A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 371: Do a job before leaving

It was raining heavily in the village of Ottery-St. Catchpole. Outside the village, in a place unknown to Muggles, a slanted small building with at least four storeys high stood there quietly. The water drops falling from the eaves seemed to have given the house Covered with a veil.

The green light emitted by the burning floo powder penetrated through the gap in the curtain and was caught by the eyes on the other side of the rain curtain.

After a quarter of an hour, the house was quiet. It seemed that the mistress of the house had brought everything with her when she went out this time and would not come back to get anything halfway.

A wet black figure jumped up from the grass in the distance and flew towards the Burrow at a speed that ordinary wizards could not match.

He jumped into the garden, and a goblin ran to the ground because the mud was full of water. He stepped on the mud, and he also slipped and fell to the muddy grass.

The intruder immediately got up and went straight to the chicken coop in the corner of the garden.

After a burst of chicken crows, all the chickens had their necks broken and were taken away together with the two eggs.

It was raining across the British Isles. In one house, Fenrir Greyback's face was as dark as the weather outside.

There is a copy of the "Daily Prophet" on the dining table, and the second page is reporting on the latest developments in the werewolf potion. This news was revealed by Slughorn to the newspaper editor Cuffy.

Today's news reported on a recent drug withdrawal experiment. The experiment proved that it is not a big problem if you forget to take the medicine for a month after taking the medicine for a period of time. You will not turn into a werewolf on a full moon night, but you will just feel a little dizzy.

This is good news for the werewolves. Everyone is afraid that if one day they cannot take the medicine, all their efforts will be lost.

But Grayback couldn't be happy. He was now in a huge crisis - he was about to starve to death.

The door opened, and a wet young man came in. He held the chicken in his hand and said excitedly to Greyback: "I got a few chickens and two eggs!"

Werewolves like to eat meat when they are not transformed. If they don't eat for a day, they will have symptoms similar to withdrawal reactions. It is best to eat red meat.

But now Greyback can't eat red meat, so it would be nice to have chicken.

He hesitated and said to the young werewolf who was preparing roast chicken in the kitchen: "Ramsey, let's go get a sheep and bring it back tomorrow."

Ramsey replied: "But I don't know how to kill a sheep."

"Just cut it open," Greyback said.

Ramsey thought about it, it would be nice to have something to eat.

Greyback sighed, life was hard.

For a long time, werewolves have been deeply discriminated against and oppressed by wizard society. Under the heavy pressure, many werewolves developed a mentality of revenge against society, so Greyback organized these werewolves.

Greyback remembers the first time he took Ramsey to work.

"Sir, Madam, you don't want your child to be bitten by me."

Greyback still remembered that he tried his best to smile politely at that time, but the wizard couple whose wands were taken away by Ramsey were so frightened that their faces turned pale. The lady hugged the three-year-old child tightly.

That day, they moved all the valuable things from the wizard's house, including the freshly baked egg tarts in the oven.

Greyback watched from a distance when Ramsey first went on his own. Near St. Mungo's Hospital, Ramsey dragged a wizard into an alley, pinned him against the wall, and took away all the money from the wizard.

Other werewolves are more refined. They will break into the wizard's house and leave a letter. If the wizard does not give money and report to the Aurors, the children should be careful.

As the leader, Greyback's subordinates would turn over a sum of galleons every month. At that time, he never worried about not having a mature steak to eat.

However, this all changed in just a few months.

First, on the day Dancing Grass Restaurant opened, it was announced that the werewolf treatment potion was basically successful.

It is difficult to lead a team when people's hearts are broken. Nowadays, many werewolves have no intention of robbing and extorting, and they spend all day and night inquiring about the treatment of werewolves.

Then many wizarding families updated their protective measures, many thieves were caught, and several werewolves who tried to send blackmail letters were also caught by Aurors, which in turn attracted the Ministry of Magic to pay further attention to the werewolf problem.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Magic announced in the "Daily Prophet" that it wanted to rectify the law and order, and then the contents of the internal meeting were reported. Greyback and other werewolves were the first targets.

Most of the werewolves in this group immediately dispersed after getting the news, trying their best to hide.

As a result, now there are no werewolves to pay tribute to Greyback, and he has no habit of saving money, so his life is suddenly at a loss.

Fortunately, there is also Ramsey. Because he has many cases, he can only team up with Greyback.

Lunch was ready, a chicken for two people and some potatoes to barely fill their stomachs.

"We can't go on like this!" Greyback said bitterly, "If we don't do something, the Aurors will come!"

Ramsey also said worriedly: "Yeah, I'm just afraid that someone will betray us."

This is no secret to other werewolves. If anyone is caught, they will definitely confess in order to reduce the punishment.

Greyback frowned and thought about what to do while eating, but couldn't think of a way for a while.

Ramsey said: "Why don't we leave the UK and go to Canada, the United States and Australia? Let's avoid the limelight first."

Greyback was a little moved, hesitated for a moment, and finally said helplessly: "This is the only way."

He had been hunted down by Aurors several times before and had escaped, but he was not sure whether he would be able to escape next time.

"But we have no money." Greyback was helpless, "Without money, we can't go anywhere."

Ramsey was helpless too, they couldn't Apparate, and they didn't have enough money for the trip.

"Let's do something before we leave!" Ramsey's eyes flashed with a fierce light, "We kidnap a wizard and ask for some money. When the money comes, we will use the flying broom to Iceland, and then go to Canada."

Greyback nodded, this is a solution.

After seeing his agreement, Ramsey continued, "Now Hogwarts students go to Hogsmeade twice a month. This is a good opportunity. There are always students running out of the village."

"No!" Greyback immediately denied this approach, "At that time, there will be professors from Hogwarts who will go to Hogsmeade. It will be bad if we meet them."

He has been in the underworld for so many years and is still alive today, relying on being cautious and eliminating all unfavorable factors.

Ramsey thinks he makes sense.

Greyback continued, "I heard that the wizards in Farbatten Castle have high salaries. Why don't we kidnap a wizard there?"

"We shouldn't be too greedy when the time comes. We should ask for a month's salary from him and threaten him not to report to the Aurors, so that we have enough time to run to Iceland."

Ramsey thought it made sense. If the kidnapped wizards felt that the money was not much and were threatened, they would probably not report to the Aurors.

The two did what they said. In the afternoon, Greyback and Ramsey acted separately, went to other wizards' homes to steal flying brooms, and then met outside Farbatten Castle.

The rain was much lighter in the evening, but the rain in Hogsmeade was very cold and uncomfortable to be wet.

Farbatten Castle was brightly lit, and the surroundings were pitch black.

The two werewolves decided to observe the entry and exit of people in the next two days before taking action, so they lurked in the dark.

Just then, a man in a black cloak walked out of the castle and walked towards Hogsmeade.

Greyback acted decisively, and told Ramsey to charge forward.

Grindelwald: ???

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