A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 372 Give you special training

"Five thousand Galleons, it would be great if I met them."

Ron's hand holding the "Daily Prophet" was shaking a little, thinking that it would be nice if so much money went into his pocket.

"Forget it." Hermione shook her head beside her, "Don't cause trouble to Professor Lupin."

Ron said unconvinced: "I can take Seamus with me."

Neville also shook his head and said, "Don't cause trouble to the Aurors. It's not easy to put the two of them together."

Breakfast time ended with happy laughter.

On the way out of the canteen, Ron was still saying: "I wonder who caught those two werewolves. Could it be an Auror?"

Neville said, "It's not an Auror, and my father doesn't know who that person is."

When everyone walked to the foyer, they found that it was already crowded with students, and everyone was watching the new notice posted on the bulletin board.

"The list for the Potion Championship!" Dean Thomas was a little excited, "Let's see who among us is selected!"

The experience of Charles and Seamus in Africa the year before last inspired the young Gryffindor students. Many of them also wanted to go abroad and play big. This year, the competition in the duel club was quite fierce.

Charles was still the translator, and the list of handymen was longer than the previous term, and Seamus must be among them. Harry and the trio were selected. Neville did not expect to see his name on the list, and he did not sign up.

"This year we are going to Kodos Doriz," Charles told him. "That place is very cold. You need to bring a lot of herbs and have someone take care of you."

Harry said excitedly: "Don't you know Quidditch is played there?"

Seamus asked him: "Do you want to play against the Quidditch team of Cordos Dorez?"

Harry said slightly proudly: "That's for sure."

Charles looked at Harry with caring eyes. The child didn't know what he was about to face.

Seamus asked Charles thoughtfully: "How many new girls do you plan to meet this time?"

Charles gave him a roll of his eyes.

The students' attention was quickly attracted by another new thing. A boat suddenly appeared in the large lake outside the castle.

Hogwarts' new vehicle is ready. It is a miniature version of the Titanic, almost a hundred meters long, and very British.

Dumbledore is at the lake, and a reporter from the Daily Prophet is interviewing him.

When the reporter asked about the name of the ship, Dumbledore grabbed a nearby Slytherin student and asked, "What do you think it should be called?"

The student replied without thinking: "Glory!"

Dumbledore arrested several other students and asked for their names. Finally, the Gryffindor student who was caught and did not want to be named said, "I think it's pretty good to call it 'Flying Dumbledore'."

Before Dumbledore could refuse, a Western reporter next to him had already written down the name in his notebook.

Dumbledore glared at Charles fiercely. Do you really think I can't cure you?

The next day was Hogsmeade week, and Charles was kidnapped on the way.

"Uh..." Charles scratched his head and asked Grindelwald, "What's the matter?"

He looked left and right again. This place should be in the mountains to the north of the castle. The two of them were in an open valley.

Charles asked again: "Is it about the werewolf that night?"

Grindelwald took out his wand, shook his hand, and said to Charles seriously: "Werewolves and other things are just trivial matters, not worth mentioning."

Charles asked curiously: "Are you going to ask me to help you spend it after you get the bonus?"

Grindelwald sneered and said, "If you make Albus unhappy, you make me unhappy."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the wand in his hand and shot a spell at Charles.

Charles didn't dare to use the Iron Armor Curse to catch him head-on, so he hurriedly rolled to avoid it, but the second spell came one after another.

Grindelwald continued: "Albus was worried about you fighting with someone in Kodos Dorez, so he asked me to give you a special training."

His hands kept moving as he spoke, and a series of spells forced Charles to jump up and down. Earth and rocks were flying everywhere, and it seemed that Charles had no chance to fight back.

Seeing that it was almost done, Charles looked for an opportunity and pointed his wand, sending waves of flying sand and rocks rushing towards Grindelwald.

Grindelwald just curled his lips contemptuously and waved his wand to disperse the dust in his eyes.

Countless casserole-sized fists followed the sand and gravel, but in Grindelwald's eyes, this kind of deception was just a child's trick and not worth mentioning.

With a wave of the magic wand in his hand, all the fists that could beat a person into a pig's head flew to both sides, even the corners of his windbreaker were not lifted up.

In the blink of an eye, Charles disappeared.

Grindelwald smiled, he had seen this trick a lot.

Countless firefly-like blue sparks spread out for tens of meters with him as the center. The distance was only a palm's width apart. They kept flying around, and the invisible person would be hit.

half a minute...

One minute……

Two minutes...

Five minutes passed, and there was no movement around. The blue sparks had spread out hundreds of meters, and their density had increased, but there was no trace of Charles.

Grindelwald was a little curious. He had already set a spell here that prohibited disembodiment. This kid couldn't escape. Where was he hiding?

Suddenly, the sparks above hit something, and a black shadow rushed towards Grindelwald.

Grindelwald smiled, thinking that Charles had some tricks up his sleeve, and he really couldn't fly while hiding in the air.

Today he was going to help Dumbledore vent his anger, so he didn't use any evil spells, but instead used a "hanging top" like Snape's on Christmas to shoot at the shadow...

Time went back to five minutes ago, Charles used the Disillusionment Charm on himself and sneaked into the Hog's Head Pub from the back door.

Sure enough, Old Dumbledore was sitting alone at a table in the corner, with a glass of juice opposite the table.

Charles wondered if the headmaster would lecture him after Grindelwald finished his "special training".

He remembered Dumbledore's table number, returned to the kitchen of the Dancing Grass Restaurant, and asked the elf to make a plate of colorful cookie rings with various fruit flavors. After casting the spell, it was sent to Dumbledore's table through the ordering system linked to the Hog's Head Pub.

Dumbledore was thinking about something, and the sudden appearance of fruit-flavored cookie rings on the table surprised him a little, but he thought that it might be Dobby secretly treating him to sweets again, so he picked up a piece and ate it.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

When he picked up the cookie, he felt that his butt was kicked hard, which was the feature of the door key made by Charles.

Even a strong man like Dumbledore would not be able to react after being kicked unexpectedly.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was rushing towards Grindelwald, and the other party had subconsciously cast a spell at him.

Dumbledore immediately cast a spell, and the "upside-down spinning top" was bounced into the air.

Grindelwald sneered when he saw the person coming, "You kid actually used Polyjuice Potion to disguise yourself as Albus?"

"Do you think I will show mercy like this?"

"Hehe, I will be more ruthless!"

After he finished speaking, another upside-down spinning top was fired.

Dumbledore: ? ? ?

On the top of the mountain, Charles hid in the shadow of a huge rock, watching the two old men playing ping-pong from a distance, and sharing a bag of chocolate beans with Ruby.

Just now, Charles found that he could not Apparate here, so he decisively called Ruby to take him to the back door of the Hog's Head Bar.

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