A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 363 Reactionary Conservatives


In the office of Dancing Grass Restaurant, Grindelwald poked Charles in the head with his finger, seemingly really angry.

"I saw that Albus was very tired, so I took care of Black's matter in advance, but you added to his workload!"

Charles was very depressed. Dumbledore had been busy since he went to meet August Rookwood that day and was away from Hogwarts for half of the week.

Today was the first Hogsmeade week of the new semester. He came to the restaurant to take stock of last year's data, but was caught by Grindelwald and gave him a scolding.

Charles muttered: "You might as well become the president of the International Federation of Wizards. You can mobilize wizards all over the world to kill Voldemort."

Grindelwald sat down on the chair and said angrily: "Then you go to Newt Scamander to settle the score. If it weren't for him, I would have been wronged long ago."

Charles was too lazy to pay attention to his past events from decades ago and continued: "I speculate that the principal will restart the Order of the Phoenix. How about you join and help."

"I don't have time to play house." A flash of ridicule flashed across Grindelwald's face. "Albus always thinks that relying on his personality charm to win over those people is a good choice, but it is not easy to use. I use ideals and interests to win over those people." It’s far worse than the military.”

Charles shook his head when he heard him bragging, shrugged and said, "Then you won't lose to him in the end."

Grindelwald's expression suddenly became very exciting, and finally he said bitterly: "I just lost to the reactionary conservatives."

"Let's not talk about it anymore." He began to change the subject. "Yesterday, a young lady from Africa came to see you. Her name is Catherine... It seems to be Colette?"

"I don't remember, it's probably this, I can't hear the African accent clearly."

"She said she had a wonderful encounter with you before. She knew you would come today and promised to come see you in the afternoon."

Charles said with a black line: "It must be Catherine Claytor. I met her in Wagadu the year before last. I helped her get in touch with Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall to discuss some issues related to transfiguration."

Grindelwald nodded and said, "Yes, that's the name. I said I met you at the banquet."

"I chatted with her for a while. She is a very smart child and the research she is doing is very interesting."

"She has been expelled by those stupid borers in Wagadu. You can let her live in Falbaton Castle."

Charles gave Grindelwald a blank look. He said he couldn't hear the last name and the encounter was just to confirm whether he really knew Catherine.

At the same time, Charles was surprised that Catherine would be expelled, and even more surprised that Grindelwald actually admired her.

"Did you see your own shadow in her?" Charles suddenly remembered something, "I remember you were expelled from Durmstrang for studying black magic."

Charles was very curious about the black magic that even a school like Durmstrang, which was tolerant of black magic, considered it too evil, but he had never been able to ask.

Just then Grindelwald asked him: "Do you know what I was fired for studying?"

Charles thought for a while, recalled some of Durmstrang's research that Erica had told him before, eliminated the acceptable parts, and asked tentatively: "You are not using people for experiments, are you?"

Grindelwald shook his head slightly and said, "We haven't reached that point yet."

The corner of Charles's mouth twitched, which meant that it would be a matter of time.

Grindelwald suddenly smiled and said, "Speaking of which, that idiot Aberforth has inherited part of my research."

Charles frowned. Aberforth wanted to turn a sheep into a human being and serve as a waiter. He had studied his notes and found that it was feasible, but the application scenarios were limited, so he did not study it further.

Catherine is studying human transfiguration, which is different from the old man's change of appearance. Her goal is to be like animagus, where people can transform into animals independently, rather than being transformed by others casting spells or taking potions.

Voldemort's appearance as a two-hole socket is not a transfiguration of the human body, but a transformation of the human body. It becomes that way permanently and cannot be changed back.

Charles sighed and asked, "You don't want to start with animals and human body transformation, and then study human body transformation, right?"

Grindelwald nodded and replied: "I have such a plan, but when I was doing animal experiments, I vaguely realized that this was the wrong path."

"I later returned to Durmstrang and found a notebook on a bookshelf hidden in the deepest part of the library, which contained various experiments and results on human body modification."

"Many wizards have done human experiments in the past. Now they have thought of all the methods they can think of, but the final result without exception is destruction."

Charles nodded when he heard this. There were no human rights hundreds or thousands of years ago. It is not surprising that wizards would arrest people for experiments. Even in the 21st century, there are still illegal human medical experiments.

"However, some limited changes in direction would be beneficial," Grindelwald continued.

Charles adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and shook his head and said, "Forget it, no one can tell where the so-called limited limit is."

"Now the entire wizarding society has zero tolerance for human body modification, and it doesn't even treat myopia."

He once asked Madam Pomfrey if she could cure Harry's myopia, and was later taught a lesson. Now wizards believe that casting spells other than curing injuries on the human body is evil. Myopia is not an injury, but an injury. The result of the natural growth of the human body.

Grindelwald waved his hand and said angrily: "Reactionary conservatives hinder development!"

"Do you know the Muggle Pope Innocent VIII? He died of a blood transfusion in the end. Guess why someone dared to give him a blood transfusion?"

Charles blinked, as if understanding.

Innocent VIII died in the year that Columbus arrived in Cuba. The International Statute of Secrecy and the Treaty of Nerchinsk were signed in the same year, two hundred years apart. At that time, it was normal for wizards to serve the powerful.

Maybe there was a wizard who was studying the method of extending life by blood transfusion. He was successful because he was lucky enough to have the right blood type, but Innocent VIII failed because of blood type problems.

Grindelwald continued: "At that time, wizards had already begun to study blood transfusions. Some wizards proposed the concept of blood types, but because of this incident, research on blood was discontinued."

Charles nodded, making some sense.

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and the corners of his mouth curved in a strange arc.

Grindelwald snorted coldly. He had noticed that Charles was interested in the development of magic and wanted to use this as an entry point to win him over. Unexpectedly, he was discovered.

Charles was not interested in what their big men were doing. It was enough to do what he was doing well.

Grindelwald returned to the topic: "Animagus is a branch of human transfiguration. Her research broke wizards' original understanding of Animagus. It is not surprising that she was expelled."

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