A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 336 The first business made a lot of money

Fat monk: "I have never seen this scene before."

Nearly Headless Nick: "Has this happened before?"

Peeves: "No, this is my first time."

Bloody Barro: "Shame on you."

The power of howling letters is huge. On Sunday morning, the owls, soaked by the heavy rain, sent more than ten howling letters to the captain and seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team. They roared at the same time, under the ceiling of the cafeteria. Ninety percent of the floating candles were extinguished by the shock, and large mosaics appeared on the ceiling like the sky.

Fortunately, Dumbledore told the students to run away in time, and no one was injured.

On the way to Hogsmeade, Seamus and Charles said: "The article "True Chivalry" in the Daily Prophet today was so well written, I was so happy to scold Slytherin!"

Charles just smiled. The news praised Cedric through yesterday's Quidditch match, while using the Slytherin team as a stepping stone. The news was written by Rita Skeeter, and Skeeter naturally received his revelation. .

Now Charles and Skeeter have established a good cooperative relationship. Firstly, Charles gave her enough money when he asked her to write soft articles. Secondly, when Charles asked her to cheat on people, he always had evidence. Although it has been deeply processed twice, it was all from By extension from the evidence, he is not afraid of going to court.

So this time Skeeter made a fuss about the fact that the Slytherin team was cheating on avoiding the bad weather, and even involved the professional players from Slytherin in the Quidditch League. These players couldn't deal with Skeeter, and they couldn't deal with the two. A student?

There were not as many students coming to Hogsmeade today as usual, and the business of the Dancing Grass Restaurant was also affected a bit.

But it wasn't a big problem. During lunch time, many wizards came through the fireplace to have lunch, which was not affected by the heavy rain at all.

The use of Floo powder in the restaurant is free, and five people who come to dine will receive free Floo powder for six people.

So there was a situation where wizards made money from Charles' Floo fans, and Charles made money from their meals.

Today, Charles is coming to Fallbarton Castle to see the renovation and handle some work. Seamus and Neville are also coming to watch the fun.

Now that the exterior of the castle has been repaired, more than half of the interior decoration has been completed, and it is expected to be officially put into use before Christmas.

Charles planned to ask Moss Jeff to bring his department back to work after the Christmas break, and next summer after Kitov and Louis Manz graduated, he would start to officially recruit people to get the work done.

"Wow!" Seamus was stunned by a large room in the castle, "Will you work here in the future?"

Charles smiled and said: "This is the rest area."

This rest area was designed by him. The outer wall is transparent and you can see the outside scenery. Next to it are small white round tables and chairs that can seat three or four people. The wall against the wall can seat six to eight people. There is a personal booth with a long S-shaped curved table in the middle that almost runs through the entire rest area, and there are many chairs next to it.

There are several tables in the rest area with drinks and snacks on them. The entertainment area has games such as simulated Quidditch and wizard chess. There is also a row of three-packed lounge chairs at the end, where you can read, think or take a lunch break alone.

Although the company has not yet opened, the place is already being used by the wizards who are decorating it.

Seamus put his arm around Charles' shoulders and said, "How about I come work here after graduation."

He saw a newly planted garden and a newly dug artificial lake outside, pointed at it and said, "Let me help you manage the garden!"

Charles said with a look of disgust: "Forget it, you are not as good as Neville."

Neville looked at Seamus triumphantly.

After everyone chatted for a while, Moss Jeff came to report his work. Seamus and Neville saw that he was about to work and left.

Charles found a booth and Moss Jeff came over with drinks.

"How's the job in Iceland?" Charles asked.

This is their first business. If they get off to a good start, their future work will be easy to carry out.

After Jeff took a sip of the happy water, he said: "This time six of us went to the Ministry of Magic in Iceland to conduct a safety test on a warehouse. The test fee is one galleon."

Charles nodded. This business was brought back by Jeff when he was bragging to a wizard who worked for the Ministry of Magic in Iceland at the Leaky Cauldron. It only cost one galleon to find loopholes.

Jeff continued: "We spent a day testing and found 1 A-level vulnerability, 14 B-level vulnerabilities, 51 C-level vulnerabilities, and 4 D-level vulnerabilities. Finally, we took out all the marinated shark meat. ”

According to company standards, the highest vulnerability level is A, and D is the lowest. The starting prices for repairs are also different.

Charles shuddered subconsciously when he heard Jeff say that they brought out the pickled shark meat. If it was taken out in public, it would be regarded as a terrorist attack.

He asked: "That should be a food warehouse, right?"

Jeff replied: "Yeah, that wizard is the cook in the Ministry of Magic canteen."

Charles thought that it was indeed the case. This kind of unimportant warehouse defense measures were generally not taken seriously. The level was not high and there were not many low-level vulnerabilities. They were mainly concentrated on mid-level vulnerabilities.

Jeff said excitedly: "The A-level vulnerability in that warehouse appears in the alarm magic. It will sound an alarm when there is a thief. This magic is used a lot in their Ministry of Magic."

"Later, in front of many people, we used this loophole to enter their minister's office and took out the quills on the table."

He is an adventurous young man. What could be cooler than stealing something from the office of the Minister of Magic of a country? When he talked about this, his face turned red with excitement.

Charles also smiled and said: "It's done well, it should be like this, so that customers can intuitively see our strength."

Jeff said proudly: "Then I talked with their minister, and we took over the security testing work of the entire Icelandic Ministry of Magic. The final catalog was several pages long, and there were more than forty A-level vulnerabilities, written on parchment. After a thick layer of it, their faces turned pale."

Charles was shocked. He knew that the level of wizards in Iceland was low. Wizards there basically went to Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but he didn't know that it would be so low.

Jeff said depressingly: "They can only spend money to fix Class A and Class B vulnerabilities, and the rest can only be found by themselves."

The starting price for A-level vulnerabilities is 100 Galleons, and the starting price for B-level vulnerabilities is 60 Galleons. Both levels require professional knowledge, and ordinary wizards who don't specialize in this can't get it.

In comparison, the starting price of C-level loopholes is 30 Galleons, and D-level loopholes are 10 Galleons. Graduates from major magic schools with good academic performance can fix it. Whether new loopholes will be repaired is another matter.

With such an order, the Fire Dragon Guard Bureau led by Moss Jeff would have a turnover of several thousand galleons.

Charles thought for a while and said, "They are new customers. We can help fix the C and D-level vulnerabilities for free."

“But be careful not to plug old loopholes and create new ones.”

Jeff said confidently: "Don't worry, boss, we won't make such a mistake."

Charles nodded, something he kept stressing.

After Jeff took a few sips of happy water, he said, "Boss, our company has a serious problem."

Charles frowned and asked hurriedly: "What's the problem?"

He is not an arrogant person who doesn't listen to opinions. He is just a remote control commander now, and he is definitely not as able to spot problems as Jeff who is on the production line.

“We don’t have a finance person yet,” Jeff said seriously.

Charles slapped his head and actually forgot about this.

He thought for a while and asked Jeff: "If a squib is allowed to take charge of the finances, do you have any objections?"

"He comes from the so-called Holy Twenty-Eight Clan in the UK. His daughter is a wizard. She should go to Hogwarts next year."

Jeff shrugged and said, "I don't think it matters."

Charles looked at his watch and said, "I'm going to make a call first. He should be at home today. When I come back, we'll go to the restaurant for lunch and then visit him at tea time."

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