A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 350 Everyone does their own thing

On the same day that Dumbledore took out Peter's remains, Jack sat in the living room of the island villa, frowning in thought.

Seeing how seriously he was thinking about the problem, Grindelwald smiled and asked, "Why, are you thinking about a Christmas gift for her?"

Jack did not answer the question, but asked him: "Have you ever heard of the giant centipede?"

Grindelwald suddenly became nervous, his eyes widened, and he asked uncertainly: "You... didn't feed me that thing, did you?"

As he spoke, his eyes darted around, looking for something like an Eastern drum.

Jack just smiled and didn't answer.

Grindelwald became even more nervous. He remembered that Muggles had a machine that could see inside the body. Did he want to try it?

Jack said to him: "Don't worry, the most I'll let you eat is the Invincible Hairy Crab."

Grindelwald immediately shook his head and said, "No, you might as well kill me quickly instead of using this."

"Whoever you want to control, I suggest you use the Imperius Curse, which is kinder than the giant centipede or the invincible hairy crab."

Jack sneered and said, "I have a premonition that something is going to happen in Azkaban, and I plan to feed those Death Eaters first the centipedes."

Grindelwald understood, and while making tea for himself, he said, "You'd better give them a good time."

"I think sometimes what you do is too extreme, too rough, and not elegant at all."

"Stop talking about such cruel things, let's discuss how to kill Gringotts."

If wizards want to regain economic control, the goblin Gringotts is an unavoidable problem.

The problem is that Gringotts has been very powerful for many years, and the goblins have to be cowardly, but they have to find some way to kill them.

Jack asked Grindelwald: "How about we start a fight between Gringotts and the Death Eaters?"

Grindelwald asked him: "Where is the fuse?"

Both sides need a reason to fight to the death, otherwise why would they fight?

Jack replied: "I have two Horcruxes that are related to Voldemort's life."

"Hey..." Grindelwald was very disdainful, "Just do some crooked things."

"Let's work separately. You can mess with the Death Eaters as you like, while I continue to develop people."

Jack is good at fighting alone and making friends. When it comes to forming an organization, that is Grindelwald's strength, and he has done this before.

Black is Grindelwald's first experiment. He is not required to join, as long as he is shaken and starts to think, it will be considered a success.

That night, when Charles returned to the dormitory to rest, Dobby sent a letter.

Jack said in the letter that he was going abroad to Shunde to see the work in Vernon, and that he would bring Lunjiao cakes and chicken cakes when he came back.

Charles didn't take this matter to heart, thinking that the trial of the air fryer had good results and could be officially put into production, so he went over to show his face and sign a contract.

Next, there will be automatic cooking machines and automatic omelette machines. Like air fryers, they will be put into production after completing patent barriers and product design. They will be targeted at canteens of schools, factories and mines, and may be sold to the army.

Charles felt that he would have a secure life in the future, so he planned to let the old man take advantage of the opportunity to build a factory to acquire more land. Even if the air fryer could not be sold, he would still be able to gain something from it.

When Seamus returned to the dormitory, he saw Charles smirking and asked him, "What are you laughing at?"

Charles shook his head and said, "It's okay."

This time it was Seamus's turn to smile evilly and said: "I heard you and Professor Delacour talking after dinner just now. Their family is coming to Hogsmeade to spend Christmas this year."

"Hehehehe, Miss Delacour, come too, no wonder you are so happy."

Charles said, "Yeah, I'm going to Honeydukes next weekend to ask if there are any new candies for Christmas. I'll take her to buy them when she comes."

Seamus was about to say something when he was suddenly startled, and then asked: "Which Miss Delacour are you talking about?"

Charles replied matter-of-factly: "Of course it's Gabrielle."

At this time, Neville happened to come to visit, and Seamus immediately said to him: "Neville, hurry up, tell your father to arrest Charles!"

Neville was startled, pulled out his wand and asked, "Is he Black pretending to be?"

Charles said angrily: "You won't have any share of the cinnamon snails waiting for you."

Ruby on the side screamed happily and looked very happy.

Harry brought Hermione and Ron over in time. After hearing what Charles said, he said happily: "I can eat two more portions just in time."

Seamus immediately said: "That won't work, unless you can beat me in the Duel Club!"

Ron said to Harry: "I think it's better to forget it. It's not worth losing your life."

Harry said proudly: "It doesn't matter, I have a way to defeat Seamus."

"Really?" Ginny, who had just walked in, looked at Harry with bright eyes, "Can you really defeat Finnigan?"

The Potions Championship to be held in Kodosdoriz next year also needs someone to help. Seamus boasted a lot after he came back last year, so Harry also wanted to join the team through the Duel Club, and also roped in Ron and Hermione. Sensitive.

Now Seamus has much better control over his spells than before. In the past two days, he just blew Professor Flitwick up to the ceiling without having to go to the school doctor's office.

So Harry said he could defeat Seamus, and Ginny and others were very curious.

Harry said proudly: "That's for sure. Charles taught me this method."

Ginny said: "I see, I believe you can win."

Others thought the same as her, Charles's product must be a high-quality product, and it shouldn't be a problem for Harry to defeat Seamus.

Seamus asked Charles dejectedly: "What did you teach him?"

After thinking for a while, Charles said: "I taught him too many things. From washing his hands before eating and tying his shoes, to writing his own name and counting to one hundred, I taught him everything."

Ron couldn't help complaining after hearing this: "Are you Harry's father?"

Charles shrugged and said, "If I had such a stupid son, I would be angry to death. Hermione is smart and can learn everything after being taught."

Hermione had a dark look on her face. She was reading a book well, but Harry pulled her to have a snack. Now why is it all about her again?

Fortunately, a large plate of cinnamon snails appeared on Charles' desk.

Cinnamon snails are not real snails, but snacks that look like picture scrolls. They are made into dough with flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cardamom and butter. The fillings made with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon are rolled up and brushed on top when baked. A layer of egg liquid, then pour some syrup over it after baking.

Ruby carried a cinnamon snail to her shelf, took it apart and hung it up, then ran away after eating the stuffing inside.

Charles ignored it. This guy recently kept Hermione's Crookshanks as his own pet, and the two of them were having a great time.

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