A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 354 Christmas Extras

"I told you not to buy her so much candy!"

When Fleur arrived in Hogsmeade and saw Gabrielle's pile of snacks, she was furious.

She glared at Charles angrily and saw that this guy was still smiling playfully. She had no choice but to rub Gabrielle's face.

"Let me see if there are any cavities!"

Fleur's hands were ice cold, making Gabrielle laugh from the cold.

Gabrielle said: "I brush my teeth well every day!"

"I'll keep it for you." Fleur waved her wand, and all the snacks on the table gathered into a pile, then flew to the wall and turned into a two-dimensional image.

Gabrielle tried her best to pouted and looked sad, trying to convince her sister that all her snacks were.

Charles had long expected that Fleur would control Gabrielle's massive snacks, so he hid some of them after discussing with Gabrielle.

Fleur left a bag of milk-flavored rabbit candies. After opening the box, those rabbit-shaped gummy candies jumped all over the table.

There are sweets to eat here in Charles, but far away in the middle of the North Sea, some people can eat things they never dreamed of.

Two people appeared outside Azkaban, wearing faceless black cloaks. The roaring sea wind made the cloaks rustle. It was obvious at a glance that they were not good people.

"I don't like this place." Grindelwald shook his head, "It's too humid and not good for your health."

A wave hit the reef next to him, causing a wave of spray. The cold water hit the transparent wall just a slap away from his body.

Jack replied: "You can eat more Mexican chili sauce to get rid of the dampness."

"Forget it," Grindelwald said, "I heard that the Mexicans have a curse that makes people feel like they have eaten a lot of deviled peppers and suffer from both ends. The effect is almost the same as the Cruciatus Curse."

Jack said: "You can try the Golden Bark Curse in Australia. The Cruciatus Curse appears to be more merciful in front of it."

"Oh?" Grindelwald was a little curious, "Why?"

Jack replied: "The effects last for years."

As the two spoke, they began to sneak into Azkaban Prison.

Nowadays many dementors have gone to Hogwarts, leaving very few guards.

There were no appointments with the Ministry of Magic today, so the remaining dementors flew to the gate to intercept the uninvited guests.

Jack asked Grindelwald: "Aren't you going to see Albus for Christmas?"

Grindelwald shook his head and said: "Forget it, I heard Charles said that he has been very tired recently, so it's better not to cause him any trouble."

He asked Jack again: "What about you, do you want me to help you sneak into Hogsmeade and let you play the piano under the window sill of McGonagall's room?"

"Maybe when Mag is happy, he will let down his long hair and let you crawl into the room."

Jack sighed and said, "Let's wait until the Gringotts matter is settled."

The two of them walked into the depths of Azkaban while chatting. There were knocked out Dementors lying in the corridor behind them.

Jack stopped outside a cell and said to Grindelwald, "Start with him."

This cell held Antonin Dolokhov, who participated in the brutal murders of Fabian Prewett and Gideon Prewett.

He was lying on the cold stone floor with an empty bowl beside him. He seemed to be asleep, but he was still shivering from the cold.

Jack cast an Imperius Curse through the window of the cell door and hit Dolohov accurately on the back.

After a moment, Dolokhov stood up unsteadily. He was as thin as a skeleton, with a rag-like robe hanging on his body, and he swayed behind the door.

His eyes were closed tightly and his mouth opened at the small window on the door. The bad breath made Grindelwald take a step back.

Jack took out a wax pill from his pocket and crushed it, revealing a dark red centipede curled up into a ball.

The centipede immediately unfolded its curled body and crawled onto Jack's hand.

Jack just shook his hand, and the centipede suddenly got into Dolohov's mouth, and quickly went down.

Dolokhov went back to lying down as if nothing had happened.

After lifting the Imperius Curse, Jack turned back and saw Grindelwald covering his mouth and nose with his hands, and joked: "The new breed can actually enter from the back."

Grindelwald suddenly tightened his gluteus maximus, took two steps back, and asked nervously: "You didn't buy too much of this thing, did you?"

Jack just smiled and didn't answer.

They came at the right time. The prisoners in Azkaban had lunch not long ago, and then it was the dementor's lunch time, and all the prisoners passed out.

The two of them were going shopping here, looking for Death Eaters in each cell, and then feeding them giant centipedes.

"Oops!" Jack suddenly exclaimed as he touched his pocket, "One of the giant centipedes I bought is missing."

Grindelwald saw that he didn't seem to be pretending, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Why are you so careless? There is only one left to go. It's not good if you don't feed this one after all the others. It's better to kill him."

Jack took out a fist-sized wax ball and said, "It doesn't matter. The boss will give me this as a gift when he sees that I buy too much."

Grindelwald saw him opening the wax pill, which contained a hairy crab, and reminded him: "Don't pinch your hand."

Jack didn't reply and stuffed the invincible hairy crab into Bellatrix Lestrange's mouth.

"Let's go." After finishing, Jack waved to Grindelwald, "There is still something to do."

Grindelwald complained: "There are quite a lot of things."

Despite his complaints, he still followed Jack to the cemetery on the seaside behind Azkaban.

All the prisoners who died in Azkaban are buried here. The tombstones are in a messy state. Some of them are still new, while many others have been eroded by nature to the point where the words on them are unclear.

Jack looked at several tombstones and quickly found his target.

He waved his wand, and a skeleton quickly emerged from the ground like a puddle of water.

Jack glanced at it and turned to ask Grindelwald: "Do you know how to tell whether a bone is male or female?"

Grindelwald replied: "You can put a bone in Polyjuice Potion and drink it."

What he was talking about was a method commonly used by Aurors, and now he said it was purely out of revenge for being teased by Jack just now.

Jack looked at the pelvis of the skeleton, sighed deeply, and said, "Well, maternal love can make a mother do many incredible things."

Grindelwald heard what he meant and asked with some surprise: "You mean, these are the bones of a woman who had an affair with her child?"

Jack nodded, and suddenly remembered something. The more he thought about it, the more interesting it became, and he couldn't help but look at Grindelwald.

Grindelwald was shocked and said hurriedly: "You...you are asking me to pretend to be this woman. I would not do such a thing even if I were killed."

Jack shook his head and said seriously: "How could I let you do such a thing? I was thinking of another thing."

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