A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 341 Connections are important

During lunch, the "truth" about Charles' kidnapping quickly spread throughout the cafeteria. It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

The next day, the "Daily Prophet" published an "interview" with Rita Skeeter. The love tragedy caused by werewolves in the report made many middle-aged and elderly women cry.

Then there is no "then". The British wizards have a deep-rooted concept of werewolves that will never change for a while.

But for the werewolves in the UK and even Europe, this was an even bigger deal than the sun rising from the north. For several days, Charles was inundated by owls delivering letters every morning, and some even sent money directly to buy medicine.

In the past few nights, Dobby made several trips between Hogwarts Castle and No. 3 Privet Drive, sending notes to Charles and Jack to communicate the situation.

On Thursday night, Dumbledore came to the alchemy classroom to see Charles.

The lead wire resistance experiment got good results, so Charles bought iron, copper, aluminum and silver wires to start further experiments.

Dumbledore saw that Charles was operating seriously and did not disturb him. He found a seat in the last row and sat down.

More than an hour later, Charles completed the experiment. When he turned around, he found that Dumbledore had been fighting with Professor Delacour and the Shanghai Doll for a long time.

"A very smart doll." Dumbledore said as he took off the note from his face, "I didn't expect you to do such a good job."

Charles said: "In the future, I can let it do housework for grandpa when I am not at home."

He had the idea of ​​making a one-to-one nanny-type doll. In the future, he would let them do the cleaning work of Fallbottom Castle and Dancing Grass Restaurant, which would save a lot of money.

It's a pity that because of the restrictions of the International Statute of Secrecy, otherwise he could make a lot of money.

After leaving the classroom, Dumbledore said to Charles: "Horace plans to return to England during the next Hogsmeade week to be interviewed about the werewolf antidote. I would like to reserve a box in your restaurant."

"Horace wants to meet you too."

Charles agreed, the box matter was easy to handle, and he was somewhat interested in Horace Slughorn.

Slughorn gave Charles the impression that he was a true new-age Slytherin.

He did not value bloodline as much as those stubborn Slytherins, but only valued ability. For example, he had a high opinion of Lily Evans, who was born in a Muggle family.

He takes his position very seriously. He can make suggestions but cannot take the leading role. He will be at a loss in the face of danger. He knows how to detoxify, but he will panic and not know what to do when he is in front of someone who is about to die from poison. Therefore, he has always regarded himself as a counselor and will not show his face.

Although he was a bit selfish, and he protected himself wisely when it came to Voldemort, he was still on the right track and did not help others to do evil. He did it on his own when it was time to do it.

What Charles valued more was his "Slug Club."

Charles is not a little kid who doesn't know anything. He knows the importance of connections and manages his own connections bit by bit.

Slughorn's connections range from the Quidditch team to the Daily Prophet to a large potions chain store, touching every aspect of wizarding society. His operation over the past few decades has been extremely terrifying.

Charles intended to use this network to expand his contacts, so he was naturally willing to meet him.

"Stop, command or start a fight!"

Thinking about Slughorn, Charles walked back to the door of the Gryffindor common room, and was brought back to his senses by a loud shout from the doorkeeper, Sir Cadogan.

In the oil painting, Sir Cadogan draws his sword and looks like he is about to charge at the person who is about to enter the door.

Charles sighed. The reason why he wanted to beat Black up was because he broke the Fat Lady and replaced the door with the disgusting Sir Cadogan.

"Rotten cheese!" Charles replied angrily, "Hurry up and open the door!"

"Don't even think about escaping!" Sir Cadogan seemed to think that Charles did not dare to accept his challenge to escape, but he still opened the door.

As soon as Charles entered the door, he heard a burst of cheers from the long table on the third grade side, Ron's unwilling roar, and Ginny running away with a blushing face.

"What's going on?" Charles asked knowingly after sitting next to Seamus, "Why are everyone so happy?"

Seamus pointed at Harry diagonally across from him with his quill and said, "Harry has a broomstick to use."

Harry was giggling there and blushing a little.

Charles feigned surprise and asked where the broom came from.

Fred and George made a lot of money helping make rocket launchers in the first grade. When they helped Ginny buy textbooks last summer, they bought her a Nimbus 2001.

Now Harry's Nimbus 2000 was damaged by the Whomping Willow. Although the team had a spare broom, he found it difficult to use it due to psychological problems, so Charles gave Ginny an idea and asked her to borrow Nimbus 2001. To Harry.

Of course Ginny agreed. She had been thinking of ways to attract Harry's attention, and what better way to get him to notice her than to lend him her broomstick.

"It's great to be young." Charles sighed like an old man.

Seamus whispered: "It looks like Harry is going to find a girlfriend."

Charles glanced at him sideways, held his chin and recalled for a moment, then said, "Maybe you will meet a suitor next year."

"Really?" Neville, who was sitting across from him, was more interested than Seamus. Lavender and Parvati also looked over, ready to hear the gossip.

Charles just smiled and didn't continue, and started to do his homework. Seamus thought he was joking, which disappointed those who didn't hear the gossip.

Ron was very depressed and looked at Harry with an unhappy expression.

Fred and George didn't think there was a problem. They came over with a smile and asked Harry if there would be no problem in tomorrow's training.

The weekend came quickly and Harry rode Ginny's Nimbus 2001 in training.

He hadn't wanted to ride the same broomstick as Malfoy, but this was Ginny's broom, and he kept telling himself there was a difference.

Now it seems that Harry's mental construction has been completed well, and he can perform various movements with ease.

Charles finished his work in the greenhouse and met Qiu Zhang when he came to the Starlight Garden. She was looking at the sky above the Quidditch pitch.

"Hmph, peeking at Gryffindor training again."

Charles made a ferocious expression like a villain, as if he wanted to catch the girl and punish her severely.

Seeing his funny look, Qiu Zhang covered her mouth and laughed. After laughing, she said, "I allow you to peek at our training."

Charles shrugged and said: "Forget it, you also know that I am not interested in Quidditch. I will only look at you when I go."

Qiu Zhang laughed again.

She would not doubt that Charles had other ideas. There were rumors that Charles liked someone much older. She was only one grade older than him, so she was not included in the range.

The two chatted for a while, and Charles saw a group of outsiders walking towards Hagrid's residence, including his boss, so he went over to take a look.

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