A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 343 Recruiting people

There is a plate of Spanish churros on Dumbledore's desk. These churros are as thick and long as a finger and have a star-shaped cross-section. They are sprinkled with snow-white icing sugar and are great with hot chocolate or coffee.

Charles was serious that eating fried food was not healthy for the elderly, so for the sake of Hogwarts, he helped Dumbledore reduce his intake of fried food while talking about what he had agreed with the leader during dinner tonight.

Different offices in the British Ministry of Magic have different statuses. They are both subordinate departments of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and the Office of Outliers. The Goblin Liaison Office has a prominent status because it is connected to Gringotts, while the Centaur Liaison Office is a place of exile. , and there is an office that has become synonymous with the Ministry of Magic's most abusive reputation.

The Werewolf Support Service Office is a completely empty shell. In the Ministry of Magic, scolding someone for going to the Centaur Liaison Office is just to get them fired. If you ask someone to go to this office, it is equivalent to cursing the person to death for his whole family. Even the Aurors felt that you deserved it.

This Werewolf Support Services office is tasked with providing help to werewolves, but it doesn't actually do anything but bureaucratic chatter.

Werewolves have endured too much social pressure and generally have bad tempers. When they need help the most, all they get are useless and high-sounding empty words, and this hatred is forged.

Many years ago, a clerk who was doing a routine job was bitten badly by an angry werewolf. Later, no one wanted to work in this office. In the end, only a sign remained. The only people responsible for werewolf work were the Werewolf Capture Planning Team and the Werewolf Registration Office.

But the people in the Werewolf Capture Project Team and the Werewolf Registry are taking advantage of the situation. Fenrir Greyback, the villain of the Werewolf, has not been caught for many years, and he also deceived the people in the Werewolf Registry into thinking that he was just a human being. Muggle tramp.

Dumbledore frowned and said, "The Ministry of Magic wants you to also serve as Director of the Office of Werewolf Support Services?"

Charles had just finished eating the fried dough sticks and took a sip of hot chocolate before saying, "Yeah, it's still about the werewolf antidote."

"The Ministry of Magic intends to do something in this area, but it is worried that there will be problems and other wizards will not dare to do it. In the end, it fell on me."

Dumbledore was so angry that his nose straightened up after hearing this.

"How could they do this!" The principal roared, "They all know that this is dangerous, and they don't want to do it themselves, so they blame it on you!"

"You bear the risk, and the credit goes to them!"

Dumbledore was very aware of the urinal nature of the people at the Ministry of Magic. If this thing was done well, Charles would only get symbolic credit. If it was screwed up, it would be Charles who was bitten by the werewolf, and there would be no such thing as those slaps on the head in the office.

Charles helped the principal fill up the hot chocolate and filled it up himself. While drinking, he said: "Of course I know what they think, but some things always have to be done by someone."

Dumbledore sighed, knowing that Charles would say this.

This is exactly why he indulges Charles. Although this child is very capable of causing trouble, he is kind at heart and will not become people like Grindelwald and Voldemort.

Dumbledore looked at Charles carefully as if he had met him for the first time. He had a feeling before that Charles' sometimes words, deeds, and demeanor didn't look like a teenager at all, but like a successful person in his decades. Always full of confidence and calmness.

This feeling is even stronger now, as if I am communicating with my peers.

"What do you think?" Seeing that he had made a decision, Dumbledore stopped saying anything and looked to see if there was anything he could do to help.

Charles said cautiously: "Headmaster, I suggest you start thinking now about teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts next school year."

Dumbledore glared at him angrily, pulled the churros on the table in front of him, and refused to let him eat.

Finding a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is extremely difficult these days, and no one can do it for two consecutive years.

But Dumbledore had no choice. With Lupine's character, he would agree to do something to help the werewolves after he landed ashore.

Moreover, Charles is still a student, so it is difficult for him to do specific work. He and Lupine have cooperated happily before, so there is no problem in working together again.

Moreover, Lupine himself is a werewolf and is not afraid of being bitten by a werewolf again. The biggest danger in this job does not exist for him.

