A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 381 Competition Rules

After returning to his residence, Charles took a nap to get enough energy to prepare for tomorrow's meeting and the approaching competition.

On a new day, all the students of Hogwarts held the first plenary meeting of the Potions Championship in the conference room to discuss the formation of participating teams.

Among the five main players participating in the Potions Championship this year, the captain is Joyce, a seventh-year Ravenclaw, and another seventh-year student is Percy from Gryffindor. The former is good at serious potions, and the latter has grown rapidly after cramming poison knowledge some time ago. They are the main players.

According to the tradition of Hogwarts, the team is configured according to the three generations of "old, middle-aged and young". This year, there are fifth-year students preparing for the next class. In addition to Cedric from Hufflepuff, there is also a Slytherin girl Ashford. She is good at other potions except for the average level of serious potions in the textbook.

It's just that there are no students in the third and fourth grades this year who are eye-catching in potions.

Hermione may be able to, but because there are too many courses and she can't allocate time with the time converter, she did not participate in the selection.

If Harry and Ron had not successfully joined the odd jobs team this time, Hermione would not have given up class and followed them.

This year's third and fourth grade students are Qiu Zhang from the fourth grade. There is no better than her in these two grades.

This year's Potions Championship has a new trick. This trick should have been discussed by the schools earlier, and now they are ready.

Joyce said to everyone: "This year's competition rules have been announced, and there are big changes compared to previous years."

"First, the potion preparation team can only bring tools such as crucibles and furnaces into the competition venue, and is prohibited from bringing any materials needed to prepare potions, including water."

"Second, the competition lasts for one week, and the content will be known at the start of the competition."

"Third, each team can form an action group of up to ten people, whose task is to find the required medicinal materials in the competition venue."

"There are also regulations that there must be at least five wizards aged fourteen or younger in the action group, and members can only carry wands when entering the competition venue, and are prohibited from bringing other items and pets."

"The organizer will pack various medicinal materials and place them in the venue. When the competition starts, they will be displayed on the map, and the action group members will go to retrieve the materials."

"There are many dangers in the competition venue, even traps."

"The last and most important point is that the action group members will not be restricted except for violations such as killing, using irreversible evil spells on people, and causing serious injuries to the other party."

After she finished speaking, the conference room suddenly became noisy.

Everyone was not stupid, and they immediately realized that the materials used in the competition had to be robbed.

Charles suddenly asked: "What about food? Does the rule say that you can carry a week's worth of food?"

Joyce shook her head and said: "It doesn't say that you can bring food. You can only bring tools except for the wand."

At this time, Cedric said: "Charles, it's up to you to eat these days."

Seamus and the other two logistics staff who participated in the last potion championship nodded together. Everyone still remembered how he prepared three meals a day.

Charles said uncertainly: "We'll see when the time comes."

"What I'm worried about is whether other schools will interfere with our preparation of potions."

Joyce immediately said: "I think this is certain. We are the champions of the last session, and other schools will definitely take special care of us."

"So our action team must separate a security team to ensure the safety of the pharmaceutical team."

Qiu Zhang said with some concern: "If we separate people, it will affect the efficiency of collecting medicinal materials."

Cedric said: "This is not a problem. Let Charles stay behind, and those of us who don't have pharmaceutical tasks can assist him."

His main task is to process medicinal materials. He has relatively more free time and can help fight.

Percy also said, "This competition will take a week. I think it is very likely that the potion will be handed in on the last day."

"We can pay attention to the order and arrange the time."

They all have their own strengths and tasks. If they are arranged well, it is not a problem to take turns to spare one person.

Charles nodded, thinking that if they really fight this time, he may have to reveal a trump card, but which card to choose depends on the situation.

And he felt that he seemed to be targeted. The rule is that pets cannot be brought, which should be tailor-made for rubies.

Next is the selection of the remaining nine members of the action team, and according to the requirements, there must be at least four students under the age of fourteen.

Everyone guessed that Dumbledore had known about this earlier, so he brought a few third-year students, but they were all Gryffindors.

Charles was not surprised by the selection.

Let's not talk about Seamus, everyone has seen it.

Harry and his trio performed outstandingly in the basilisk incident last year, and Dumbledore was there at the time.

Neville should be considered a substitute, because they are all Gryffindors and there is no barrier after joining, but seeing his red face, he probably wants to join.

It is a bit difficult to choose the other five senior students. No one is convinced by the other, so they decided to make a gesture in the afternoon.

Joyce announced at the end of the meeting that from now on, everyone should not go out if they can, and it is best to eat here to avoid accidents.

Charles was prepared for this and gave everyone a tablecloth to put on the table.

Ashford asked in surprise: "Can we order dishes from the Dancing Grass Restaurant here?"

She came from a relatively wealthy family of potion makers and wizards, and she had been to the Dancing Grass restaurant frequently, so she recognized these tablecloths at a glance.

Others also looked at Charles, and some began to think. Smith

Charles said proudly: "These tablecloths are not that great. I asked the chef to prepare meals and snacks for us in the kitchen."

"I suggest that these tablecloths be used to wrap things like crucibles and furnaces. If you can sneak in, you won't have to worry about having nothing to eat."

As a result, Dumbledore just walked into the meeting room at this time and said behind him: "This is not allowed. The rules prohibit taking anything from outside the venue in any form. Everyone is afraid that you will bring the ruby ​​in."

Charles and several other people who had the same idea could only sigh.

Dumbledore listened to Joyce's report on the meeting just now, and then explained the rules of this competition in detail.

"Everyone, be careful." Dumbledore became very serious. "The rules of this competition have just returned to the old ones. The rules were changed after all the contestants died in the competition one year."

"The last accident in Vagado made us change some of our ideas. We think it is best to control the danger in our own hands."

"Although we set up the competition venue this time and there will be no external danger, accidents will still happen if we are not careful."

"Especially between the participating teams, everyone should be extra careful!"

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