A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 357 Bigger News

On Christmas Day in 1993, the British Ministry of Magic's work efficiency was the fastest in more than 300 years since its establishment.

Peter Pettigrew was arrested in the morning, and all members of the Wizengamot were put on trial at noon. The facts were clear, the evidence was conclusive, and everyone's afternoon tea was not delayed.

Before dinner, the "Daily Prophet's" report about the betrayal of the Potters and the fact that Peter received a kiss from a dementor was sent to almost all wizarding families in the UK. The first page of the newspaper was filled with a photo of Fudge catching Scabbers.

In the owner's private room on the third floor of the Dancing Grass Restaurant, the spoon in Charles' hand fell on the dining table with a clatter. He asked Grindelwald in disbelief: "Please say it again, I don't seem to have heard clearly."

Grindelwald slowly ate the Nordic salmon soup cooked with salmon, potatoes, carrots, leeks and cream, seasoned with fresh dill, salt and black pepper. He said unhurriedly: "The Death Eaters escaped from prison yesterday. They Celebrate Christmas this year outside of Azkaban.”

Charles suddenly felt the influence of the Roman-style stew of tripe cooked with tomato puree, sheep cheese, olive oil, cloves, garlic, onions, carrots, celery, dry white wine, mint, pepper, and salt in front of him. Without any attraction at all, he leaned back on the chair and took a deep breath.

"Did you do it?" Charles looked at Grindelwald. There was every reason to suspect that he and the old man were responsible for this kind of thing.

Grindelwald gave the excuse he had discussed with Jack: "We just wanted to confirm whether a man or a woman was buried in Barty Crouch's tomb, and we just happened to do it."

Charles smiled and said, "Then I believe it."

His instinct told him that these two people must be up to something. Voldemort's operation slightly disrupted their plan, so today Fudge brought the Auror to capture Peter.

Moreover, the Death Eaters' collective escape from prison was part of their plan. Otherwise, if these two took action, no one would make dinner for Voldemort tonight.

The mass escape of Death Eaters in Azkaban was countless times more serious than the escape of Black alone. Fudge must have been in a state of distress, and the news that Grindelwald had brought Peter to him was just used to cover up the matter.

Moreover, Peter can be used as the scapegoat for this large-scale prison break, and everything can be blamed on him. He dared to betray the Potters more than ten years ago, and it is not surprising that he dared to organize the Death Eaters to escape from prison this year.

That's fine, the blame won't be placed on Black's head.

But it's hard to say that the Weasley family, who have raised Peter for more than ten years, may not have a good Christmas this year.

"Please give me confirmation." Charles stared at Grindelwald with unprecedented seriousness, "What are you planning?"

Grindelwald stopped the spoon, raised his head, and realized that the aura of Charles at this time was not that of a thirteen-year-old child at all, but a poisonous jellyfish hidden deep in the sea water that could kill anyone at any time.

He is very afraid of such people. They usually feel nothing and seem harmless, but when bad things happen, they can cause great damage.

Grindelwald thought for a while and seemed to understand.

Miss Delacour is now in Hogsmeade, and Charles' Phoenix Logistics is about to be officially established. If someone causes trouble and hurts Miss Delacour or destroys his company, God knows what this guy will do. Come.

Grindelwald has seen for a long time that Charles is a man of strong action. If he wants to do something, he will act immediately as long as he makes up his mind.

Moreover, his brain is extremely easy to use. If he is allowed to cause trouble, God knows what he will do.

"For the great benefit of wizards!" Grindelwald said seriously, "let wizards join the ruling class and become a member of the ruling class."

Charles closed his eyes and thought of a cartoon called "The Bosses of the Senate" created by the American painter Joseph Kepler around 1890. In the cartoon, the senators in the Senate hall were discussing "Sherman". Antitrust Act", looking back, there is a group of monopoly capitalists standing in the back row, with "Steel Trust," "Copper Trust," "Sugar Trust," "Standard Oil Trust" and so on written on their big bellies.

Now it seems that Grindelwald wants to add a wizard to that group of capitalists.

Although times have changed and countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States are deindustrializing, the power structure has not changed. It is just that new capitalists have replaced the old capitalists.

"It's up to you." Charles opened his eyes and continued eating the tripe stew.

He stopped talking and finished the tripe. He broke a few pieces of bread and put them on the plate to soak up the soup before eating them.

There are still many unclear aspects behind today's incident, such as how Grindelwald got on the line with Fudge, how he persuaded him, Scrimgeour and others to trust Black, and led him and Black to hide behind the Aurors. In the Gryffindor common room.

Harry was there at the time, and if Black really wanted to snap him, there was nothing he could do to stop him.

Another point is that Charles has not received any news before. Neither the old man nor Grindelwald told him. If the Ministry of Magic had not come to reserve a box for a celebration banquet early, he would not have known about it.

More importantly, the old man was also present when Charles heard what Grindelwald wanted, but he has not shown up so far. God knows where he went.

The dinner ended in silence. Before Charles left, Grindelwald gave him a roll of parchment: "Give it to Albus for me."

Charles took the parchment and nodded, and after leaving the restaurant, he came to the Pig's Head Bar.

Tonight, only the Dumbledore brothers, Lupin, Black, Harry and other Weasley children were having dinner here. Everyone was listening to Black talking about what happened recently.

As soon as Charles entered the door, a little owl flew over his head, making a lot of noise and looking very excited.

This little owl was like a child trying to prove that he had grown up, Charles suddenly thought.

Aberforth called him over: "Charles, have you had dinner?"

Charles walked over and said, "I just had dinner in the restaurant."

He handed the parchment to Dumbledore and said, "He asked me to give it to you."

Dumbledore knew who Charles was talking about, and hurriedly opened it. The parchment was blank, but his mouth was slightly bent.

This was a communication parchment. After writing on it, another corresponding parchment would be displayed, but the distance was limited.

Before Dumbledore could say anything, Charles said to everyone: "I have something to do and I'll leave first."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left the Hog's Head Pub without hesitation.

Blake watched his back disappear out the door and said seriously, "I feel like there are a lot of mysteries surrounding Smith."

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