A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 358 Undercover

"Why are you doing this?"

"I see you're so tired."

Dumbledore's body froze, and he didn't even notice that the quill in his hand fell on the table.

He had imagined that Grindelwald helping Black was part of a conspiracy. Maybe Grindelwald had really owed favor to the Black family before, but he never thought it would be such a reason.

In the island villa, Grindelwald stood by the window, quietly watching the snowflakes falling outside the window.

On the desk behind him, the third line of words on the parchment did not appear for a long time.

Grindelwald waited for a while, then went back to sit at his desk and wrote, "I promised Black to help him find a wife. Do you have any good candidates?"

After he finished writing, he put the parchment aside, took a stack of parchment on the desk, and continued writing furiously.

At the same time, hidden somewhere in Malfoy Manor, the Death Eaters were having dinner.

Narcissa Malfoy looked very sad. She missed her son. She didn't know how Draco spent Christmas this year. She didn't know if he received a Christmas gift. It was the Dark Lord's special grace to give a gift to his son.

Lucius Malfoy's face turned gloomier, for no other reason than that they ate their own food, drank their own food, and wore their own clothes, and he brought them back from Azkaban, so he didn't hear it. A kind word.

At this time, August Rookwood, who was sitting opposite Lucius, toasted to him, which made Lucius's face look better.

August Rookwood was once the silent man in the Ministry of Magic. Silent people never talk about their work, and he usually doesn't talk much. If he hadn't been betrayed, no one would know that he was an undercover agent who passed the Ministry of Magic intelligence to Voldemort. .

At the end of the dinner, he said to Narcissa, "Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy, for the wonderful dinner."

A smile appeared on Narcissa's face and she replied, "I'm glad you enjoyed your meal."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the others. Everyone, including her sister Bellatrix Lestrange, was picking her teeth and chatting without any thought of thanking her, let alone helping to clear the table.

In comparison, Narcissa's cousin was much more sensible. When the party was over at the Hog's Head Bar, Black helped Aberforth clear the cups and saucers on the table.

Harry and the others were going back to Hogwarts Castle, with Black and Harry walking behind.

Harry was very curious about this godfather who suddenly appeared. We talked a lot tonight and got to know him a little bit.

When he walked to the back door of the castle, Black whispered: "Harry, I need your help with something."

Harry immediately said: "No problem, what's the matter?"

Blake said seriously: "I remember Sybill Trelawney lives in the castle. When you see her, can you help me ask if she is free? I would like to invite her to the Dancing Grass Restaurant for dinner. "Third floor."

He still remembered that in the private room of the Dancing Grass Restaurant that day, Otto Spinola said to him before leaving that Trelawney knew the relevant information about the murder of the Potters, so he wanted to inquire about it.

Harry agreed without thinking much.

But Lu Ping, who was next to him, suddenly turned his head, with a strange smile on his face.

He tried desperately to recall in his mind, did Blake and Trelawney have any intersection back then? Did Blake mention Trelawney again?

However, nothing was found. At that time, the two people seemed to be living in two worlds, at least on the surface.

But there was no warning when Harry's father and Harry's mother started dating. It was very simple to keep such things a secret. There are many examples.

So Lu Ping no longer recalls the past, the future is more important.

He pretended to be casual and asked, "Are you familiar with Professor Trelawney?"

Blake shook his head and said, "I'm not familiar with it. I just have some questions I want to ask her."

"That's it." Lu Ping added, "The first thing I did when I saw you regained your freedom was to look for her. I thought you were familiar with her."

Harry did not hear what Lupine meant, but asked Black: "Do you want Professor Trelawney to give you a divination?"

In Harry's eyes, whether it is Jack or Vernon, when asking for help, they always start with eating, so Black invited Professor Trelawney to dinner to ask her to help him divine something.

Blake realized that there was something in Lupine's words and immediately said: "Yes, yes, I want to ask her about divination."

Hermione whispered, "I think she is..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Lupine signaling her to stop talking with his eyes, so he shut up.

After Harry and the others walked across the covered bridge and returned to the castle, Black pulled Lupine and said, "Let's go to my house and tell me about your treatment."

On one side, Harry received the mission, and on the other side, Voldemort gave the Death Eaters missions.

As soon as Narcissa finished clearing the table, Voldemort appeared at the end of the long table, looking at his men expressionlessly.

The Death Eaters were excited to finally see the Dark Lord.

Voldemort looked at Bellatrix and asked softly: "Bella, how do you feel now?"

Bellatrix immediately said excitedly: "Master, I am fine now, I can serve you at any time!"

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction and then asked all the Death Eaters.

August Rookwood, who was closest to him, was the last to ask. After Rookwood said that he had no problem, Voldemort said: "August, I have an important task for you. This The mission is very dangerous, and it is very likely that you will be arrested by the Aurors again."

Rookwood said expressionlessly: "Please give me your orders."

His expression was always like this, and Voldemort and other Death Eaters did not find him rude.

Voldemort said: "Go to Farbottom Castle, where Charles Smith has opened a company, and go find him."

"Tell him that you are wronged."

Rookwood asked: "Master, will Smith believe it?"

Voldemort said: "He certainly won't believe it, but it doesn't matter. What matters is how he will react, whether he will keep you or call the Aurors."

Rookwood said: "I understand."

Voldemort continued: "If he keeps you, you don't have to do anything extra, just do whatever he asks you to do."

"There is only one thing you have to do, find out what his company does, and don't do anything extra before I personally order it."

Rookwood said he understood.

Other Death Eaters looked at him enviously. As soon as he came out, he was entrusted with an important task by the Dark Lord. If this is not a confidant, who else is a confidant?

Voldemort looked around at the other Death Eaters and said, "The Ministry of Magic will do its best to hunt you down in the next period of time. I will assign you a mission outside the UK."

Half an hour later, the Death Eaters who had just come out of Azkaban set out on a journey to find the Church of Necessary Evil and 103,000 magic books.

Rookwood used Apparition and Portkey again, and returned to the island villa after running around Europe.

Grindelwald happened to go downstairs to make coffee. When he saw the person coming, he said, "Are you back for a free meal?"

Jack changed back to his original appearance, shook his head and said, "Narcissa's cooking is too bad. I feel a little sympathetic to Voldemort."

He picked up a teacup and put a wisp of memory into it.

Grindelwald boiled the water, picked up the cup of memory and went to the basement outside the house, where the real August Rookwood was lying.

The wisp of memory from the Azkaban escape entered Rookwood's head under Grindelwald's control, and when he woke up, he would feel that he had escaped directly from Azkaban.

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