A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 356 Active Closing

The remaining students of Gryffindor College were watching the legendary Firebolt. Unexpectedly, the principal came in with the four deans and Professor Lupin, followed by the Minister of Magic Fudge, the Director of the Auror Office Scrimgeour and A dozen Aurors and even a few reporters from the Daily Prophet.

Harry suddenly wondered, could this Firebolt be stolen?

At this time, Professor McGonagall came out to gather the students together, counted them once, and said to Dumbledore: "The students are all here."

Dumbledore nodded, turned to Fudge and said expressionlessly: "The professors and I will protect the students, and the Aurors can search the dormitories thoroughly."

Fudge was a little excited and turned to Scrimgeour to give orders.

Neville's mother and several other female Aurors went to the girls' dormitory. Fudge personally led the team to the boys' dormitory and ordered two Aurors to guard the stairs, not even letting pets go.

Dumbledore led the professors in a semicircle, followed by the students, and behind them was the fireplace. Ruby and Crookshanks were sharing a piece of dried squid in front of the fireplace.

Harry asked Professor McGonagall in a low voice: "Professor, what is going on?"

Professor McGonagall looked confused and replied in a low voice: "The Minister said... the person who betrayed your parents is hiding in the Gryffindor common room or dormitory."

The surrounding students heard it and immediately exclaimed.

Dumbledore had a sullen expression. Just now Fudge came with a large group of Aurors and said he wanted to arrest people. He was not prepared at all, and he had a tough attitude, so he had no choice but to go along with him.

Ginny said worriedly: "Is Black hiding in the girls' dormitory?"

Hermione said to her: "Don't worry, he can't go up that staircase."

Ron said anxiously, "But there are no outsiders in the dormitory. They can't arrest Banban for business."

At this time, someone pressed his shoulders and pulled him back, and said at the same time: "The one they want to catch is your Banban.

Dumbledore and others turned around as soon as they heard a voice that was not a student coming from behind.

Lupine saw the person behind Ron and immediately exclaimed: "Sirius?!"

Today, Blake had washed his hair and shaved his face. He was wearing a crisp brown suit. He looked like an official from the Ministry of Magic. He also had a lot of flesh on his face. He was so different from the wanted poster that no one else recognized him for a while.

Without saying a word, Snape raised his hand to cast a curse, but a curse suddenly shot out from behind Black and hit him accurately.

The next moment, Snape found that the feeling that made him extremely disgusted appeared again, as if someone was grabbing his ankle and lifting it into the air with force.

But this time was different from many years ago. Not only was he hanging upside down in the air, he was also spinning like a top.

"I suggest everyone put down their wands." Grindelwald showed his figure, "Today is Christmas, don't scare the children."

Although Grindelwald wore a bowler hat covering the upper part of his nose, Professor McGonagall still recognized him and couldn't help but look at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore pointed the Elder Wand at him and said in a deep voice, "I need an explanation."

It's obvious that today's incident is most likely the fault of Grindelwald.

Grindelwald glanced at the Aurors gathered around him and said with a smile: "I owed the Black family a favor before, and now I want to repay the favor."

He then said to the Aurors: "Gentlemen, I suggest that you follow your minister's orders and guard the stairs."

At this time, Lupine saw that Black was still putting his hand on Ron's shoulder, and Ron was pale with fright, so he said: "Let Weasley go, and I will be your hostage."

After he finished speaking, he put his wand at his feet and raised his hands to go over.

Black smiled and said to Lupine: "Remus, I'm glad to see you look good. I heard that you no longer have to suffer like before. I think it's time for you to consider starting a family."

He saw Harry about to secretly raise his wand, raised his eyebrows at Harry, and said, "Harry, do you like the Firebolt I gave you? If James is still here, he will definitely be very happy."

Harry was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the Firebolt was really sent by him.

"Then you two will be buried in the ground by Potter's mother, with only your heads exposed." Grindelwald complained at the side, "You are the only one who can buy a broomstick with a speed of 240 kilometers per hour for an underage child. Such a brainless person can do it.”

Only then did Blake realize that what he said made sense, and awkwardly patted Ron on the shoulder to change the subject: "Tell Professor Lupin about your pet."

Ron said nervously: "Spot...what can you say about Spot, it's...just a mouse."

Others didn't think anything of it. Lupine was shocked when he heard it. He immediately came to a conclusion based on the previous findings. His eyes widened and he struggled to spit out a name: "Peter Pettigrew?!"

Dumbledore turned to look at him, waiting for an explanation.

Lupine could only say: "Peter is an unregistered Animagus. He can turn into a mouse."

At this time, Ron and Percy were dumbfounded. The pet rat they had raised for so many years was actually a human?

Ron immediately said: "No... mice all look the same, you must be mistaken."

Black said to him: "I can't admit it, and besides, he's missing a finger on his right hand."

Ron opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time. Spot's right front paw was indeed missing a finger.

At this time, a group of people came out of the boys' dormitory. Fudge walked in front, holding a magic wand in one hand and a mouse in the other, shouting excitedly: "We were fooled by you 12 years ago, and now I finally caught you!"

The reporters followed him all the time, and the cameras in their hands kept shooting from different angles.

The person who can become the Minister of Magic is not a fool. Fudge threw Scabbers high up, and then waved the magic wand to cast a spell himself. After a flash, a short man fell heavily to the ground.

Scrimgeour immediately cast a spell, and a fine net like a white mosquito net covered him up, and he couldn't fly out even if he turned into a mosquito.

"It seems I'm not late." Charles walked into the common room with a smile, but no one paid attention to him except Grindelwald who ran away.

The three to seven children of the Weasley family were all dumbfounded, and Harry and Hermione couldn't recover for a while.

Other students knew that Ron had a pet mouse because he often quarreled with Hermione in the common room over pet issues recently. They didn't expect that he would play so big behind his back.

Lupin looked at Peter with a complicated expression, his hands trembling.

Black let go of Ron, suppressed his anger, and walked towards Peter.

Dumbledore frowned, not expecting things to turn out like this, completely beyond his expectations.

Snape... He was still spinning under the ceiling.

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