A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 374 There are good things here

Kodos Dorez is composed of several castles, large and small. The castles here are different from other magic schools in Europe and the United States. There are no tall pointed towers, but huge onions.

The main castle "wraps" a section of cliff, half of it is built on the mountain, and the other half is built underwater. The outer wall is made of glass like a greenhouse.

“The view here is great!”

Hogwarts and other foreign students live on the edge of the cliff. The terrace here can overlook the almost endless lake and the endless birch forest around it.

Dumbledore took Professor Bablin and Lupin to communicate with the principals of other schools. Charles and many students from Hogwarts were watching the scenery with several students from Ilvermorny on the terrace.

Mainly Harry was looking at the scenery, with Lily Smith and other American students looking at him.

Charles pointed to a group of people by the lake and said to Harry, "Did you see those people?"

Harry nodded and said, "I see, why are they flying on trees?"

Many Hogwarts students noticed the Kodostorius students, who were flying in the sky on a large uprooted tree with the roots in front.

Charles said: "They are the Quidditch team of Cordos Doriz."

"Huh?" Harry's eyes were almost bigger than his glasses.

"What about them?" He pointed to a dozen students flying in formation on broomsticks on the lake.

Kodosdorez's students wear purple robes lined with white fur, and their fur collars and fur hats are also white.

The students wore black leather hats and scarlet fever cloaks flapping behind them, changing formations on the water from time to time.

"They were members of the Cossack Club," Charles said.

Kitov spoke of this club when he was at Fallbottom Castle, of which he was also a member.

The British students around me had never heard of Cossacks and didn't know who they were.

Charles continued: "More than half of the Aurors on the Magic Council here come from this club."

Now many people understood.

At this time, someone nearby looked up at the sky and shouted: "Look at the sky!"

Many people looked up and found a small black spot in the sky after a while.

Harry said a little nervously: "That thing seems to be flying towards us."

Cedric next to him was even more nervous than him: "It seems to have fallen!"

Charles also sensed something was wrong.

At this moment, an alarm sounded in the castle: "All personnel outside should enter the room immediately. The Aerospace Club's aircraft fell down again!"

The siren kept repeating. Charles was stunned for a moment, wondering what the hell "again" was. Then he remembered that Kitov just said that Valentina had a test flight today, so she was among the things that fell!

Before he could react, a series of dense explosions came from not far away. The students who were flying in formation on the lake just now rushed into the sky, and skirt-like clouds appeared on the tail of their broomsticks.

Harry shouted in surprise: "They're flying so fast!"

Charles was so stupid that he meowed loudly and flew out of the sonic boom cloud with his broomstick. Is this still justified? !

It can be seen that the students of the Cossack Association have rich experience in handling the current situation.

They flew very high into the air and spread out at the same time. A big white net appeared between them.

Just when the falling aircraft was about to come into contact with the big net, everyone quickly turned their broom heads and dived downwards to reduce the relative speed between the two.

When the big net caught the aircraft, the students were pulled for a while, but it was not a big problem. They slowed down slowly, and eventually the speed of the aircraft gradually slowed down.

Harry's vision was right, the aircraft was heading towards the terrace where they were.

Not long after, the aircraft landed in the middle of the terrace, and a group of people gathered around to watch.

Charles looked at the big guy with "core cabin" written on it curiously.

It is like the lower part of a raindrop, with a maximum diameter of more than one meter and a height of two meters. The outer layer is made of wood and exudes a strange smell.

The door to the core cabin soon opened, and a girl wearing a full white leather jacket, a fully enclosed helmet, and leather gloves came out.

"Cool!" Lily and another big American girl went over to help him out, "Cool girl, how high did you fly just now?"

The girl who went with her also asked excitedly: "Did you do this yourself?"

The pilot girl sat down at the door of the core cabin and took off her helmet. Lily immediately shouted excitedly: "Hey, we met in Wagadu!"

Charles also walked over and said hello: "Valentina, long time no see."

Valentina's eyes were a little dazed, and she waved her hand and said slowly: "I felt dizzy just now, let me calm down."

Charles took out a bottle of drink made by the elf working in Dancing Grass restaurant from his bag, opened the cap and handed it over.

Valentina took it and drank more than half of the bottle in one breath. Her eyes instantly regained her vitality. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Resurrection!"

A man from the Cossack Club came over with a broomstick and asked Charles curiously: "What did you give her to drink just now?"

Charles raised his eyebrows and said seriously: "A British fermented magic potion."

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

Valentina said to this brother: "Simbar, he is Kitov's boss Charles Smith. The kind of fermentation potion that Kitov brought back is only found in his... cellar."

Simbal smiled brightly, held the flying broom in his arms, stretched out his hands and shook hands with Charles enthusiastically, saying: "Welcome Mr. Smith to Kodos Dorez. I heard Kitov often mention you."

Many other club members also came over to shake hands with Charles enthusiastically.

Harry and others on the side had already been attracted by Simbal's flying brooms, because these brooms were not only made of wood, but also made of a lot of metal materials, which was unheard of before.

The performance is obvious to all. Everyone saw how fast it flew just now. Harry and Cedric and other Quidditch players began to drool.

Harry looked at Charles and kept signaling him with his eyes to ask how to sell those flying brooms.

He believed that Charles would definitely understand what he meant after the tacit understanding they had cultivated for more than ten years.

Then Hermione understood that Charles didn't want to pay attention to him, and was concentrating on chatting with Simbal and others, laughing from time to time.

Soon, the students from the Space Club came. They wanted to hoist the core module back for inspection, and Valentina also wanted to go to the school clinic.

After everyone left, Harry looked at Charles with resentment, his mouth pouted.

Charles asked him curiously: "What's wrong? Who bullied you?"

Harry shook his head and said: "No, you saw it wrong."

Charles ignored him when he said that, and went to the side to think about how to get along with the people in the Cossack Association and get a supersonic broom to play with.

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