A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 355 A Happy Gift

The Christmas that children look forward to the most in a year has finally arrived. The happiest moment for them is to open the gifts after waking up.

Harry got up early. Since he heard Charles say that he could get a happy gift if he answered questions in every class, he raised his hand in every class a few days ago, including the potion class, so that Snape almost thought he was Black in disguise.

Now what he looks forward to most is to open the legendary gift that makes him happy.

"Harry, Ron, Merry Christmas!"

Hermione was also curious about what the gift Charles was talking about, so she came early.

Ron was putting peanuts behind the fence under the bed. This was Scabbers' food for the day.

When he saw Hermione coming in, he looked at the dormitory door nervously, fearing that some monster would come in.

Hermione said to him calmly, "I asked Crookshanks to play with Ruby in the common room."

Ron was relieved.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Harry Potter!"

Dobby, dressed in a suit, tie, sunglasses, gold watch and gold chain, appeared behind Harry, holding a large red gift box above his head with both hands, and two small gift boxes on the large gift box.

It was the first time Hermione saw Dobby, and she turned to Ron and asked, "Who is he?"

Ron had seen him before and replied, "He is Charles's man, Dobby."

When Hermione heard that it was related to Charles, she said, "If someone told me one day that Charles kept a vampire, I wouldn't be surprised."

Ron nodded and said, "Maybe it's a beautiful female vampire."

Harry greeted Dobby happily, "Dobby, long time no see, where have you been recently?"

Dobby replied, "Dobby has been helping in the kitchen of the Dancing Grass Restaurant these days. There are too many customers. . "

He placed the big gift box on his head in front of Harry and began to distribute the gifts: "The boss said that this big box is for Harry Potter, the small box with red ribbon is for red-haired Ron Weasley, and the small box with yellow ribbon is for Hermione Granger."

Ron took the box handed over by Dobby with a smile. He didn't expect Charles to ask the house elf to give him a gift. After opening it, he shouted happily: "It's a watch, brand new!"

When he picked up the watch, he saw a note inside. He took it up and looked at it. He was surprised and excited, and immediately put on the watch.

The next moment, Ron disappeared in front of everyone.

"Where is Ron?" Harry was shocked, "How could such a big Ron disappear?"

Hermione said in surprise: "Ron, why are you invisible?"

She was next to Ron and could see the dents on the carpet caused by his feet.

Ron soon appeared, grinning and saying, "This watch can make people invisible, just like wearing Harry's invisibility cloak."

Hermione pouted and said, "That's great."

Charles also gave her a watch, but the extra function was to remind her to go to bed, and there was an alarm clock.

Harry opened the gift from Charles with great anticipation, but as soon as the box was opened, a gorilla puppet jumped out.

Hermione suppressed her laughter and said, "You can hold it to sleep."

The gorilla jumped on Harry's back and began to massage his shoulders.

Harry said with some disappointment, "It's quite comfortable."

Dobby saw that Harry was unhappy, and took out a large bag of toffee from his pocket and gave it to him: "This is Dobby's Christmas gift to Harry Potter, bought by Dobby with his own salary."

Harry happily accepted Dobby's gift, rummaged through his bedside, and gave him a large bag of biscuits.

Harry asked Dobby, "What is Charles doing now?"

Dobby replied, "I don't know where the boss went."

Harry thought Charles had run out to play, so he didn't care.

The restaurant was still busy today, so Dobby said goodbye to Harry and the others and left.

There were still a lot of gifts to be opened. Harry and Ron sat on the carpet and opened the hooded leather jacket given by Mrs. Weasley, as well as socks, mince pies, candies, snacks, etc.

"What is this?" Hermione saw Harry take out a white silk handkerchief from a box.

Harry said, "It's a handkerchief for wiping glasses given by Professor Lupin."

He took off his glasses and wiped them gently with the handkerchief, feeling that the lenses were brighter.

"The last one," Harry joked as he picked up a slender box, "Is it a wand longer than Charles's wand?"

When the box was opened and the things inside fell out, Harry and Ron's breathing suddenly became heavy, and they swallowed their saliva at the same time.

"Firebolt?" Ron was not sure.

"Firebolt!" Harry was sure, "I went to see it almost every day during the summer vacation!"

Hermione was not interested in flying brooms and Quidditch, and said calmly: "This is the gift that Charles said would make you happy."

Harry wiped his hands on his clothes first, then gently picked up the Firebolt and placed it on his legs, carefully stroking the smooth broom handle, and could only smile foolishly without saying anything.

Ron sighed enviously: "I didn't expect Charles would actually buy you a Firebolt."

The last gift he opened was a bag of mouse cream cookies. He put a fingernail-sized cookie under the bed with his right hand, and his eyes were fixed on the legendary Firebolt.

Hermione said seriously, "This broomstick is definitely not from Charles."

"Why?" Ron contradicted her, "Who else but Charles would give Harry such an expensive broomstick?"

Hermione replied, "If it was from Charles, why didn't he send it with it just now?"

Ron thought it made sense, but still said, "Maybe the Firebolt was ordered directly from the store and sent directly from the store."

Hermione shook her head and said, "No, if it was from him, the gorilla would have flown out of the box on the broomstick just now."

Ron said again, "Maybe it was Professor Dumbledore, he is a world-class wizard, so the broomstick he gave must be world-class."

Hermione immediately said, "If it was Professor Dumbledore or any other professor, why didn't he write a card?"

Ron also thought it made sense. It was not normal that there was no note in the box of the Firebolt.

He shrugged and said, "It can't be Black."

Hermione nodded and said, "It's very likely. If Black tampered with the broom and let Harry fall when he was flying in the sky..."

At the end of her words, Harry fell to the ground like a gingerbread man, and she shuddered.

Harry shook his head and said, "Hermione, you missed someone. The Firebolt may have been given by Mr. Smith."

Hermione was stunned and felt that what he said made sense.

Hermione also saw that Jack spent pounds without blinking an eye and only bought the most expensive things. If Charles heard that Harry's flying broom was broken, it would not be surprising to buy him the most expensive one.

But there was still the same problem, there was no card.

Harry didn't care about that, and took the Firebolt to the common room for everyone to see.

"Let me ride it once, no matter what you ask, I will let Ron do it!"

Fred rushed to the Firebolt as soon as he saw it, and George was faster than him and reached out to touch it.

Unexpectedly, Ginny hit George's hand with her wand and said angrily, "Wash your hands first!"

There were many fifth and seventh grade students who didn't dare to go home during the Christmas holidays this year. When they saw Harry got a Firebolt, they all gathered around.

At this moment, the door of the common room opened and a large group of people came in.

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