A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 353 Come to England to play

The day before the Christmas vacation, the third-year students of Hogwarts and above rushed towards Hogsmeade like sheep out of the sheepfold, and the snow on the ground was trampled in a short time.

After leaving the campus, Charles found Fred and George, who were studying a list of things to buy for Ginny.

"Good morning, Mr. Weasleys." A strange smile appeared on Charles' face, "How were your mock exam results?"

next moment……

"Ah! Please don't mention this again!"

"We will definitely work hard next semester!"

Charles looked at these two crazy guys and shook his head helplessly, too lazy to care about them anymore.

Many people felt that they did not do well in this mock test, so many fifth- and seventh-grade students did not dare to go home during the Christmas holiday, including the twins.

Percy stayed because Penello didn't come home. When Ginny saw that her brothers didn't reply, she didn't even return. So Percy asked Charles to book a private room at Dancing Grass Restaurant, and the Weasley family stayed at Ping An The whole family gathered there that night.

Charles has received a lot of orders in the past two days, and he is considering whether to give Hogwarts some rebates.

Fred and George told Charles that they planned to optimize Magic Tetris to the size of an ordinary book this holiday season, and then optimize it into the magic cassette that Charles mentioned.

Charles thought that after making it into a book size, he would try to sell it in Zuko's Joke Shop. Maybe it could be in time for next year's Quidditch World Cup finals, when it could be sold to wizards from all over the world.

However, he also pointed out that while making money, you should not neglect your studies.

Fred and George said they would balance their relationship.

Charles breathed a sigh of relief, and finally diverted their attention away from the bag, so he didn't have to give them his own bag for reference. There was something in the bag that was not suitable for them to see.

The three chatted for a while, and when Hogsmeade arrived, someone suddenly rushed over to the roadside.


A cute little girl dressed like a bear ran over, holding a flowerpot with a transparent cover in her right hand, and a plastic parrot standing on her left shoulder.

Charles lifted Gabrielle and spun her around twice in the air, then put her down.

Fred and George pressed Charles' shoulders on the left and right and asked: "Mr. Smith, won't you introduce us to this beautiful lady?"

Charles introduced: "This is Gabrielle Delacour, the daughter of Professor Delacour."

Fred and George looked at each other. They learned from Hermione that Professor Delacour had a daughter. They also learned that Charles once took Professor Delacour's daughter out to play and stayed up all night. The two looked at each other again. A glance at Gabrielle.

"What are you going to do!"

Fred and George ignored Charles's shouts, holding his arms on the left and right and dragging him towards the train station, where Aurors were on duty.

Gabrielle tilted her head and watched curiously as the two red-haired elder brothers were dragging Charles away, thinking it was some British custom.

Charles finally solved the misunderstanding, gave each of the twins a kick, and then took Gabrielle to play in the village.

Gabrielle saw Charles looking around and asked him: "Are you looking for your sister?"

Charles replied: "Yeah, I'm going to take you to buy a lot of candies. She will be very angry if she sees it."

"Really?" Gabrielle shook Charles's hand, "Then go quickly, Beauxbatons won't have a holiday until tomorrow, and my sister won't come until she has a holiday."

Charles thought to himself that it was like this. Gabrielle and his Beauxbatons affiliated primary school had an earlier holiday, so they came over yesterday afternoon.

Honeydukes was full of students today, especially those who helped Charles work in the greenhouse. Everyone had extra change and naturally wanted to increase consumption.

Ambrosio Froome's hand cramped when he was collecting money. When he saw Charles dragging a cute little girl through the door, he took some time to go over and say hello: "Good morning, Charles, is this beautiful lady your sister?" Choose what you want.”

The translation parrot on Gabriel's shoulder translated Frum's words and said to him: "Hello, sir, I am not Charles's sister, I am his friend."

Now the Ministry of Magic has installed an alarm bell in every shop in Hogsmeade. If Black is found, the Aurors can be notified immediately. Frum's eyes were looking over there.

Charles said hurriedly: "She is the daughter of Professor Delacour."

Froom understood that after Henry Delacour came to Hogwarts to work, he often mentioned his family while drinking with the shopkeepers at the Three Broomsticks.

Charles said to Gabrielle: "You can choose what you want to eat."

"Okay!" Gabrielle cheered and started to rattle off her names, "I want candle candies, bee candies, butterfly candies, volcano cake, strawberry-flavored chocolate frogs..."

