A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 338 Kidnapped again

On Monday morning, Harry finally came out of the school doctor's office and went directly to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Ron helped him bring the textbooks for class.

"Where's Charles?" When the meal was starting, Harry suddenly realized that there was one person missing at the table.

Seamus shook his head and said, "I don't know, he didn't go back to the dormitory last night."

Professor McGonagall's face was gloomy, and she looked at the Gryffindor table from time to time.

In the past, there were occasional students who came back late during Hogsmeade week, mostly because they lost track of time in the Pig's Head Bar. However, staying out late without permission was a serious violation of school rules, and no one dared to do so.

In the past, Charles had reported when he went to the centaurs tribe, but he definitely didn’t report yesterday.

The students also discovered that Charles was not in the cafeteria. They found out that he had not come back last night, and they immediately started talking about it.

Some people think that Charles was captured by dementors, some think that he has been assassinated by Snape, and naturally many people speculate that he was poisoned by Black.

A wet owl flew into the cafeteria, sprinkling rainwater on its body along the way. Many students who were admitted wanted to see who it was delivering the letter to, and settle the score with the recipient later.

But this plan soon came to nothing when the owl from the Diagon Alley post office landed on Dumbledore's head.

Dumbledore took the owl off his head and saw a bag tied to its leg. He thought it was an old friend giving him something. After untying it, he reached in and touched it, his expression darkened.

There was only one thing in the bag, a wand, 460mm long, with a piece of parchment tied to it.

It took a lot of effort for Dumbledore to pull out such a long wand, and many students saw it.

With such a long wand, everyone can tell who it belongs to at a glance.

Neville shouted in surprise: "Charles has been kidnapped!"

Dean Thomas asked: "How do you know he was kidnapped?"

"Could it be that he lost his wand and someone found it."

He comes from a Muggle family and is not familiar with some details of wizarding life.

Neville, who was born in the Old Twenty-eight Banners of Britain, replied: "Wizards always look like this when they are kidnapped. The kidnappers send the kidnapped wizard's wand to his family with requirements tied to it."

Ron also said worriedly: "Yes, when the mysterious man was still there, his men often did this."

"It might have been Black this time, who laid hands on Charles on his way back from Hogsmeade."

Lavender said worriedly: "What should I do?"

Hermione, who was sitting opposite, said, "Don't worry, he will be fine."

Ron glanced at Hermione sideways and muttered: "It's not your Crookshanks who was kidnapped, so of course there's no need to worry."

Hermione just slapped her hands, ignored him, and continued eating the roasted tomatoes.

Harry said to Ron: "Don't worry about Charles, he has experience with being kidnapped."

At the professor's chair, Professor McGonagall also saw Charles' wand. The spoon in her hand suddenly fell into the bowl, and a few drops of oatmeal splashed on her robe.

Dumbledore said to her calmly: "Don't worry, I suspected that Charles forgot to ask for leave when he was going somewhere, so he came up with this idea to pretend that he had been kidnapped."

He knew Charles's strength relatively well. No one could have imagined that a third-grade student could apparate away. He could not stop him if he wanted to run away.

Several professors around him felt that what the principal said was very reasonable. Charles was not a gas-efficient person and there was no problem in escaping.

Professor Delacour asked Dumbledore: "Headmaster, could it be Black who did it?"

In the past, Charles had left him with the impression that he was a good boy. Recently, the UK had published a lengthy propaganda campaign about how brutal Blake was, which made him a little worried.

Dumbledore frowned after reading the parchment tied to his wand.

Professor McGonagall asked for the parchment, but Dumbledore gave it to Lupin instead, and the two left.

At the same time, in Bergen, Norway, more than 600 kilometers east of Hogwarts, Charles looked out the window depressingly at the salmon, Arctic sweet shrimp, king crab and other seafood in the bustling market, with only the blue road in front of him. fries and burgers.

Charles felt that this group of kidnappers was very clever. After kidnapping him, he immediately ran abroad. Moreover, the distance from Hogwarts to Bergen was less than 100 kilometers than to London, which was much easier.

He estimated that the location for the kidnappers' negotiations with Hogwarts would not be in the UK, but perhaps in Iceland or even Greenland.

There are at least four people in this group of kidnappers. It sounds like they are a family from the United States, a disabled old father, two older women, and a handsome young man.

They didn't look like ruthless people. They just asked Charles for his name and wanted a wand, and then locked him up in this small hotel, leaving the handsome young man to take care of him.

The young man just moved a chair and sat at the door, flipping through a magazine about motorcycles and saying nothing.

Charles was eating breakfast and looking at the person who was looking after him from time to time. This man was about twenty years old, with black hair and strangely white skin.

If he smiled, he would be a sunny boy who was loved by older girls and younger wives, but now he has a gloomy face and looks very hesitant, which can arouse the motherly love of middle-aged women.

Charles had done some research on this skin color and suddenly said to him: "Black, you are a werewolf."

"How do you know..." The young man raised his head in surprise, and immediately tried to cover up his denial: "My surname is not Black, you have mistaken me."

Charles smiled. Half of the ten black-haired families in Europe and America were named Black, and his skin was as strangely pale as Lupine. In addition, the werewolf antidote was exposed not long ago and was related to him, so he could quickly deduce something. Clues are coming.

"Are you looking for the werewolf antidote?" Charles said while chewing a hamburger. "I guess you are in a hurry to get it, but unfortunately, this medicine is still under experimentation and there are not many."

He hoped that this group of people came for the werewolf antidote. If it was for money, they would blackmail the old man. Maybe the old man would kill people before he asked them where to lock him.

The young man was silent and just looked at him quietly.

Charles finished his hamburger and ate his fries and continued: "I think your family is mainly for love. Seeing that you are the right age, is there a girl you love deeply who dumped you because you are a werewolf? "

"I guess you have a love rival. The woman you love may be more affectionate towards him."

After he finished speaking, he felt that he had guessed it right. The young handsome boy's hand gripped the magazine tightly, and his knuckles became even whiter.

"How do you know?" The handsome young man stood up and walked to Charles.

Charles shrugged and said, "Guess."

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