A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 379 Housework Doll

A chilly wind blew in the birch forest under the night sky. Owls hooted from the treetops from time to time, and the strange noises on the ground were even more creepy.

Standing outside the window of the wooden house by the forest, you could smell alcohol. If you looked through the cracks in the window, you could see two middle-aged men, an old goblin, and a young man gathered around a table with a disemboweled blond doll on the table.

Fortunately, the doll was just a doll, not a real person, otherwise these four guys would have been planted as potatoes in the fields of Siberia.

"Awesome control system!" Professor Chepkin couldn't help but praise, "It's really amazing, it makes it move like a real person."

In his opinion, apart from this, there was nothing worthy of praise from the professors for this doll.

Professor Shimusin said: "The materials are a bit... conservative. I think it's because of the cost. There are many factors to consider when mass-producing, not just performance."

It was the first time Charles met Professor Shimusin, who taught magic materials. He was in his forties or fifties, a little fat, and his light golden hair was beginning to turn gray.

He said it in a tactful way, but Charles understood.

Professor Mikhail didn't say anything, just filled Charles' cup with kvass, and filled the other cups with half kvass and half vodka.

Fortunately, there was a spell inherited from the magic of making the Sorting Hat, which immediately raised the technical level of the puppet, making these professors feel that Charles used low-level materials and technology just to reduce costs.

When everyone's cup was empty again, the puppet was studied.

Charles took out a large drawing and spread it on the table, and said to the professors: "This is my new puppet, which takes care of both housework and security work."

"Among them, the combat parts are built-in and can appear on the back when needed."

The combat parts he designed are a pair of angel-like white wings, and the large feathers under the wings can be detached.

Those feathers are the separated network-based high-speed mobile weapon group system he has been studying since his first year. They can fight autonomously after setting the target, and can also be controlled as an additional organ of the user.

Charles plans to hand over the new puppet body to the three professors, and he will be responsible for the control system part.

Professor Chepkin, as a professor of magic item manufacturing, has more experience in making items. He volunteered to be the chief engineer of this project. He asked Party A carefully about all the requirements.

"Do we need to install a self-destruct system?" Professor Chepkin was a little confused. The things made by them goblins are to be passed down through the ages, and they never thought of self-destruction.

Professor Mikhail said: "It's understandable. I heard that the subordinates of the biggest gangster leader in the UK escaped from the education prison. It's very dangerous there."

"Compared to a few puppets, life is the most important."

Professor Chepkin thought it made sense and said after thinking: "In this case, the new puppets cannot be made carelessly."

He didn't say that if the new puppets want good performance, the price will naturally not be less.

Considering that Party A is a big capitalist from an old capitalist country, there is no reason for Party B to help save money.

Charles didn't care about the cost. Now the situation has deviated from the "plot" in his memory. God knows what Voldemort will do next.

And he had already thought that if the performance of the new doll was greatly improved, then he would re-flash the old doll and make it into a housework and childcare doll for sale.

Professor Chepkin began to study the long list of spells, mainly some spells for handling housework and some protective spells, which needed to be set on the doll in advance.

His expression gradually became serious and his brows began to frown.

Charles thought that this involved the problem of mutual interference between different spells, which required serious research, so it was difficult.

Then Professor Chepkin used the flying spell, and Professor Mikhail went to open the window wider. Two minutes later, a thick book flew in.

Charles was a little surprised when he saw the book coming in, thinking that spell interference was so troublesome, and simple daily magic also needed a big book to solve it.

He curiously stretched his head over and found that he was wrong, because the title of the book was "Encyclopedia of Life Spells".

Professor Shimusin saw Charles' astonishment and whispered to him: "Chepzin never does housework at home."

This makes sense. The spell on the doll involves an area that Professor Chepzin is not familiar with, so he has to look up the book.

Professor Mikhail explained to Charles: "The goblins believe that men are responsible for working and earning money, while women are responsible for all housework. This has been the case for thousands of years."

Professor Chepkin said while flipping through the book: "Some historians believe that this tradition began in the Stone Age, when primitive goblins were like primitive people, not much better than wild beasts."

"At that time, male goblins were responsible for going out hunting, and female goblins' housework included protecting the safety of their homes. It is the same now."

"The goblins are luckier than Neanderthals and have entered the civilized era, but they are still at a disadvantage and can only hide from place to place."

"The reason why goblins are good at making magic items is the same as the reason why Swiss Muggles are good at making watches. In ancient Switzerland, when the mountains were closed by heavy snow in winter, the Muggles there either went down the mountains to France and Italy to serve as mercenaries, or did manual work at home."

