A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 367: Separate the business

During the first Hogsmeade week in February, students were playing in the village. Penelope went to the interview at Falbottom Castle by herself. Percy accompanied her, and Charles was busy with his own affairs.

In the small building rented by the Centaur Liaison Office, Charles continued to measure the resistance of the metal wire processed by alchemy.

Eleanor also came today to report on the recent work situation.

The magic raw material trading channel opened by Lupin before has developed rapidly under Eleanor's management. The Centaur Liaison Office has become a secret money-making institution of the British Ministry of Magic, handing over a large sum of money to the Ministry every month, most of which is spent on various meetings held in the Dancing Grass Restaurant.

However, before that, most of the profits flowed into the personal accounts of Charles and Eleanor through the shell company.

Charles exchanged this part of the money for gold in the magic world, and then laundered it into US dollars and remitted it to his and the old man's venture capital company in Switzerland.

Eleanor was lying on a comfortable sofa. After reporting the business of the Horseman Liaison Office, she said, "The person you wanted to find at the University of Manchester was not found."

Charles paused, shook his head and said, "Forget it if you can't find him."

He wanted to find the big guy who tore graphene by hand. He only vaguely remembered his name and university, and didn't know anything about his previous experience. Maybe he hasn't worked at Manchester University yet.

Charles shook his head and continued to measure the resistance: "Maybe I remembered it wrong. I just remember that the name of the university started with 'M'. Maybe it was McDonald's."

Eleanor asked him curiously, "Is this person important?"

Charles said indifferently, "Nothing, forget it if you can't find him."

He didn't have to worry about the people behind Eleanor guessing how the Nobel Prize was won by relying on a school and a name. This was so magical that the Funny Nobel Prize was also awarded.

It's not that easy to get a real Nobel Prize. It's not just about tearing graphene by hand. You have to measure its physical properties, which depends on universities and other research institutions.

This matter can be discussed later, no rush.

Eleanor asked him, "All the Death Eaters in Azkaban have escaped. Did you know?"

Charles nodded and replied, "I heard about it."

After measuring the data, he sat on the chair next to the table and began to sort out the table.

Eleanor sat up and said, "The Auror Office came to me. They found that the escaped Death Eaters appeared abroad and seemed to be asking about something."

"There are many people in our office running around the world. They want to plant some people to catch Death Eaters in foreign countries."

Charles folded his hands in front of his chest, frowned, and filled the data into the table himself with the feather pen in front of him.

After a while, he asked, "Is the attitude of the Auror tough?"

Now everyone who has reached a certain level knows that the Centaur Liaison Office can make money. It is possible that someone will reach out to it. The Auror side is just the beginning.

Eleanor replied, "They seem to just ask for opinions, not force them."

Charles thought quietly, and waited until today's resistance data was filled out before he sat down on the sofa.

Eleanor pushed Charles to one end of the sofa and lay down with his head on his thighs.

The next moment, she felt a drop of water dripping on her forehead. It was not Charles drooling or having a runny nose due to a cold. The two of them came to the mirror space, where there was no fear of eavesdropping.

Charles lowered his head and asked Eleanor: "Did you reach out to the Auror?"

He was not sure whether the Ministry of Magic was trying to interfere. What was certain was that Eleanor was squatting in the Ministry of Magic and was the group that wanted to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic. God knew how it went.

Eleanor said: "It was a good start. There was a half-blood Auror, and something happened to his Muggle relatives, and we helped solve it."

Charles thought that was true, and asked her again: "Do you plan to separate the office business in the future?"

"Huh?" Eleanor frowned slightly, "Did you hear any rumors?"

The business of collusion between officials and businessmen is the easiest to do, and the business is not stable yet. At present, there will be a lot of troubles if it is separated from the Ministry of Magic.

Charles said: "The news of the Death Eaters' large-scale prison break has been blocked, and the Ministry of Magic has been too passive in its response."

"I'm worried that the Death Eaters will make some big moves. The worst possible thing is to occupy the Ministry of Magic."

"Wait!" Eleanor sat up suddenly, looked at him in disbelief, and asked uncertainly: "You mean... the mysterious man is still alive?"

If it were just a few Death Eaters, they would have been arrested before, and they would be arrested if they showed up now.

If they could occupy the Ministry of Magic, there would be only one possibility, Voldemort really reappeared.

Charles nodded.

Many wizards subconsciously believed that Voldemort was killed by one-year-old Harry and would never come back, even Lupin and Black thought so.

Charles was one of the few people who had seen Voldemort attached to the back of someone's head, so he was always alert.

The business of the Centaur Liaison Office is an important part of his economic map. If Voldemort occupied the Ministry of Magic, this business would be gone.

"I see." Eleanor lay down again and rested her head on Charles' legs. "I need to think carefully about how to quietly divest the business."

Charles said, "No hurry. I think we have one or two years to prepare."

Eleanor shook her head and said, "It's not that easy to secretly undermine a multinational company. It takes a lot of time."

"Although few people in the Ministry of Magic understand transnational operations, we still can't take it lightly. If we meet someone who understands, we will be seen through."

Charles didn't really understand these things, so he could only say: "Leave it to you."

"Take note of wizards with Death Eater backgrounds. Although they have escaped sanctions, they will return to the You-Know-Who's army at that time."

Eleanor said: "I know what to do."

She has studied Voldemort's policies. If Voldemort returns, the first to be dealt with will be Muggle-born wizards like her.

At this time, the Ministry of Magic is peaceful. The Aurors have been claiming that the escaped Death Eaters will be arrested soon, but Eleanor still chooses to believe Charles.

Charles has too many things to do now, and he can't handle it himself. The big business of raw material sales is left to Eleanor.

"Let me rest for a while." Eleanor yawned, resting her head on Charles' legs and closing her eyes, "Don't do bad things while I'm sleeping."

She has been living a life of fear, and only in Charles' mirror space can she completely relax.

It’s just that the relationship between the two of them is a little weird, like hedgehogs huddling together for warmth, huddled together yet keeping a distance from each other.

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