A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 380 You know so many celebrities

There are some small buildings for various purposes in the castle complex of Kodos Dorez, which may have been warehouses in the past.

After Charles walked into one of the buildings, he asked curiously: "Where are we going?"

Tonight, Jack looked like Marlon Brando, and said without turning his head: "My old friend wants to see you, he brought his teacher and his former colleague."

Charles asked more curiously: "Who is he?"

The old man's friend should be a very interesting person.

Jack was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "You know his name."

"Oh?" Charles was a little surprised, "Is he a famous person? How did you know each other?"

Jack replied: "87 years ago, I met an interesting person, and I helped him do a job at that time."

"Later, he introduced many companions to me, and I helped them a lot."

"It's just that I'm not interested in politics. I just helped run errands and treat their illnesses. Six years later, he was exiled to Vienna. I escorted him all the way there and continued to travel around the world."

Charles realized that something was wrong. This year is 1994, and 87 years ago was 1907. That year, it seemed that something happened that was not big or small, but it was talked about by many people.

"Grandpa... Grandpa..." He swallowed his saliva, "You... You... You didn't... You... You robbed a bank with that person?"

Jack didn't answer, but just smiled lightly.

Charles wiped the sweat from his forehead. Vienna in 1913 was full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons, so terrifying.

The two came to a room on the top of the building. It looked like a teahouse, nothing special.

Jack took out a green candle from the cabinet beside him and put it on the candlestick to light it. The green flame was the same as the floo powder.

"Touch the flame."

He put his finger into the small flame and was instantly sucked in.

Charles did as he was told. When the feeling of the floo network traveling through space disappeared, he found himself in a room without windows or doors. The vents on the wall were blowing cold air. The old man was sitting on a sofa and motioned for him to sit down on another one next to him.

"They will be here soon." Jack said to Charles, "I saw your memory that year, and I came here ten years ago to tell you about them."

Charles wiped his sweat, feeling that it was his fault that the wheel of history had rolled crooked.

After a while, three ghosts flew into the secret room. One had only a circle of hair around his head, one had two thick beards, and another had an ice pick on his head.

Jack greeted the two mustaches who robbed the bank with him first, and then introduced Charles to them.

Charles knew them and immediately felt a little stomachache.

After a round of greetings, the extremely smart ghost asked Charles: "I heard that you are studying the use of alchemy to make materials without resistance. Can you tell me about your ultimate goal?"

Charles has calmed down and said seriously: "My goal is divided into several parts. If the method of room-temperature superconductivity is realized, controlled nuclear fusion can be achieved and extremely cheap energy can be obtained."

"The second is to synthesize starch from carbon dioxide through chemical reactions, and use cheap energy and ubiquitous carbon dioxide in the air to make food."

The ghost with two mustaches took out a pipe from somewhere and smoked it. After puffing out a puff of ghost smoke, he said: "It's a great goal. It can solve the problem of food shortage from the root."

Charles shrugged and said: "Now food is The root cause of the shortage is not the total amount of food, but the problem of distribution. Brezhnev and I can each have dozens of medals on average. "

He couldn't help but ask curiously: "How did you change after getting my memory... Well, it should be another creation of history?"

The ghost with the least hair said: "We let an important theory that should be published six years later in your memory appear in advance, first improve the theory based on the actual situation, and unite the comrades who still have ideals and hopes..."

Charles listened quietly. No wonder the historical process here is a little different. Although there were heavy losses, several member states were split, and even the two fishing boats in the Nikolayev Shipyard were half-sold and half-given to the south as a token of allegiance, the basic base was still preserved.

Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief. This is good, so that the capitalists will not make trouble internally in the future when there are no external enemies. Maybe his own rainbow Avada Kedavra curse will also become a symbol of some kind of political tool.

At that time, it will be finished. Maybe someone will ask on the Internet "Why did Charles Smith keep his history of using rainbow-colored magic spells?"

After the history, the topic quickly shifted to the debate, about whether the International Statute of Secrecy was out of date.

When Charles left, he felt that he had sweated a lot. Usually, he could take advantage of his smallness when he was chatting and laughing with Dumbledore and Grindelwald, but just now during the debate, these three treated him equally, and he was under great pressure.

“How was it?” Jack smiled and patted his shoulder, “Are you surprised, unexpected, thrilled, and happy?”

Charles said seriously: “No surprise, only shock.”

“Alas, it wouldn’t be surprising if you said that you and your sister-in-law knew me.”

Who knew that Jack said: “I should have seen him.”

"At that time, I saw a few people in the homeless shelter in Vienna who were living a miserable life, so I got some Muggle money to buy bread, and went with Djugashvili and others to give it to the homeless."

"He later talked about this in an interview, and it was Djugashvili who told me."

Charles was speechless.

He admired the old man for having powerful strength but not having any desire for power, staying away from the political whirlpool, doing things according to the kindness in his heart, and helping friends purely for the sake of helping.

Charles believed that he could not do this.

"I'm going back to sleep." He stretched, "My brain was running at high speed just now, which consumed a lot of energy. I'm tired."

Jack just sat and listened to them chattering, and didn't understand a word at the end. It was quite relaxing.

"You go back to work." He said, "I should go back to England."

"By the way, I sent all the letters you sent to those people in China. Someone wants to talk to you. You can go there during the summer vacation."

Charles said with a frown: "I'm very busy this summer vacation. I mainly have to help you pay off your debt to Veela. I want to go to the Quidditch World Cup to watch the fun."

"Yes!" Jack slapped his thigh, "You can ask her to watch the Quidditch game!"

Charles laughed and said, "Since you want to invite Professor McGonagall to watch the game, I won't be a light bulb."

Jack thought about the problem and said, "You can go wherever you want, but you have many ways now, help me get the ticket first."

Charles smiled and agreed. He would not be a light bulb at that time, but he didn't say he would not go to watch the old man's fun.

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