A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 337: Only look at ability and not identity

It's raining heavily in the north of Scotland and it's also drizzling in London.

In a house in Islington, London, Mrs. Prewett placed several fruit tarts on the top layer of a three-tier porcelain plate.

"Mafalda!" Mrs. Prewett called her daughter's name, "Has the tea set been washed?"

A little girl's voice came from the kitchen: "Wash it, I'll take it over right away."

Mrs. Prewett urged her daughter to hurry up as her husband, Eske Prewett, came downstairs, his tie a little crooked.

"Didn't you look in the mirror?" Mrs. Prewett went over to help her husband adjust his tie. "What if I leave a bad impression on Charles? There are not many things in London except stockbrokers."

Just as Esk was about to say something, his wife continued: "I heard from Mrs. Dursley that Mr. Dursley is now helping Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith is very satisfied. This year's year-end bonus will be a large bonus."

"You also know that Mr. Smith's business is actually coming from Charles. The new job that Charles personally invites is definitely more important than Mr. Dursley's."

"If he sees that you are so careless and gives this job to someone else, I will see what you will do!"

Eske could only keep smiling. At this time, it would be wrong to say anything in front of his wife.

In "Mr. Smith's Circle of Friends", Petunia used to be just a bumpkin from the country, and her son Dudley was a fool who only had flesh but no brains. However, after Vernon became the manager of a multinational company on his own under Jack's guidance, they... The family's status in the circle has changed.

Mrs. Prewett was very depressed about this, because she felt that her husband had surpassed Vernon in terms of talent, knowledge and appearance, and should be the best candidate. Vernon was entrusted with the important task just because he lived opposite Mr. Smith.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Mrs. Prewett is very unhappy with Penny's aggressiveness. Now that the opportunity to fight back has come, how could she miss it.

When the time agreed upon on the phone came, Charles and Jeff appeared at the door, with a Shanghai figure floating behind them. The cute puppet was holding an umbrella for them.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang, and after a burst of footsteps, a little girl with long red hair opened the door.

"Good afternoon, Mafalda." Charles smiled and greeted the little girl who opened the door.

"Hello, long time no see." Mafalda Prewett looked at the suit on Charles carefully with her blue eyes. She looked a little disappointed, but when she saw the Shanghai figure floating behind him who was still holding an umbrella, his eyes One light.

The door was not the place to talk, so she welcomed the two guests into her home.

The Shanghai figure put away the umbrella and used a cleaning spell to clean the rainwater off the umbrella. Charles raised his hand to put the umbrella back into the bag.

Mafalda immediately asked excitedly: "Is this magic?"

Charles smiled and nodded and said, "You'll know when you come to Hogwarts next year."

Mafalda looked at the Shanghai figure behind him and asked curiously: "What about this flying doll? Did you make it?"

Charles replied: "I bought the doll and cast a spell to make it fly."

A large number of little stars suddenly appeared in Mafalda's eyes.

In the living room, Charles introduced the Moss Jeff and Eske Prewett families.

After learning about Jeff's origin, Mafalda asked in surprise: "There are also magic schools in the United States?"

Jeff smiled and replied: "Ilvermorny Magic School was founded in the 17th century. It is located on the top of Mount Greylock in western Massachusetts. It is one of the most famous magic schools in the world."

"Wow!" Mafalda thought that Hogwarts was the only school in the world that taught magic. "What other magic schools are there in the world?"

Mrs. Prewett was a little unhappy. Today, Charles brought his men to see her husband to talk about work. Her daughter really interfered and had a bad influence.

Charles had met Mrs. Prewett several times before. She was a very strict mother, so he smiled and nodded to her, indicating that it was okay.

Jeff gave an overview of the magic school he knew, and finally said: "We established a company this summer, with members from all over the world, including Kitov from Kodos Dorez, Louis from Beauxbatons ·Manz.”

Mrs. Prewett finally understood that the job Charles asked her husband to do this time was related to wizards.

She had never known that there were wizards in this world until her daughter showed some unusual abilities and her husband told her about the world of wizards.

Mrs. Prewett was surprised. She did not expect that her husband's parents were magical beings who could turn tables and chairs into pigeons. She was depressed for a long time after learning that her husband did not have this ability.

