A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 332 Peeves gets beaten

The day's plan starts with breakfast. As a new day arrives, students head to the cafeteria in groups.

"Ginny, come here." Charles waved to the little Weasley girl with a smile on his face that didn't look like a good person.

Ginny happily ran over, stretched out her hand and asked, "Do you have anything delicious for me?"

Upon seeing this, Hermione also came over to see what snacks and snacks were available this time and try some for herself.

Although I’m ready to have breakfast, it doesn’t matter. For girls, snacks are in another stomach.

However, today instead of giving Ginny a snack, Charles gave her a note and whispered a few words to her.

"Really?" Ginny blushed slightly, it was like this every time Charles told her about Harry.

When others talked about Harry with Ginny, they always talked about Harry as a classmate, but Charles was different. He regarded the two of them as boyfriend and girlfriend, which made Ron very dissatisfied.

Charles pointed to the window in the corridor of the castle and said: "Of course it is true. Look at the weather, it will definitely come in handy then."

"If you can't teach yourself, you can ask Professor Flitwick for help."

Ginny thanked Charles and immediately turned and ran away.

Hermione went over and asked Charles: "What spells are you teaching Ginny? Are they those weird curses?"

She had seen Charles use some curses to hurt people, many of which she had not seen in books or from other students, and she had never heard Charles tell the source.

Charles said helplessly: "Don't falsely accuse good people, you know the invulnerability spell, right?"

"I just learned it two days ago." Hermione asked him again, "Why did you teach it to Ginny?"

Charles shrugged and said, "The rain won't stop during the Quidditch match this weekend, and Harry is going to play. Understand."

Hermione understood and said at the same time: "I find that you seem to be...bringing Ginny and Harry together."

Some things that Charles did were not obvious to outsiders, but Harry didn't think about it that way. Hermione was very familiar with him, and as a fourteen-year-old girl, she was a little sensitive to this aspect of things, so she saw it right away.

Charles shrugged and said, "It's not like you don't know what Ginny is like to Harry. Harry doesn't hate Ginny either, but that head is on par with a troll in this respect. Ginny is a bit impulsive sometimes, I'm worried. If Lijiu didn't respond to her, she would do some strange things...like love potion or something."

"Oh, you two really broke my heart."

Hermione suddenly turned her head and looked at Charles with wide eyes, how could she listen to the gossip, but now the gossip got to her own head.

Charles held his chin and asked her: "It seems that I have never asked you before. Now that we are talking about this matter, I just want to ask, do you have a boyfriend?"

Hermione's face lost expression for a moment, and she silently took out a bottle of something like perfume from her bag and prepared to spray it on Charles.

Charles jumped two steps away in a hurry and said a little nervously: "You can't just take this out and play with it!"

The bottle contained apparently passivated explosive liquid. It would be easy to blow up a classroom with such a bottle.

Hermione said expressionlessly: "I prepared this for Black, you can try it first."

Charles shrank his neck and mentally mourned for Blake for two seconds.

After Blake sneaked into the castle last time, many students secretly prepared some things to deal with emergencies. Smoke bombs were the most common, and Fred and George made a fortune from this.

Peeves' laughter and the screams of the students could be heard in front of him. He snatched a schoolbag belonging to a cute first-year student and threw the contents all over the corridor.

Peeves threw his empty satchel aside and flew into the corridor ceiling.

Xiao Mengxin had never seen such a formation before. He was holding an empty schoolbag and looking at the textbooks and stationery on the ground at a loss.

Hermione walked over quickly, waved her wand and cast a spell, and the textbooks and documents flew back into her bag.

At this time, Peeves poked his head out of the ceiling again, and felt very unhappy when he saw Hermione helping others pack things.

So Peeves took advantage of Hermione's opportunity to comfort Meng Xin, and suddenly flew out of the ceiling, trying to steal Hermione's schoolbag.


Peeves didn't expect that Hermione's schoolbag was much heavier than he expected. He couldn't lift it up and hit his head against the wall next to him.

Hermione turned around subconsciously and punched Peeves.

Peeves never thought that Hermione would use her fist against him. He was sent flying backwards by the punch. It hit the wall next to Charles with a "snap" and stuck there like wallpaper. The whole ghost was stunned.

Charles was also dumbfounded. He had never slapped Peeves before, so he knew how hard his body was. It would take a lot of force to smash him into wallpaper.

The first-year newcomers immediately cheered. This was the first time they saw someone who could take care of Peeves.

Charles peeled Peeves off the wall, rolled him up into a ball, and disappeared from sight.

The students at breakfast soon learned of Hermione's feat, and they all looked at her with admiration.

Hermione lowered her head and ate her breakfast quietly, not speaking even a single letter.

It's okay to praise a fourteen-year-old girl for being smart and beautiful, but it's a big problem to praise her for being strong and bigger than Hagrid.

Harry said a few words excitedly, but was stared at by a look that made him too afraid to speak and lowered his head to eat breakfast.

Also silent at the Gryffindor table was Wood. He had been silent last night after receiving the news of the substitutions for Saturday's Quidditch match. All the tactics and training he had prepared to deal with Slytherin were null and void.

Breakfast time is over and more fun is coming.

Peeves returned to his original state, holding a tin trumpet he got from nowhere and shouting over the hall: "Slytherin, Slytherin, the House Quidditch team is a coward!"

"Captain Marcus Flint's courage is softer than Puff's fur. He didn't dare to play when it was raining outside, so he ran away with tricks!"

"Seeker Draco Malfoy only bullies younger students. The Gryffindor Seeker is in the same grade as him, and he was so frightened that he pretended to be sick on purpose!"

Peeves yelled loudly above the students in the cafeteria when he left, scolding the entire Slytherin House team from beginning to end. Even Lucius Malfoy bought the Nimbus 2001 broomstick for the house team last year. The incident was also brought out, and it was said that the idiot son was put into the hospital team and spent the money to repair the house.

The students were talking a lot, and the hall was suddenly in a mess.

The Slytherin students were scolding Peeves there, but they were no match for Peeves. In addition, it was true that they were trying to change the time of the game because of the weather, and they were defeated in a short time.

Someone goes to find Bloody Balor, the ghost that Peeves fears most.

But Barrow had already been hiding, and there were some people he didn't dare to mess with.

Apart from Barrow, the only one who could cure Peeves was Dumbledore, but the headmaster went out to do errands after breakfast.

Some things can't be weighed down by four ounces, and they can't be stopped even if they weigh a thousand kilograms. Those little clever things that harm others and benefit themselves cannot be seen in the light. Once exposed, they will fall into a situation where thousands of people will criticize them.

A conflict broke out within Slytherin House. The trigger was that a boy was rejected by a girl from Ravenclaw House who he was pursuing because of this.

No details of the conflict were released. It was only known that Marcus Flint and several others were carried to the school hospital. Now there was really no way to participate in the game on Saturday.

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