A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 348 Open the window to welcome the fresh breeze

Blake drank his porridge slowly, showing no reaction to Grindelwald's words.

Grindelwald shrugged and said to Jack, "I can't seem to convince him."

Jack said slowly: "He is a very contradictory person."

Blake raised his head and looked at Otto Spinola, whom he had never seen before, and was somewhat curious about his comments about him.

Jack continued: "He can stand opposite Voldemort for justice, but he can also regard other people's lives and the future of his friends as nothing."

Grindelwald nodded and said, "It's quite similar to Albus."

Black asked somewhat unhappily: "Mr. Spinola, when did I not take other people's lives seriously, and when did I ignore the future of my friends?"

"The Screaming Shack," said Jack.

Blake was stunned for a moment and quickly thought of what he was going to say.

Jack continued: "When you lured Snape to the Shrieking Shack, you really wanted him to die, at the hands of Lupin."

"You didn't consider at the time what would happen to Lupine if Snape died. I don't know whether he would spend the rest of his life in Azkaban or a kiss from a dementor."

Black's eyes suddenly widened. Only Hogwarts F4 and the victim Snape knew about this matter. How did he know?

Grindelwald said lightly: "Maybe he has already considered it. Wizards who often kill people know that destroying a body and cleaning up the traces is just a matter of waving a few wands."

"Use a small forgetting spell, and neither the person involved nor the witnesses will remember that this happened."

Black immediately shook his head and denied: "I really didn't think about it that much at the time. At that time... I really just wanted Snape... to die."

He finally admitted that he really wanted to kill Snape.

"I can understand." Grindelwald raised his glass to him. "When I was young, I always thought that I was right. I would do whatever I thought of without thinking about the consequences."

The corner of Blake's mouth twitched, she didn't want to be understood by him.

Grindelwald continued: "The older a person gets, the more things he has to consider, besides his own affairs, there is also the future of his children."

Blake was stunned and asked in disbelief: "Is Charles Smith your child?"

"No! No! Don't talk nonsense!" Grindelwald immediately denied it without hesitation for half a second. "Charles was picked out of a trash can."

He continued: "I have been fighting hard for the future of young people like you all my life. There are too few people who can understand me. There are too many fools who are used to living a regular life and regard me as a bad guy."

Blake took a deep breath and warned himself not to be fooled, and to find a way to leave when he was full.

He said to Grindelwald: "But you lost in the end."

Grindelwald nodded slightly, shook his head slightly, and when Black was puzzled, he said, "I lost last time, but I didn't lose in the end."

Blake was immediately shocked: "Are you going to make a comeback again?!"

He wondered whether he should report this to Dumbledore.

Grindelwald continued: "I lost last time because I was stupid. My fear of the future blinded me and made me choose the wrong path."

Blake asked him: "Do you think the path you choose next will be the right one?"

"I don't know." Grindelwald shook his head slightly, "What if I make another mistake? If I can eliminate another wrong option for young people, then I am successful."

Blake looked at Grindelwald in disbelief, feeling that he was different from what he had heard in the textbooks. He was not a tyrant who ruled the world for power, but a...

He thought for a long time, and finally a word came to his mind: Pathfinder.

Blake shook his head. Such an idea was too ridiculous. It would be best if he could get it out of his head.

Grindelwald continued: "My goal has always been to make wizards no longer deceive themselves into hiding, but to live freely in the sun."

Blake didn't speak this time, he just lowered his head quietly and drank the porridge, almost finishing it.

Grindelwald asked him: "Do you think Minerva McGonagall, the head of Gryffindor House at Hogwarts, is a good person?"

Blake immediately looked up and replied: "She is a good person, there is no doubt about it!"

Grindelwald nodded and said, "I agree with you."

"But the wall between wizards and Muggles tortured such a good person like her."

Blake looked at him doubtfully. He didn't know much about the professors' stories.

Grindelwald sighed deeply and said regretfully: "When McGonagall was eighteen years old, she fell in love with a Muggle who was more handsome than you. However, the gap between wizards and Muggles forced McGonagall to Rejected my lover’s proposal.”

"She was very sad about this. She had always loved her lover in her heart. She cried alone in the classroom after hearing that her lover married someone else."

"It wasn't until her lover died in the second year after you entered Azkaban that she agreed to the proposal of another gentleman who had been pursuing her for decades."

"Unfortunately, this gentleman accidentally died a few years later after encountering a poisonous plant."

Black sighed. He had heard and seen many similar tragedies before. From time to time, wizards were even imprisoned in Azkaban for several months for using magic in front of their Muggle lovers' parents. Some of them were in their own cells. opposite.

Grindelwald continued: "Now the wall is torturing her again."

Blake raised his eyebrows, and his heart of gossip suddenly burned brightly. This kind of melon is easy to eat, and he can eat porridge much faster.

Grindelwald took a sip of wine and whetted Black's appetite before saying, "In recent years, Charles's grandfather has been pursuing McGonagall. I heard that McGonagall did not refuse, but she was hesitant because of past events."

"Do you think she should continue to be tortured?"

Black thought for a while and said: "I have heard about Charles's grandfather, Jack Smith. It is said that he is an upright and kind gentleman, worthy of Professor McGonagall."


After he finished speaking, he found that the empty porridge bowl in front of him disappeared, replaced by a plate of roasted chicken legs as high as a hill.

Jack said to him: "I think you haven't eaten enough. Your stomach should have recovered now, so you can eat more."

"Thank you, Mr. Spinola." After thanking Black, he said to Grindelwald: "Your goal is to abolish the International Statute of Secrecy. This can indeed prevent many tragedies from happening again, but doing so will cause chaos."

Grindelwald nodded slightly and spoke frankly about the consequences: "Indeed, some problems will arise after the original barriers are broken. Although the wind blowing in after the windows are opened will mess up some things, it will also bring fresh things. Air allows people to breathe more freely.”

Blake nodded thoughtfully, and after gnawing on two chicken drumsticks, asked: "So what does this have to do with the goblins of Gringotts?"

Grindelwald smiled slightly and said to him: "If you want to know the answer, come here at breakfast time tomorrow."

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Blake thought he would explain, but he didn't expect that he would leave immediately. The chicken drumstick was gone as soon as he swallowed it.

Jack also stood up and said to Blake: "He pays for all your expenses here, so feel free to come over and eat when you are hungry."

"I suddenly remembered one thing. Why were the Potters killed by Voldemort? The divination professor at Hogwarts knew a very important clue."

Black immediately stopped eating the chicken legs and was about to ask, but Jack also apparated away.

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