A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 370 I didn’t take medicine this month

Charles stayed in St. Mungo's Hospital for almost a month. When he returned to Hogwarts, the extracurricular teaching activities for this school year had just ended, but the report still had to be written.

This won't bother him. When the time comes, he will refer to other people's reports and write a review.

Harry's classmate was as enthusiastic as ever and helped him collect all the homework he had done during his hospitalization.

After a few days of calm, Harry came to Charles' dormitory mysteriously and asked him in a low voice: "Have you felt that something has been wrong with Professor Lupin these past two days?"

Charles thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. Lupine had been a little absent-minded these past two days.

"Who knows," he said while playing the latest version of Magic Tetris. "The adult world is too complicated, and you don't understand it yet."

"Hey..." Harry said disdainfully, "As if you know it very well."

The next day, after dinner, Charles was going to the greenhouse to process the accumulated data. On the way, he was pulled into a dark place by Harry. Hermione and Ron were also there.

"Look." Harry pointed to a bright light in front of him, "That's Professor Lupin. He doesn't know where he's going."

It was already dark and the moon had not yet come out. Lupine used his wand to follow the path outside the school.

Hermione continued: "The professor has been acting strange these days. Could it be related to what happened tonight?"

Harry nodded and said, "I think it's possible."

Ron didn't seem interested in this matter, and said helplessly: "Maybe he's going on a date."

Charles was inexplicably dragged into following Lupin and was not interested. He echoed Ron and said, "Yes, according to the professor's age, normally the child should be at Hogwarts. It's not strange to go on a date now."

"No!" Hermione discovered the problem, "The direction he went to was not the school gate, nor the back entrance to Hogsmeade."

Harry felt the need to continue following, and he and Hermione carefully sneaked ahead, while Charles and Ron followed behind eating potato chips.

"You two!" Hermione turned around and glared at the two guys eating potato chips, "Don't be so loud."

Ron handed the bag of potato chips in his hand to Hermione: "Would you like some, chicken drumstick flavor?"

Charles said nonchalantly: "Don't be so nervous. At worst, let Harry ask him tomorrow."

Then Harry whispered: "He's gone!"

The light in the distance had disappeared, and Lupine had disappeared.

Charles knew what was going on. Today was a full moon night. The last place where the light appeared was next to the Whomping Willow. Lupine was going to the Shrieking Shack.

However, Lupine has behaved quite normally for so long, so why is he a little distracted this month? Did something happen? Charles became a little curious.

Harry and Ron were a little afraid of the Whomping Willow. This tree usually showed its teeth and claws. Occasionally, birds flying by could be seen being beaten into a bloody mist by the branches.

But tonight is different. The Whomping Willow looks like thousands of green silk ribbons hanging down, like Xiaojiabiyu who has been raised deep in the boudoir, weak and gentle.

Charles turned to look at Hermione, obviously the Whomping Willow sensed her coming.

Harry found a hole next to the Whomping Willow and got in without saying a word. Hermione followed closely, and Ron followed after hesitating.

Charles thought for a moment, then turned around.

As expected, Dumbledore looked on with a smile in the dark not far away.

"Professor Dumbledore, what a coincidence, you are also basking in the moon." Charles went into pretending to be stupid mode.

Dumbledore smiled and said to him: "Let's go, what happened tonight has something to do with you."

Charles was a little confused and didn't know what was going on tonight, but since the principal said it, he would just go and watch the fun.

In the Shrieking Shack, the Harry trio were scratching their heads in embarrassment.

As soon as they came out of the cave, they were caught by Black, and Dumbledore followed shortly after.

"It's quite lively." Charles took out his drinks and snacks and placed them on the table, "Where's Professor Lupin?"

A group of people gathered around the table, except Lupine, who came first.

Blake pointed to the door next to the living room and said, "Remus is in there."

Charles looked at the kitchen door, was silent for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Did you stew him?"

Blake rolled her eyes at him.

Dumbledore said: "Remus has not taken any medicine this month."

Charles understood that this was a test for withdrawal reactions.

Dumbledore continued: "Others did not dare to do this project, fearing that the medicine would be useless if they stopped. Remus volunteered to participate."

Ron didn't know that Lupine was a werewolf, so he asked in surprise: "Is Professor Lupine sick?"

Blake nodded and said, "He was bitten by a werewolf when he was a child."

Ron and Hermione expressed surprise when Harry told them about Lupin's treatment.

Here Black said to Dumbledore: "I have received news that the Ministry of Magic intends to arrest Fenrir Greyback and his gang in the near future."

Dumbledore said with satisfaction: "It seems that the Ministry of Magic has rarely done something useful."

Black said with some worry: "I know everything about this matter, and I think Greyback will definitely know it too."

"He is not a man who takes things easy. I am worried that he will do something."

Dumbledore frowned slightly.

Black continued: "I'm worried that he might do something during Hogsmeade week to intimidate or threaten the Ministry of Magic."

Dumbledore nodded, it was indeed possible.

In the past, Hogwarts' Hogsmeade Week was random, and it was difficult for outsiders to determine the date.

Now it's different. There are two weekends every month, and everyone knows that if you want to do something bad, you can be more targeted in time.

At this time, the kitchen door opened and Lupin walked out.

He did not turn into a werewolf, his face was paler than usual, and his eyes were a little absent-minded.

Black immediately asked: "Remus, how do you feel?"

Lupin did not sit down at the table, but pulled a chair to the kitchen door, sat down and rubbed his head.

"My head is buzzing a little." He spoke a little hoarsely, "I want to eat a medium-rare steak."

Dumbledore had already taken out a list with various questions to ask, and wrote down Lupin's first reaction and said: "Remus, count from one to one hundred."

Lupin began to count, quite fast at the beginning, but gradually slowed down later.

Dumbledore asked him to recall what he did today, and then yesterday and the day before yesterday.

Lupin was very clear about what he did today, even what he had for breakfast, but he was a little confused about the past two days, and mixed up yesterday's classes with the day before yesterday.

It can be seen that the werewolf factor in his body has not been completely eliminated. Although he did not turn into a werewolf during the full moon, he was still affected and his mind was a little confused.

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