A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 368 Sent to the hospital

"I want to eat rum chocolate cheese tart, Viennese sand river cake, raspberry Swiss roll, port wine pear..."

On the way back to the castle from Hogsmeade, Hermione counted her fingers and asked Charles for a snack.

Charles thought it was the wind blowing, without any change in expression on his face.

"And cannoli, caramel panna cotta, flipped apple pie..."

Hermione started counting on her fingers for a second time.

Charles turned to look at her depressedly, and he just asked her if she had any gifts for Valentine's Day this year, but she started to make a wish.

"It's not impossible." Charles used his special skill, "Since it's Valentine's Day, if you agree..."

Hermione blushed, wondering if he should kiss him, but then she turned pale, and the past a year ago came to mind.

Charles' plot to see Hermew failed, and Hermione beat him all the way back to the castle.

The upcoming Valentine's Day is a hot topic among young people, and older people are no exception.

Professor Sprout grabbed Charles after an herb class and asked in a low voice, "What are your grandpa's plans for this year?"

Last year, the scene of nine owls pulling a rose carriage to deliver gifts shocked the entire Hogwarts. Later, wizards all over the UK knew that this year, the supply of employees at the Owl Post Office exceeded the demand.

"I don't know." Charles shook his head blankly, "Grandpa went abroad before Christmas to be busy with work. He didn't say anything about his plans before leaving, and he hasn't come back yet."

"That's it." Professor Sprout was a little disappointed. He didn't read any gossip this year.

"What about you?" If she can't stand old gossip, she can't stand small gossip. "How many gifts do you plan to receive this year?"

This question is not only curious to Professor Sprout, but also to others.

However, a few days before Valentine's Day, something terrible happened.

"Quickly, send him to St. Mungo's Hospital!"

After the incident of curse failure, Dumbledore immediately issued important instructions, requiring professors to use all possible means to rescue the injured, properly handle the injury, quickly identify the cause of the accident, and seriously investigate those responsible; immediately organize publicity and education to further improve Education work, carry out special education on the safety of casting spells to prevent the same accident from happening again. Currently, Charles Smith is emotionally stable.

In the Gryffindor common room, students were talking in small groups. Everyone only knew that something happened to Charles, but they didn't know the details.

The door to the common room opened, and after Seamus entered, many people gathered to inquire.

Seamus found a nearby table and said breathlessly: "Charles is stuck on the floor of an abandoned classroom."

He gestured and continued: "His belly is on the fifth floor, and his legs are on the fourth floor."

"I blew up the floor around him and got him out."

"Ms. Pomfrey has checked him out. His stomach is full of stones. He is now sent to St. Mungo's Hospital."

The students around him exclaimed in surprise. They didn't expect it to be like this.

Harry asked anxiously: "Do you know who did it?"

Seamus shook his head and said, "I don't know. Peeves said that Charles was already unconscious when he found him."

The students immediately started talking. Although Charles rarely fought, no one denied his strength. The person who could make him look like this must be a master.

Everyone quickly discussed the murderer's motive, and many people thought it was murder for money.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall came and announced to the students that Charles had learned a new spell on his own and had failed.

Meanwhile, Charles is preparing for filtration treatment at St. Mungo's Hospital.

He was lying on a special bed with his head hanging in the air. The bed was divided into two layers, with a fine wire mesh on the upper layer and a huge basin on the lower layer.

Now that all the clothes on his body have been removed, you can see a stone floor inlaid around his waist. His skin, muscles, intestines, lumbar vertebrae, etc. are all integrated with the stone.

"Mr. Smith is a good man. He donated a thousand Galleons to us not long ago." An old therapist opened a gold medicine bottle. "Oh, Albus, please help me hold the funnel."

This old therapist named Joseph was a classmate of the same class as Dumbledore at Hogwarts, so there was no psychological pressure on him.

There was a golden funnel stuck in Charles' mouth, and Dumbledore went over to hold it.

Joseph poured the purple potion from the gold bottle into the funnel, and the assistant next to him turned over an hourglass and started timing.

Charles' body gradually became soft, spreading out into a large area like a balloon filled with water, and then his whole body became transparent, like water.

Finally, his body turned into liquid, dripping through the iron screen and falling into the basin below.

Water was also seeping out of the stone floor. Two young and powerful therapists were lifting the stone and shaking it, trying to get the Charles juice out of it as much as possible.

It is not uncommon for wizards to get stuck in objects due to reasons such as Apparition. St. Mungo's Hospital has mature treatment methods.

Joseph said: "Fortunately he wasn't stuck in the dirt, otherwise we would have needed to filter it with carbon."

Dumbledore looked at the filtered pot of Charles juice and said helplessly: "Children today are so courageous that they dare to try unknown spells on themselves."

Joseph just smiled. This is what Dumbledore often said about himself in the past. He had been ill for a long time and finally grew into a famous therapist.

The sand in the hourglass quickly ran out, and the Charles juice in the basin began to gradually gather into a human shape, and the color began to return.

However, his abdomen was much flatter than before, and there were still many intestines waiting in the stone slab that had not been taken out, and his lower body had severe ischemia.

Joseph breathed a sigh of relief and said to Dumbledore: "Fortunately, the body is connected. Just take some medicine and rest for a while."

When Charles fully recovered his human form, the funnel was inserted again. This time there were two, and various internal and external potions for growing muscles and bones were poured into both ends.

Joseph checked and found that the man was saved, but he had to let him continue to sleep before the missing parts of his abdomen and waist grew back, otherwise it would feel more terrifying than the Cruciatus Curse.

Dumbledore finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he was a little scared. If Peeves had not discovered Charles practicing unknown spells in the abandoned classroom in time, he might have been left with only bones when others found him.

After the fear, the more he thought about it, the angrier he got. Dumbledore decided to teach Charles a profound lesson, so he said to Joseph: "Arrange the most expensive ward for him, the most expensive care, from breathing to everything you can think of, all must be the most expensive."

Since Charles has always been thinking about making money, let him pay a lot of gold coins for what he did, and let him feel the pain.

Joseph thought this was normal, Charles was the owner of the Dancing Grass Restaurant.

This restaurant became the first restaurant in the wizarding world in the UK, famous in Europe, and one of the world's restaurants in just a few months. Many foreign wizards went there directly through the fireplace after coming to the British Ministry of Magic.

It is normal for such a big boss to enjoy the most expensive treatment.

Charles was moved to the most luxurious single ward. St. Mungo's Hospital made it so that even breathing cost money: the ward was lit with incense that could calm people's mood.

Not to mention the medical strength, the three attending therapists and nurses worked in the ward in three shifts, checking the recovery every half an hour.

Someone sold the news to the reporter, and the next day, the Daily Prophet published a front-page headline that the owner of the Dancing Grass restaurant was hospitalized for unknown reasons.

For a while, everyone was talking about the reason why Charles was hospitalized, but no one knew, including Dumbledore.

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