A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 352 Preparing Christmas Gifts

As the Christmas holidays drew near, Charles once again headed to the principal's office.

The atmosphere in the office today was different from the past. It seemed a bit dull. The principals on the wall were silent.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, looking very tired. After seeing the visitor, he slowly asked: "Charles, what can I do?"

Charles smiled bitterly and said, "It turned out that something happened, but seeing that you are so tired, it's okay."

Dumbledore responded softly, and Charles could clearly distinguish the urgency of the matter. Since he said it was nothing, it was not an important matter.

Charles took out a few cans of Austrian Red Bull and put them on the table, and said to Dumbledore: "Headmaster, if you still need to expend energy when you are tired, you might as well get used to drinking it."

Dumbledore smiled slightly and said softly: "Thank you."

Half an hour later, at Zuko's Joke Shop, Bill Mays was about to close. The bell on the door of the shop made a sound, and a customer dressed like a dementor walked into the shop.

Bill Mays frowned and said to the guest, "You shouldn't be here at this time."

Charles smiled and replied: "If you don't report me, no one will know I'm here."

Bill Mays took out some blueberry cookies and put them on the counter, invited him to come over and eat them, and asked, "Do you want to buy some prank toys to play against someone?"

Charles ate the cookies and said, "I'm going to ask you to help me make something to give to Professor Dumbledore as a Christmas gift."

Bill Mays saw that it was a big business and waited for his next words.

Charles asked for paper and pen and started drawing the massage chair he wanted to order.

Magic massage chairs are not uncommon. There is one in the Oil Painting Association, but its function is not very good. It just stretches out the hand behind the chair to massage people. The technique is not good, and it cannot massage the back.

What Charles wants is a full-body massage chair that fits the whole body. When tilted up, the whole person can be supported and relaxed. It can massage the back, limbs, neck, head and eyes, and it also has relaxing music. .

Dumbledore had helped him a lot over the years, both publicly and privately, and he could be said to have protected him from wind and rain.

There wasn't much that Charles could do to help Dumbledore, especially since the situation had changed since the old man entered the game, so he could only give him a massage chair to let him have a good rest.

After reading Charles' request, Bill Mays said thoughtfully: "It's a very challenging job and it takes a little time."

"I hope to have it done before Christmas, using the best materials and no problem that can be solved with a Galleons," Charles said.

Bill Metz looked a little embarrassed. He couldn't make such a massage chair and had to find someone to do it, but he also understood that realizing so many functions was not an easy task.

Especially since this massage chair is for Dumbledore, no one will make do with it, and it takes a lot of man-hours to make it carefully.

"I'll try my best," Bill Mays said to Charles. "If you can't make it in time, I suggest you try this."

He used the flying spell to get a gorilla stuffed animal, which was a bit old and quite old.

Bill Mays said: "This doll can massage you while you sleep. It's pretty useful. This is the one I use all the time. There's another one in the warehouse."

Charles thought about it and decided that it was okay. He would buy a spare one first and give this massage chair to others if he could make it in time.

"I also want to ask for some more things to make gifts." He placed an order for a few things, and this year's Christmas gifts were complete.

Bill Mays said there was no problem with the additional items and that they would be ready soon so that Christmas would not be delayed.

Then Charles went to Honeydukes to buy some candies and drinks, and then returned to Hogwarts through the secret passage of the Pig's Head Bar.

He deliberately showed it to Aberforth so that if something happened he would not be thought to have gone to find Black.

"How about some blueberry wands?"

In the bedroom, Simo was lying on the bed like a dead fish, his eyes dull.

When he saw Charles handing him candy, he opened his mouth like Ruby and waited to be fed.

Charles stuck the blueberry wand up his nostril.

"I heard that you lost to Harry?" Charles asked Seamus curiously, "This shouldn't be the case."

He had heard in the common room when he came back just now that Harry and Seamus were duel in the duel club tonight, and it was clear who won and who lost.

Seamus held the blueberry wand in his mouth and ate it bit by bit, and said vaguely: "Harry was too fast. He was halfway holding the spell when the wand flew away."

Charles asked: "Disarming spell?"

Seamus nodded, and after eating the blueberry wand, he said, "Professor Flitwick said that Harry's spellcasting speed is the fastest among the students he has ever seen. Many Aurors are not that fast."

He looked very depressed. The power of the spell he cast was very powerful, but before he could finish casting the spell, the wand was knocked away by the disarming spell. No matter how powerful it was, it was useless.

Charles curled his lips and understood why Harry said that night that he taught him the way to defeat Seamus. When he was learning boxing, he had told him such nonsense as "the only martial arts in the world that can't be broken is fast".

This is the right idea, and it plays into Harry's strengths and restrains Seamus's weaknesses.

As for why Harry is so fast, it probably has something to do with his natural athletic talent. Even though he has four eyes, he has excellent dynamic vision and quick reaction speed.

Seamus asked Charles: "Is there any way you can defeat Harry?"

Charles thought for a while and replied: "It's a little difficult in the duel club. You can't hide on the long table. It's much easier to do it in the open ground."

Seamus felt that it made sense, it didn't matter if he cast the spell quickly, it wouldn't be faster than jumping to the side.

"But just dodging won't work." Simo thought about it. "We must find a way to counterattack as quickly as possible without giving him a second chance to cast the spell."

"Well, what would you do?"

Charles replied: "Get rid of his glasses."

Seamus thought it made sense.

The next night, Seamus used his pocket money to buy a bag of cream sandwich biscuits for Hermione, and then asked her: "Professor Granger, is there any magic spell that can quickly remove Harry's glasses?"

Harry was studying the homework next to Hermione, looking up at Seamus depressingly, and then looking at Charles depressingly, thinking that he should have come up with this damaging move.

Hermione thought for a while and then said: "I think the Flying Charm can be done, but it is a very profound spell and difficult to learn."

Neville, who was sitting across from the long table doing homework, raised his head and said: "There is also a charm that will work, but that is only used by thieves. Anyone who knows it will be targeted by Aurors."

Seamus said: "I'd better see if I can learn the flying spell."

Harry turned to Charles and asked: "Charles, do you know how to prevent glasses from being taken away by the flying curse?"

Charles replied without looking up: "Glue on your face."

There was a burst of laughter all around.

Everyone wrote their homework for a while, and someone brought a registration form indicating whether they would stay in school during the Christmas vacation.

Harry asked Charles straight away: "Where are you going this Christmas?"

Charles had just left school and replied: "Grandpa is abroad. I will be at Fallbarton Castle. Our company will have a meeting after Christmas."

Harry's eyes lit up and he asked, "Can I go to Farbarton Castle to play?"

Unexpectedly, Hermione said to him seriously: "Harry, this is a place of work, not a playground."

Harry thought the same thing and could only give up the idea.

He saw that Hermione and Ron had also filled out detention papers and said, "I wonder if we can go to Hogsmeade during the holidays."

Harry asked this question when he handed the form to Professor McGonagall after breakfast the next day. Professor McGonagall thought for a while that the three of them would need to work together to go.

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