Every time she said something, Charles took something off the shelf. After a while, a small mountain was piled up on the counter, and Mrs. Vroom, who was doing the accounting behind, couldn't even see it.

Harry said to Hermione from the side: "Charles has never bought you so many snacks."

Hermione pouted and replied, "He doesn't give me snacks."

Ron sighed: "It's great to have money."

After paying, Charles put all the candies and snacks into the bag, greeted Harry and the others, and then headed to Zuko's Joke Shop.

He told Gabrielle at Zuko's Joke Shop: "Just buy whatever toys you want."

Gabrielle asked him in a low voice: "Isn't it a waste of your money?"

Charles replied: "It's okay, this little money is small money to me."

"Hmm..." Gabri thought for a moment, "Then I'll buy one."

Bill Mays immediately took out an oriole bird standing on a branch to sell: "Miss Delacour, this is the singing bird you just wanted."

Gabrielle's eyes lit up, but she said sheepishly: "This... Mom said it's too expensive."

Charles understood that Mrs. Delacour had brought Gabrielle here just now, but he didn't know whether Bill Mess was ruthlessly robbing foreigners or Mrs. Delacour really thought it was expensive and didn't want to buy it.

Since it was Gabriel who wanted it, Charles immediately took out two Galleons and placed them on the counter. He winked at Bill Mays and said, "Sell it to me cheaper."

Bill Mess understood immediately, accepted the gold coins and said, "Okay, I'll sell it to you."

Gabrielle jumped up with joy, placed the flower pot with dancing grass on the counter, opened the cover and put the magic oriole inside.

When the oriole started singing, the dancing grass shivered and swayed. It was cold. Gabrielle immediately put the cover on it, and the dancing grass returned to normal.

Charles chatted with Bill Mays for a few words. There was no problem with the construction period of the previously ordered items. They made an appointment to meet tomorrow and left.

Gabrielle held the flowerpot, pulled Charles and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to a place."

Charles wondered what else attracted her here.

"Big Bearded Boss, please have two glasses of the same juice as last night."

Gabrielle dragged Charles to the Pig's Head Bar, and after ordering a drink, she said to him: "I'll buy you a drink."

Charles asked with a black line: "Who brought you here?"

The Pig's Head Bar is not a good place. Dragons and snakes are mixed together. It is not a good thing for a little girl to come here.

Gabrielle replied: "Grandma brought me here last night. She asked the bearded boss about a wizard who lived many years ago."

Charles was speechless. Lady Angelina would not miss the opportunity to find out about the old man.

Aberforth brought two glasses of assorted juices and placed a small plate of gingerbread cookies in front of Gabrielle.

Charles looked at him and asked with his eyes where was his share?

Aberforth pretended not to notice, took a few coins handed over by Gabrielle and turned around to leave.

Charles didn't know that Aberforth could mix juice, so he took a sip. It tasted like apple, orange and blueberry. Gabrielle thought it was okay.

Charles and Gabrielle chatted for a while, and when they talked about Fleur, Gabrielle said: "My sister wrote and said that their sixth-grade students must study harder now and complete the seventh-grade courses this school year."

Charles wondered if Dumbledore had decided on the Triwizard Tournament in advance. The same was true for Durmstrang. Erica wrote a few days ago saying that he had recently begun to select top students to make up classes.

Hogwarts has also seen some signs of it, but the current focus is on next year's Potions Championship, and the selection can be interspersed with it.

Charles was too lazy to care about this matter. At worst, he wrote "Peeves" on the note and threw it into the Goblet of Fire.

The two of them finished the juice and went shopping again. Charles bought Gabrielle a beautiful white swan quill at the Wenrenju Quill Shop, and bought a picture album at the Tome and Scroll Bookstore, which sells books. , and then walked to Dancing Grass Restaurant.

Unexpectedly, when Gabrielle was about to walk to the restaurant, she pointed to the building next door with pink windows and doors and said, "Shall we go there?"

Charles broke into a cold sweat all of a sudden. That was Mrs. Puddieffe's Tea House, a place where lovers go on dates.

He hurriedly said to Gabrielle: "No, um... you are still young, you can't go there yet."

"That's it." Gabrielle said, "Then when I grow up, how about we go there?"

Charles thought to himself, what does a seven-year-old girl know? How will she remember it N years later? He said perfunctorily: "Let's talk about it then. Let's go have lunch now."

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