Dumbledore said helplessly: "It's hard to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor now. Bell is at home with his daughter every day. Where can I find him?"

Charles said nonchalantly: "How about asking my grandpa to come."

He can be sure that if this happens, the old man's reward will be huge.

Dumbledore laughed angrily at him and didn't take it seriously.

"Forget it." Dumbledore shook his head, "I have a candidate, but it's hard to persuade him."

Charles raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it Grindelwald?"

Dumbledore's face twitched, he shook his head and said, "How could it be him."

"Next year... there may be some new changes next year. I haven't thought about it yet. If my vision becomes a reality, a powerful wizard will be needed to hold this position."

Charles wondered if he was starting to think about the Triwizard Tournament now. It might be that the summer vacation decryption challenge caused too much excitement, which in turn caused a chain reaction.

Let’s put this aside for now. Voldemort doesn’t know what he is doing in hiding recently, and Dumbledore doesn’t know what to do with the Horcrux locket.

Charles came here to discuss Lupin's matter with him. Now that the matter was over, he couldn't eat sweets and had to go back to the common room.

He was not only looking for Lupin, but also someone else.

Now the training of the teams for the Potion Championship has begun, and the Duel Club has also started to be held, which has aroused the interest of many people.

Charles waited in the common room for a long time, and when he and Hermione were alone, Percy slipped through the door while reading.

"Percy, come here." Charles smiled and waved. As soon as Hermione saw his smile, she immediately packed up her textbooks, homework and stationery, hugged Crookshanks and ran away.

Percy went over and sat across from him and asked with some vigilance: "What's the matter?"

Charles said seriously: "You also know that I am the director of the Centaur Liaison Office."

Percy nodded.

Charles continued, "I will be taking on the role of Director of the Office of Werewolf Support Services."

Percy frowned and asked, "Who did you offend?"

Charles just smiled and continued: "You should know about the werewolf antidote. I have some connection with this matter. The first werewolf in the UK to test the antidote was actually recommended by me."

"It seems that the medicine is very effective so far. Even if it cannot completely cure it, it can prevent it from transforming on a full moon night."

"The current inside information is that Professor Horace Slughorn, who participated in the development of the werewolf antidote, is trying to conduct a large-scale werewolf drug experiment in the UK next September. The British Ministry of Magic plans to take the lead in this matter."

"The Ministry of Magic in various European countries also attaches great importance to this, and almost all countries are willing to send werewolves to participate in experiments."

"But no one at the Ministry of Magic wanted to take responsibility, and it ended up falling on me."

"This is a major event involving the whole of Europe. Almost wizards all over the world are watching, and the level of attention is no less than that of the Quidditch World Cup currently underway."

"I have limited energy and can't manage too much. Now I need someone to join the werewolf support service office."

"I plan to invite the first werewolf in the UK to test drugs during next summer vacation. I think he will definitely agree."

"At that time, I will also need the assistance of someone who will be responsible for coordinating the work with the Ministry of Magic of various European countries together with the International Magical Cooperation Department."

Percy was no fool, and Charles already understood what he meant.

This is no small matter and goes against his career plan.

But this is something that attracts the world's attention. If you do it well, it will add glory to your resume.

This made Percy confused.

Charles continued: "I have negotiated a condition with the Ministry of Magic. If a staff member who joins the Werewolf Support Service Office performs well after working for one to two years, I can recommend him to work in other departments, up to the position of assistant to the director."

"Of course, I am just recommending it. The directors of each department will agree. How it develops in the future depends on the individual."

This condition moved Percy's heart and allowed him to return to his responsibilities and plans, but he still looked hesitant and sat there in silence.

Charles finally said with a smile: "You can think about it. This opportunity is rare, so the first one that comes to mind is you."

"If you perform well in next year's Potions Championship, have excellent grades when you graduate, and join the most difficult department of the Ministry of Magic and make good achievements, I think the directors will be happy to accept you."

Percy looked deceived.

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