A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 362 Solving the worries

"I tell you, Professor Snape was hanging upside down there, spinning like a top, it was amazing!"

Ron vividly told the students who returned to school how Snape was spinning under the ceiling on Christmas Day. Seeing his swagger, those who didn't know would think he did it.

Neville regretted it so much that he stamped his feet. If he had known, he would have stayed at school during the holiday.

Seamus said to Charles depressedly: "Why didn't you predict this?"

Dean nodded non-stop.

Charles had nothing to say about this matter.

The most talked about person was Peter. No one in Gryffindor could have thought that he would turn into a mouse and live in the common room.

A first-year student came over and asked Ron stealthily: "Has your Scabbers...had children with other mice?"

Ron was shocked. This was a question he had never thought of. Fred and George next to him were also shocked.

Charles twitched his mouth and forced himself not to think about this problem. He started playing the mini version of Magic Tetris that the twin brothers made during the holiday.

This small magic game console is the size of a palm. The blocks inside are made of various colored crystal glass. There are two direction keys and a rotation key at the bottom.

Harry watched Charles playing beside him and thought it was interesting, so he said to Charles: "Let me play it for a while."

Charles shook his head and replied: "It's still being tested. When Fred and George are finally done, if you can answer the questions correctly for five consecutive classes in any compulsory course, I will give you one."

He turned to Hermione on the other side and said: "Do you want it? I will give you one when the time comes."

Hermione seemed very interested in this little toy, but she didn't know whether she wanted to play with it or wanted to study what kind of magic was used.

This time Harry was depressed and asked Charles: "Why do I have to answer questions, but Hermione doesn't?"

As soon as he asked, he knew he was talking nonsense, and everyone around him looked at him like a fool.

Hermione also smiled at him proudly.

After playing for a while, Charles said to Fred: "It would be better if there was background music and sound effects."

Fred smiled and said: "Why don't you sing a song as music for it."


"No way!"

Harry and Hermione did not hesitate for half a second and tried their best to dissuade Fred from this idea.

At this time, Wood came to Harry. He heard that Harry now had a Firebolt.

The students on the Quidditch team were very excited, but someone was unhappy.

Ginny was very depressed about the appearance of the Firebolt. If there was no such thing, Harry would continue to borrow her Nimbus 2001, and there would be many opportunities to talk.

In the new semester, there was no need to worry about Dementors and wanted criminals breaking into the campus. Everyone was in a much better mood.

Except for Snape, the whole Hogwarts knew that he turned into a flying top on Christmas Day. Even Peeves ran to the cafeteria when everyone was eating one day to recreate the scene.

But what can Snape do? Dumbledore clearly told him that the man was Grindelwald. Can he still get back at him?

The happiest professor was Hagrid, because Black admitted that the hippogriff was the one he released to attack Peter on Ron, and those magical animals were completely innocent.

For this, Black gave Ron an owl, and the matter was over.

Hogwarts had returned to peace, and everyone was looking forward to the first Quidditch match of the new semester, because the Firebolt would play in this match.

Harry Potter?

It was just an appendage of the Firebolt.

Charles had no interest in Quidditch, and within two days of the start of school, he went to Dumbledore with a list of books.

Dumbledore studied the list carefully, looked up and said to Charles: "You are finally going to apply to go to the restricted section."

Charles said depressedly: "You seem to have been worried that I would go to the restricted section by myself."

Dumbledore said as a matter of course: "Indeed."

Charles was speechless.

Dumbledore pointed his finger at the book list and asked curiously, "Who gave you this book list?"

"Excuse me, there are some things in the library that many Hogwarts students don't know."

The restricted book area in the library is divided into two parts. The least dangerous part is blocked by a rope, and the more dangerous part is hidden.

There is something Charles is more curious about. He did not answer the headmaster's question, but took the opportunity to ask, "Headmaster, you didn't approve Tom Riddle to go to that restricted book area back then, right?"

When Charles communicated with Voldemort before, he found that he didn't know there was another restricted book area. It seems that the management of this restricted book area is particularly strict, and it is probably Dumbledore who is interfering.

Dumbledore said, "I have never trusted Tom, so I don't agree to give him the authority."

Charles thought that this was indeed the case, so he said, "Is there a Death Eater who did not reveal the information about the restricted area to Voldemort? Is he more trustworthy than Snape?"

Dumbledore ignored him and compared him with Snape, and got to the point directly. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "August Rookwood?"

The magic level of the Death Eaters was quite polarized, and there were only a few students with top grades in school.

Dumbledore immediately thought of who was the Death Eater who was qualified to enter the restricted area at school and who might provide help to Charles.

Charles replied calmly: "There is no August Rookwood now."

Dumbledore's first reaction was that Charles had killed him, but he quickly threw this idea out of his mind.

He has been paying attention to Charles' company. He went there to eat snacks two days ago and met many people.

"Thomas Hiddleston?" He thought of someone, "the gardener?"

Charles did not make any statement.

That Thomas Hiddleston was once Grindelwald's subordinate, but Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore within a week of joining the gang.

He is now living in poverty. After Grindelwald accidentally discovered that he was still alive, he introduced him to Charles to make a living.

And the real one used some unknown method to brainwash himself into thinking that he was really Chris Hemsworth from Australia. He talked to Dumbledore without any psychological pressure.

Charles briefly recounted the story of August Rookwood being sent to die by Voldemort and then resolutely defecting, and confirmed that the Azkaban breakout was done by Voldemort's instigator Lucius Malfoy, and their lair was in the missing Malfoy Manor.

"His request is not high." Charles finally said, "He hopes you can leave a certificate to prove that he was an undercover agent you sent to Voldemort a long time ago."

Dumbledore was digesting the news brought by Charles, and hesitated for a long time after hearing this request.

"Can I talk to him?" Dumbledore asked, "Just me and him."

Now August Rookwood is under Charles' protection. Although Charles has no bargaining power in front of Dumbledore, he still respects Charles.

Charles knew that such a thing would happen. They had already discussed that they could let the person who had undergone plastic surgery and disguised himself again with Polyjuice Potion.

This time, he used the list of books in the restricted book area as an introduction to solve some worries.

"No problem." Charles replied, "How about now, I will prepare a box in the restaurant, and no one will notice it."

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