"For thousands of years, goblins can only make various magic items in hiding. In order to sell them, they must do better than Muggle wizards. This is how the skills are honed from generation to generation."

"Making magic items requires all your concentration, otherwise you will waste materials in a small way, or blow the house to the ground in a serious case, so you won't be able to take care of household chores."

"Things that are repeated in daily life will gradually become traditions over time, and they will still be retained even if the social environment changes."

Charles finally understood after hearing this.

Then Professor Chepuzin continued: "But now things have changed. Some young girls have begun to step out of housework and engage in the same jobs as boys."

Professor Shimushin was quite familiar with the affairs of Professor Chepzin's family and told Charles: "His daughter was the first female elf to step out of the kitchen and living room and work with men. She is now responsible for legal work in the Magic Council."

Charles nodded repeatedly as he listened, and his knowledge, which was very useful but not needed for exams, increased.

While chatting, Professor Chepuzin prepared the life magic that the doll needed.

There are several tables in the "Encyclopedia of Life Spells", which contain lists of basic spells, advanced spells and spells that professional nannies need to master. Just copy them to the professional level.

Professor Chepuzin said: "If your control system is good and the doll can complete household tasks, I think many people in our country will definitely buy it."

Professor Mikhail also said: "If you want to sell, I can help you contact the channels in China. I have after-sales service with them."

Finally, Professor Himousin gave Charles a suggestion: "You can use good materials for your own use, and use cheap materials for large quantities."

Charles calculated in his mind that the market for housekeeping dolls was quite large. He knew of no fewer than seven broomstick manufacturers. Housekeeping dolls would definitely sell better than broomsticks.

"This is indeed a good business." Charles suddenly thought of a question, "I have an idea. If you can solve it, I can hand over the production to you."

Nowadays, the social situation of British wizards is a little weird. He has started to build some industries abroad, and he can cut off his flesh and run away when necessary.

Professor Chepuzin asked him: "What do you think?"

Charles said: "Two of my classmates are working on plug-in magic modules."

"For example, recipes in different countries are different. Housework dolls sold to France that only know how to cook British food will not work and will be returned."

"So first make recipes for different countries, store them in a record-like component, and put them in when they are sold in different countries."

“The same goes for modules like language and customs.”

"I would like to ask you to assist my two classmates in researching this."

Now the Weasley twins' magical Tetris can basically be sold, but they have hit a bottleneck in researching the card game. Their hair is falling out and they have made almost no progress.

Professor Flitwick couldn't help much in this new field, and he had his own work to do, so Fred and George could only rely on themselves.

So Charles decided to help the two brothers find foreign aid, and Professor Chepuzin and the others were just right.

After hearing this, Professor Chepuzin said: "It's a very good idea and very challenging. Have they come? If not, you can write to me in the future."

It stands to reason that they would charge a fee to help outsiders solve technical problems, but Charles linked this matter to the production of dolls, so he regarded it as a technical investment.

Professor Mikhail proposed to jointly build a company, each relying on capital and technology to invest in it. This is indeed a good suggestion.

Charles said he would think about it, and there was no need to rush the matter. He would first get the samples out before talking about it.

After some discussion, everyone reached a preliminary agreement. Charles had to return to his residence before the gate was closed and left first.

The three professors stayed and continued drinking, this time without adding kvass to the vodka.

Professor Chepuzin suddenly asked: "Did you find anything weird about Smith?"

Professor Mikhail shook his head blankly and asked, "What do you think is weird about him?"

Professor Himousin also said: "I think he is quite normal. To say he is weird means he is smarter than his peers... Huh?"

Seeing him like this, Professor Mikhail asked: "What did you discover?"

Professor Shimushin replied: "Have you noticed that we have never treated him as a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child?"

They are all middle-aged, and their tone of voice will be different and much friendlier when talking to students of this age.

The most important thing is that they usually don't drink at all when there are students around, instead of mixing vodka with kvass like this tonight, and no one thinks there's a problem.

"Is it some kind of magic spell?" Professor Chepuzin was a little puzzled, "But I didn't feel that he cast a spell on himself or us."

He is a little sensitive to magic spells, and it is certain that Charles did not use any magic spells just now.

Professor Mikhail said: "Some people are born with a certain feeling in others, such as kindness and so on. There are also people like Veela. He may be like this too."

The other two felt that this should be the case and did not delve into it further.

On the other side, Charles was just about to return to the castle when the old man appeared in front of him.

"Follow me, an old friend wants to see you."

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