A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 342 The conference room has been booked

Today, many officials from the Ministry of Magic came to Hogwarts. The leader was Mr. Scamander, Director of the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures. The main members included several wizards led by Amos Diggory, the director of the Office of Beasts. and heads of other offices.

As soon as Director Smith from the Centaur Liaison Office appeared, the leaders of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures gathered together.

It was the first time for Charles to meet his colleagues. They all greeted each other warmly, and even praised Cedric when he shook hands with Amos Diggory.

At this time, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall came over with Ron, Hermione and several third-year Gryffindor students. The principal felt relieved when he saw the laughter there.

Ron was seriously injured by a group of hippogriffs during the first period of Care of Magical Creatures in early September, and he lay in the school infirmary for a long time.

General teaching accidents can be resolved within the framework of Hogwarts, but this accident involves magical animals, and the nature of the accident needs to be determined by the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures.

If the accident is caused by improper handling by a student or professor, the magical animal responsible is generally fine.

If a magical animal harms someone on its own initiative, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will deal with the offending animal.

The problem is that it’s November now, and two months have passed, and Ron hasn’t mentioned this incident anymore. Even Dumbledore thought that after reading the report, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures thought it was not an animal cause and left it alone. .

Charles also felt that the matter was over as it was, because neither Ron nor his parents pursued the hippogriffs to account.

If Lucius Malfoy hadn't been biting it like that in "Memory", the hippogriff would have been fine.

Unexpectedly, these gentlemen from the Ministry of Magic suddenly came to deal with the matter at this moment, and officials from the entire department were mobilized. The battle was a bit big.

Dumbledore was a little nervous. Those hippogriffs were the property of Hogwarts. What if they all clicked.

Hagrid was extremely nervous and kept wiping sweat with a handkerchief.

He believed that those hippogriffs were innocent and that someone had caused harm to Ron, and he was worried that the gentlemen from the Ministry of Magic had killed them all indiscriminately.

Relevant personnel gathered in front of the Hippogriff's fence. Mr. Scamander cleared his throat and said: "Today, we are investigating the case of the Hippogriff harming students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "

Then Mr. Scamander asked the person involved to describe the incident. First, Ron told how he was beaten by a group of hippogriffs, and then Hermione and several other students who attended the class talked about everything they witnessed.

Mr. Scamander then asked Hagrid, "Were these hippogriffs in the stockade at that time?"

Hagrid immediately replied: "They are all firmly in the fence. This fence is very strong!"

After he finished speaking, he shook the fence, which was indeed very strong.

Mr. Scamander asked: "Did those hippogriffs wear bridles at that time?"

"Wear them all," Hagrid replied. "They sometimes fight, so I make them wear halters, otherwise they will hurt themselves."

"The bridle is so strong there's no way they can get it off on their own."

Mr. Scamander asked again: "Are the reins tight?"

Hagrid demonstrated it on the spot and it was very strong.

Mr. Scamander turned and asked, "Amos, what do you think?"

Amos Diggory replied: "I think this matter is very suspicious. If just one Hippogriff ran out, it can be considered an accident. If more than a dozen of them ran out, I think someone did it deliberately. "

Mr. Scamander asked the Headmaster: "Professor Dumbledore, do you think someone deliberately released the hippogriff?"

Dumbledore felt that something was wrong with today's investigation. The group seemed very relaxed, so he replied: "I speculate that it was Black who did it. It was the first time he sneaked into Hogwarts, and Potter was with Weasley at that time. around."

Mr. Scamander's expression became serious and he asked the others. Everyone had the same opinion.

"Charles," he naturally would not miss the other director, "tell me what you think."

It was the first time for Charles to come here. He was looking at the hippogriff in a daze. When he heard the leader calling him, he said: "I think Professor Dumbledore is right. I will wait until Black is caught and interrogated." I don’t know if he did it.”

Mr. Scamander nodded and said seriously: "I think so too, but I think further discussion is needed."

Charles and Dumbledore found that everyone agreed with him seriously.

Dumbledore said: "If there is a meeting of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, I can prepare a place in the castle for everyone."

He thought that this matter should be settled as soon as possible. A bunch of bureaucrats are discussing it over and over again, and they probably won't be able to come up with a result by the next school year.

If there was a meeting at Hogwarts, he would have a reason to attend and speed up the process.

As a result, Mr. Scamander said to him: "We won't bother you anymore. We have booked a private room on the third floor of the Dancing Grass Restaurant... er... conference room, and we can have the meeting there."

Dumbledore and Charles looked at each other. Good guy, no wonder these bureaucrats who get off work on time every day work overtime on weekends. It's really hard for them to eat and drink with public funds.

Mr. Scamander smiled and said to Charles: "This is a plenary meeting of our department, you come too."

Charles looked at Dumbledore helplessly, and the principal could only tell him to dismiss the meeting and come back immediately.

After the group of people left with a cheer, Dumbledore shrugged and asked Professor McGonagall: "Who do you think will be next?"

Professor McGonagall said helplessly: "Maybe it's the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Didn't Black just come here?"

Dumbledore thought she had a point.

At dinner that night, Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall: "Minerva, you guessed wrong."

"I just received a letter. The Department of Magical Sports and Sports wants to come to Hogwarts to watch a Quidditch match and inspect the results of our sports activities."

Professor McGonagall shook her head helplessly.

Professor Flitwick just heard about the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and said gloomily: "I think we need to be prepared for an inspection by the Minister of Magic."

Dumbledore said: "I hope the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters will find no excuses."

This department goes wherever there is a problem. If they have an excuse to come to Hogwarts, it means something big is going on here.

Professor McGonagall said: "I will ask Seamus to pay more attention recently and not to cause any disasters."

Several professors nearby nodded.

In fact, Dumbledore and the others mistakenly blamed Mr. Scamander and the others. After Charles came back, he immediately came to Dumbledore and wanted to poach the corner of Hogwarts.

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