A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 344 Everyone is busy

"Charles, I have something good to show you!"

Harry happily came to Charles's bedroom and found Seamus sharing snacks with Ruby, while Charles sat at the desk writing and drawing.

"Shh!" Seamus put his index finger in front of his mouth, "Charles is busy, don't disturb him."

"Ruby sent the letter back. He is busy with the company's affairs."

Harry immediately covered his mouth, as if recalling something terrible.

He began to have a feeling that Charles and he were not from the same world.

Seamus asked him in a low voice: "What good stuff did you get?"

Harry said proudly: "Come to my dormitory and I will show you."

Seamus followed him to the dormitory next door, and Ruby ran over.

Harry took out his wand and began to draw circles in the air. A cloud of silvery white mist appeared on the top of the wand.

"Oh!" Seamus exclaimed excitedly, "You can also use the Patronus Charm?!"

"Calling the Guardian!" Harry released his Patronus.

A silver-white stag stood beside the bed, turning his head from time to time.

"So handsome!" Seamo's eyes widened. He had not been able to see clearly what his patron saint was until now.

Ruby looked at the Patronus of the Stag for a long time, tilted her head and waved her wings.

Harry said confidently: "Now I don't have to be afraid of Dementors anymore!"

On the other side, Charles was replying to letters from Kitov and Louis Manz.

Kitov organized a small team in Kodosdoriz and even brought in a professor to help, and research on communications was progressing rapidly.

They are currently studying how to send and receive information as quickly as possible and how to avoid packet loss when transmitting messages over long distances.

Charles thought for a long time after reading it, so he wrote down the general principles of communication technologies such as frequency division multiple access, time division multiple access, code division multiple access, orthogonal frequency division multiple access, and space division multiple access, and prepared to give it to Kito Husband for reference.

The artificial intelligence studied by Louis Manz has fallen into a bottleneck. The original method cannot process large amounts of information quickly and consumes high energy.

Charles was not very familiar with this aspect, so he thought about it for a long time and finally suggested that he try multi-core processing, with each core dedicated to processing one type of information.

"Huh..." Charles replied and leaned on the chair, breathed a long sigh of relief, and rubbed his swollen head.

Thinking consumes a lot of energy, and Charles felt hungry.

He called Dobby and asked Dancing Grass Restaurant to make a toffee pudding and pour more thick toffee sauce on the wet sponge cake.

Many friends wrote in. Lily Smith from the United States asked if there is really an antidote to werewolves. There are quite a lot of werewolves in the United States.

That guy Yamada Hakumitsu sent a pair of gyoto, which was as big as a bed when unfolded. He said he fished it on the beach.

Gabrielle also wrote to ask if her father had a good meal at Hogwarts, and also sent a draft of the "Titanic" novel written by her mother.

By the time he finished replying to the letter, the sticky toffee pudding made by Dobby himself had appeared silently in the corner of the desk, as if it had grown out of the desk itself.

"Are you done?" When Seamus came back, he saw Charles had just finished finishing the toffee pudding.

Charles stood up, stretched out his body and said, "I'm done with my work today."

Seamus sat on the bed and complained to him: "I think you are busier than Professor Dumbledore sometimes."

Charles just smiled, and then an owl flew toward the window.

The letter was written to him by Jack. Vernon returned to England today to report on his work and brought back a container of air fryer samples.

Charles was a little surprised. Vernon was still looking for a factory a few months ago, and now he is producing samples?

Jack stated in the letter that Vernon had found a factory in Shunde to manufacture the products and had a quality director to supervise the quality. The first batch of samples had been released and basically met the design requirements.

Now Jack is going to let Vernon give these samples to the neighbors to try out, and let Charles prepare some recipes.

Charles immediately got busy again. The air fryer mainly features low oil, which is in line with the rising trend of healthy eating. He can work hard in this aspect.

Moreover, the energy consumption of air fryers is lower than that of ovens, which is in line with the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection. This allows the old man to hire any environmental organization to help with publicity.

Seeing that he kept writing after reading the letter, Seamus couldn't help but shook his head and went to the common room to play games.

Fred and George built the first magical version of Tetris, but it was so big that it was as big as a door.

These squares are made of colored crystals. After being arranged in a row, they shatter with a "crash" and gradually disappear when they fall.

Students rarely play games that require high-speed thinking. Several times they almost eliminated a line, but ended up placing the blocks next to them and losing.

Many people are not convinced, and when they are not convinced, they want to play another game.

But there were a lot of people queuing up behind me, so I had to requeue if I wanted to play.

Seamus finally got in line, and just after clearing two lines, Professor McGonagall appeared.

"What time is it?!" Professor McGonagall, who was wearing pajamas and a nightcap, was like an angry lion. "I have never seen half of the academy still playing games at one o'clock in the morning!"

In the past, the house elves at Hogwarts started cleaning at this time. If they saw one or two students not sleeping, they would ignore it, but if a large group of students were not sleeping, they would notify the dean.

Someone in the crowd whispered: "Tomorrow is the weekend."

Professor McGonagall glared, and classmate Colin Creevey immediately did not dare to speak.

"Now, everyone, go back to the bedrooms!" Professor McGonagall was as stern as in class, "I will check in the bedrooms later!"

Everyone dispersed with a huff, and in the blink of an eye, only Professor McGonagall and Hermione, who was reading the secretary's notes, were left in the common room.

Professor McGonagall sighed and went over to Hermione and said, "It's time to go to bed."

Hermione didn't realize that the person coming was Professor McGonagall, and said without raising her head: "There are five more pages..."

Professor McGonagall reached over and closed the book, and said to Hermione, who had some dark circles under her eyes: "What you need now is to get enough sleep."

Hermione had no choice but to pack her things and go back to the dormitory.

Half an hour later, Professor McGonagall came to the dormitory to check. Almost everyone had gone to bed. Only Charles was writing and drawing at his desk. There was already a slight snore coming from Seamus' bed.

Professor McGonagall didn't see Charles in the common room just now, and thought he had taken a break, so he walked over angrily.

She was stunned for a moment when she saw what Charles was writing from behind, and she couldn't understand what was drawn on the paper for a while.

It was a tilted barrel with an upward opening. There were a few lines drawn around it that said "Heating", and a line drawn at the bottom of the barrel that said "Rotation". Next to it were "Control Time", "Control Temperature" and "Fire". Something like that.

Professor McGonagall understood the content on another piece of paper next to the desk. It was a schematic diagram of an automatic omelette machine for Muggles. Just put the eggs in and press the switch to make the omelette yourself.

Professor McGonagall sighed inwardly. She had heard from Jack before that Charles had now set up a kitchenware company, and he could support himself if he died.

Everyone is playing, but he is working hard for life.

When Charles finished writing something, Professor McGonagall said to him softly: "It's time to go to bed."

"Ah?!" Charles was startled, "Professor, why are you here?"

In his impression, there were very few professors at Hogwarts doing rounds.

"So late?" He looked at his watch, "I thought it was only eleven o'clock."

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