A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 373 Dumbledore sailed to the northeast and crashed

Among the professors at Hogwarts, Professor Sprout is quite gossipy in private.

Before a new Herbology class, she pulled Charles aside and asked, "Did you burn Albus's beard?"

These two days, everyone noticed that the long beard on the principal's chin was much shorter, and some were curious about what happened.

Charles hurriedly denied: "No, it wasn't me."

Professor Sprout looked at him suspiciously and asked, "If it wasn't you, then why did you hide at Minerva's place on the weekend?"

Charles continued to deny: "No, no, no, these two things have nothing to do with each other."

He was a little depressed. It was obviously Dumbledore who underestimated the enemy and was burned by Grindelwald, so why did he take the blame in the end.

Anyway, this is a magical world. Although Dumbledore's beard was mostly burned by black magic, it grew back before leaving for Kodos Dorez.

Professor Baburin continued to serve as the deputy leader, calling the roll at the lake, and the people who were called boarded the mini version of the Titanic.

After everyone boarded the ship, the teachers and students of Hogwarts waved their hands to see them off.

Snape waved especially hard, because Lupin was also in the team, and he was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts during this period.

Snape even thought in his heart, how good it would be if the ship sank.

Dumbledore came to the captain's room, followed by a group of students watching the excitement.

The captain's room looked very decent, with everything it should have, but the operation still depended on the huge globe floating in front of the captain's seat.

Dumbledore raised the Elder Wand and pointed at the globe, saying: "The target is Kodos Dorez, oh, just northeast, let's go!"

Then a dot lit up at the location of Kodos Dorez on the globe.

A long whistle sounded, and the ship slowly sank into the water.

Even seventh-year students like Percy had rarely seen the bottom of a lake.

The surface of the ship seemed to have a transparent film, and the lake water outside could not get in.

Green flames suddenly appeared, enveloping the entire ship, and the flames began to rotate constantly.

The passengers on the ship did not feel anything unusual. Dumbledore hurriedly held a general meeting to arrange work and emphasized not to drink the unknown liquid handed by the students of Kodostorez.

When light appeared around the ship, Dumbledore said to everyone: "We are here, everyone line up outside the ship."

Soon, the seekers on the ship found something wrong and shouted: "Principal, there is something above our heads!"

Charles looked up and saw a long black object floating on the bright water.

Durmstrang still sent a team to watch the Potions Championship this year. Principal Igor Karkaroff had just led the team off the ship and was talking to Nikita, the deputy principal of Kodostorez, on the dock when he suddenly heard a loud noise behind him.

From today on, even in the era when wizards land on Venus, the pattern of quarrels between Durmstrang and Hogwarts students is almost fixed.

Durmstrang: "You Hogwarts are blabbering..."

Hogwarts: "Your boat is vulnerable to our boat, it will break with a slight touch."

Drmstrang: "Hogwarts is a quack..."

Hogwarts: "Your boat is vulnerable to our boat, it will break with a slight touch."

Drmstrang: "People in Hogwarts are all blabbering..."

Hogwarts: "Your boat is vulnerable to our boat, it will break with a slight touch."

Drmstrang: "Enough! Can you change it!"

Hogwarts: "Hehe... Your boat is vulnerable to our boat, it will break with a slight touch."


A large piece of broken wood floated on the cold lake. Not long ago, they were part of Durmstrang's sailboat.

Dumbledore had a headache because Durmstrang planned to join the Potions Championship and would come to Hogwarts to participate in activities next school year. He hoped that this would not affect the relationship between the two schools.

Other people from Hogwarts were watching on the shore. Harry quietly asked Charles, "Isn't such a boat expensive?"

Charles was looking at the students from Durmstrang and found that Erica was not there. Before he could answer, someone said, "I think it's easy to fix."

The person who spoke squeezed next to Charles, put his arm around his shoulder, and greeted Seamus, "Long time no see, Mr. Finnigan."

Seamus recognized the American girl Lily Smith from Ilvermorny and greeted her happily, "Long time no see, Miss Smith."

Charles asked curiously, "Lily, when did you come?"

"This morning." Lily replied, "The students from the Institute of Magic came earlier than us, and Beauxbatons came a little later than us, but I didn't see Miss Delacour."

Charles just nodded. The carefully selected fifth and sixth grade students from Beauxbatons had special training and didn't come.

At this time, Louis Mantz of Beauxbatons came to Charles and said, "Oh, it seems that our boss is going to be sad."

More and more people came to watch the fun, and the local landlord Kitov also came.

Charles asked him, "Where is Valentina?"

Kitov pointed to the sky.

Ruby was greeted more. Many students from the magic school surrounded it tightly, and those who had snacks immediately fed it.

Seeing the students interacting skillfully with Ruby, Charles finally understood why it couldn't lose weight.

On the other side, Dumbledore was negotiating with the furious Karkaroff, and Nikita was acting as a peacemaker.

Karkaroff demanded five times the money from Hogwarts, and Dumbledore said he could help him fix it. It seemed that the two sides could not reach an agreement.

At this moment, a wizard came over from the other side of the lake.

He was wearing a black cloak and a hood, and his face could not be seen clearly.

The wizard raised a 381mm long wand and turned it around his head, and a large area of ​​thunder and lightning suddenly appeared on the lake.

All the wreckage of the sailboat, whether floating on the water or sinking to the bottom of the water, was surrounded by lightning and finally flew to the surface of the water.

In a few breaths, the broken and sunken sailboat returned to its original state, much cleaner than before.

"Amazing!" Louis Manz turned to Kitov and asked, "Is he your professor?"

Kitov shook his head and replied, "No, I heard that he is a friend of several ghosts in our school and he only comes here once in a long time."

Dumbledore looked solemn and stared at the wizard's back until he left. The magic just now reminded him of some past events, but he was not sure in his heart.

Nikita took the opportunity to say to Karkaroff, "Since the ship has been repaired, let's forget about the compensation."

Charles frowned. Why did the old man come here and take action?

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