time to time, and he couldn't concentrate for a while.

He raised his head and asked, "Professor, is there something on my face?"

Professor Sprout shook his head slightly and said, "It doesn't look like that."

Charles asked in confusion: "What do I look like?"

Professor Sprout said: "I heard several Slytherin students say in the last class that Severus might be your father. You found your mother who was always abandoned by him, so you threatened her with this matter." he."

Charles was instantly stunned. The fact that he was picked up from the trash can gave many people room to use their imagination, but the connection between this matter and Snape was so weird that his brain shut down for two minutes.

He hurriedly denied: "No, no, don't talk nonsense!"

Now Charles was ready to sprinkle devil's chili oil on the Slytherin table.

Professor Sprout nodded and said, "It doesn't look alike to me either. You guys look completely different."

"Well, I thought Severus was going to call Minerva mother."

Charles blinked, good guy, you are just watching the fun and don't mind it, right?

To Charles's relief, the rumor didn't spread at all, as something slightly distracted the students.

"Malfoy was sent to the school doctor's office?"

Charles looked at Harry with some surprise. After getting the news, the boy happily came to the dormitory to tell him.

Harry smiled and said, "Yes, today Malfoy bullied a first-year Ravenclaw student. Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil happened to pass by after class and they gave him a hard slap. Beaten up."

He was happy when Malfoy was deflated. This time Malfoy was sent to the school hospital. He came over to share his happiness with Charles and asked for a bottle of happy water to celebrate.

Charles turned his head and looked out the window at the dark and stormy night. He handed over the happy water and said, "He did it on purpose."

Harry asked in confusion: "You mean he was beaten on purpose? Did he want to extort medical expenses because he had no money?"

Charles pointed out the window and said: "I'm afraid this rain won't stop until the weekend. Slytherin's seeker is injured, which is enough reason not to compete. Then another house will compete with you."

Harry suddenly realized, gritted his teeth and said, "They can do this kind of thing!"

No one wants to play in windy and rainy weather. Not only is the wind and rain uncomfortable, but the rain will also seriously affect the line of sight, which seriously interferes with the Seeker's search for the Golden Snitch.

It doesn't matter if Harry himself suffers in the game, because the Slytherin team - especially Malfoy - also suffers together, and it doesn't matter if everyone suffers together.

Now that I am fine, I continue to suffer. The people who should suffer together no longer come to suffer, and they are replaced by others who should not suffer. This is very annoying.

"No, we can't let the Slytherin team succeed!" Harry looked ferocious at this time, "I'm going to find Professor Wood and McGonagall!"

Harry left with the momentum of "I want everyone to die together".

This time Black sneaked into the castle and Harry was most affected. The professors all thought Black was here to kill him, so they arranged for someone to protect him.

Now, as soon as Harry left the common room, Percy or Seamus followed him as a guard, and when he trained with his teammates in the rain on the Quidditch pitch after dinner, Mrs. Hooch or Lupin watched from the stands.

Harry was a good boy, and he felt very sorry for causing trouble to others, especially when Mrs. Hooch and Lupine were in the rain with him. They should have been doing what they wanted to do in a warm room.

At this time, the Slytherin team, which was the target of the competition, was cheating. If Harry were German, he would have dropped his glasses on the table by now.

Harry left in a hurry, and after an unknown amount of time, he came back dejected.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter."

Dobby happened to come over to deliver the documents, but he didn't expect the person he admired to show up.

Harry glanced at Dobby, who was wearing a suit, sunglasses and a big gold chain, and confirmed that it was him. Then he weakly said hello: "Oh, Dobby, good evening."

Seeing him like this, Dobby asked with concern: "Mr. Potter, are you sick?"

"No." Harry forced a smile and said to Charles, "Charles, you guessed it right."

"Wood went to find Professor McGonagall, and just after dinner, when we were training on the pitch, the game was changed and it was Hufflepuff."

Charles looked as if this was indeed the case, and took a set of thermal underwear from the bag and threw it to him.

Harry's expression was a little strange after taking the clothes. Charles had given him a lot of things over the years, but giving him personal clothes was a bit wrong.

Charles adjusted his glasses and continued to read the documents. At the same time, he said: "This is a piece of clothing with an iron armor charm. If you put it on, you won't be afraid of falling from the sky."

Harry has always been confident in his control of the broomstick. No one can question his flying skills, not even Charles.

So he said unhappily, "I don't think I'm going to fall off the broom."

At this time, Dobby guiltily said to Harry: "Mr. Potter, Dobby is sorry..."

He was not idle when he was talking. He turned around and held the legs of Charles' chair with both hands, intending to hit his head on it.

Normally Harry wouldn't fall off his broomstick, but he was knocked off his broomstick by Dobby last year and almost died.

Charles was still afraid of this. Harry was unconscious for a long time, so he took the resurrection stone and made it into an amulet for him to wear, which brought him back.

Harry hurriedly stopped Dobby, pulled him over and said, "I have forgiven you."

At this time, there was thunder outside. Charles held his chin and thought for a while, and thought of something interesting to do.

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