However, she felt relieved after visiting her husband's cousin Molly Weasley's family with her husband. What about wizards? They were extremely poor. The only household appliance was a radio, and the children at home could only keep mice as pets. .

Later, she learned that Charles was actually a wizard, which slightly changed the impression that wizards were poor.

After Jeff's introduction, Eske said to Charles: "Please come to London from so far away from Scotland."

Mafalda asked curiously again: "Is it using apparation, or a fireplace, or a door key?"

Charles answered her first: "We apparated here."

Next it was time to draw the pie. Charles described his plan to Eske and invited him to join in and be responsible for presiding over the financial work.

Eske is now a stockbroker, but he is qualified as an accountant and is professional.

Moreover, his parents and daughter are both wizards, so he does not have to worry about the International Statute of Secrecy, so he is the best candidate.

It’s just that Eske seemed a little hesitant and was having a mental struggle.

Charles felt that he was worried about his income. After all, he had a wife and daughter, and he had to support his family and pay off his mortgage and car loan, so having less money was not enough.

So Charles continued: "I have invested in several companies over the years. I only pay dividends and I trust them in management. I established a company in my grandfather's name to be responsible for investment matters. I invite you to also be responsible for the financial work of this company. "

Esk said hesitantly: "What I'm most worried about is...whether everyone can accept me...a squib."

Squibs have always been regarded as aliens by wizards, and are basically expelled from wizard society and exiled to the Muggle world.

Eske is one of the exiles whose relatives don't want to mention it.

He had already resigned himself to his fate, forgot about the wizarding world, worked hard in the Muggle world, and had his own career and family.

Esk is surprised and pleased when Mafalda displays magical abilities, but is angered by the cold reception he receives when seeking help from his cousin.

Thinking of his parents' disappointment and tears as a child, and his cousin's attitude, Eske hesitated whether to return to that place again.

"It doesn't matter." Jeff said to Esk, "Everyone has something they are good at. If you do your own thing well, you can shut up those people."

"Perhaps you don't know that wizards are a mess when it comes to numbers, and those old stubborn bookkeepers at MACUSA can't remember my store at home."

"I think this is an opportunity, an opportunity to use us as a model to improve the financial level of the entire wizarding world."

"We are an unprecedented company. We welcome all talented people. There are also elf employees in the company, so you don't have to worry about your identity."

"You are still young in the workplace. You are a young person like us. You might as well make a great attempt with us."

Charles looked at Jeff in surprise, not expecting that he had a talent for persuading people.

Esk listened attentively, and after Jeff finished speaking, he asked in surprise: "You still have house elves?"

The Prewett family is also an ancient family. Ask had seen house elves when he was a child, but couldn't understand how they joined the company.

Jeff said seriously: "It's not house elves, it's self-reliant elves. They support themselves by working. If they say something wrong, they will get angry."

He emphasized the emphasis on "supporting oneself," indicating that these working elves are fundamentally different from house elves.

Esk felt that he had been away from the wizarding world for too long, and whether the world had changed too much.

But this also reassured him a lot. The elves were all accepted, and he should have no problem.

Charles saw that he was a little relaxed, so he said: "You can try it first for five years. If you are not happy with your performance within five years, you can resign. I will provide you with five years of compensation based on your income this year."

Esk was a little moved when he saw that there was a guarantee.

But he ignored his wife's hints with her eyes and said, "I want to think about it again."

Charles knew that this kind of thing could not be rushed, and said seriously: "No problem, we plan to hold a meeting of various departments after Christmas. I hope you can attend."

Esk just nodded.

Then it was chatting time. Mafalda had many questions about magic and kept asking them.

Seeing that it was getting late and Charles had to go back to school, he declined the invitation to stay for dinner.

After returning to Fallbottom Castle, Jeff said to Charles: "I think he has been persuaded."

Charles nodded and said, "Yes, but he has a family and cannot be as careless as us. Hesitation is normal."

The rain was still falling lightly outside, and the students who came to Hogsmeade had all gone back. Charles was the only one on the way back to the castle.

Suddenly, a sack was placed over his head.

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