A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 382 Intelligence First

In the days before the competition, the players from Hogwarts, Ugadu and the Institute of Magic all chose to stay indoors and closed their respective areas.

Everyone understood that this competition was not a dinner party, nor a painting or embroidery. It could not be so elegant, so leisurely, so gentle, so kind and modest.

Students from other magic schools who came to watch the competition discussed the rules of the competition, and the castle terrace was very lively for a while.

On the other side, the students of Hogwarts were also making final preparations.

"This is the competition venue."

Charles hung a huge map on the wall, surrounded by dozens of freshly developed photos, and the map was drawn based on the photos.

The entrance to the competition venue is about one kilometer away from the castle. It is a circle with a diameter of four kilometers. There are forests, tundra, woods, rivers and lakes in it, and the terrain is relatively complex.

The location is not a secret, but the students of Kodosdoriz strictly guard outside the range and prohibit anyone from snooping.

But this did not bother Charles. He asked Ruby to catch a Shanghai figure and fly over the competition venue. The Shanghai figure carried a camera and conducted an aerial reconnaissance.

They studied the rules of the competition. There was no clause prohibiting the early observation of the competition venue. As long as they were not caught by outsiders, it would be fine.

Everyone guessed that this should be considered that Kodos Dorez had a huge home advantage and they were familiar with the terrain, so they left loopholes for other participating teams.

In the meeting room, everyone carefully studied the map and photos together and found that there were six cabins that looked exactly the same in the venue.

Simo asked Charles: "Are these cabins for us to live in?"

If these cabins look different, they are likely to be some kind of material storage point. Now they are the same, so it is very likely that they are the bases of operations set up to be fair to each team.

Others thought so too, but there was no further evidence.

Charles replied: "It is possible. Go to scout tonight."

Joyce and Percy discussed and drew several suspicious places on the map. These places may be places where medicinal materials are hidden, and they all need to be scouted.

Charles invited Ruby to the map and talked until his mouth was dry. He finally asked it to come back later.

Soon after, the student who went out to inquire about the news came back with some not-so-good news.

Starting today, many patrols appeared above the competition venue, obviously to guard against Ruby.

Ruby laughed contemptuously.

Then everyone got busy. Ruby went out to scout, Joyce and others continued to discuss the map, and Charles returned to the "Flying Dumbledore" and went directly to the kitchen.

"Hello, boss," the elves in the kitchen reported to Charles, "Tomorrow's food purchases are back."

Charles went to take a look and saw that there were a lot of fat ducks, and the only vegetables were green onions, carrots and potatoes.

Charles thought about it and started to make a snack for Ruby.

The fat duck was still alive and very energetic, and its fighting power was not low.

However, under the Avada Kedavra curse, the duck still fell down.

The elves helped to bleed the duck and put it on the chopping board. Then Charles took action.

The "Hair Removal Spell" can not only make a person's hairstyle become like Voldemort's, but also remove feathers from chickens and ducks, but it is useless for magical animals with high magic resistance such as phoenixes.

The "Bone and Flesh Parting Spell" is even more useful. The duck skeleton is like it can change its shape and shadow by itself, and it runs out with a "biu".

Charles put away his wand, and ran his fingers across the central axis of the duck's abdomen, instantly opening the belly and taking out the internal organs.

Then the duck meat, carrots and potatoes were cut into the size of a little finger to make it easier for Ruby to swallow.

Charles asked the elf to take the pickled fat and cut it into pieces, fry it in a frying pan to get the oil, put the meat pieces into the pressure cooker, and then fry the duck meat, carrots and potatoes in oil one by one, and finally pour them into the pressure cooker together.

Add green onions, broth, salt, bay leaves and some pepper to the pressure cooker, cover the lid and simmer for an hour.

At the same time, the students of Kodosdoriz surrounded the competition venue tightly in the air and on the ground, and anti-invisibility spells fell from the sky from time to time to prevent anyone from sneaking into the competition venue.

Although it is tacitly allowed by the rules, it cannot be left alone. If you want to see the venue in advance, you have to rely on your ability to enter.

The students here think they are very familiar with Ruby. After all, it has often come here in recent years and has been eating and drinking in the cafeteria.

However, Ruby will play with them when they play and make noises at ordinary times, but today they have to do serious work, even if they cook a big pot of potato stew there, it will be useless.

Ruby flashed directly from Charles' room to the competition venue, put down the Shanghai doll in the woods, and the doll holding the camera flew to the wooden house in the open space in front at the fastest speed.

Charles cast an invisibility spell on the doll and the camera, so they would not be discovered as long as they did not hit anything.

After taking pictures of this wooden house, the doll returned to the woods and poked Ruby's wings, asking it to take it to the next one.

At dusk, the puppet had shot four rolls of film, and then he let Ruby take him back.

Charles worked all night, developing and drying the film, and the next morning he handed it over to others for a meeting and went to sleep.

In the afternoon, when he woke up and went to the meeting room, everyone's research had yielded results.

From the internal layout, those cabins should be places for contestants to stay, because there are beds and the like inside, and the number is just right.

The locations of the cabins are different, some are in the woods, some are by the lake, and some are in the mountains.

What is not known now is how these cabins are allocated, whether they are designated, drawn by lot, or first come first served.

Everyone has made various plans, one of which is which cabin to grab if they need to grab.

When everyone was arguing, Charles said: "Let's take the one by the lake. First of all, ensure the water source."

"This cabin is surrounded by water on three sides, and there is a cliff more than three meters high next to the water. There is only one road, which is easier to defend."

Neville also said: "I can plant a circle of plants on the edge of the cliff. If someone comes from there, they will definitely be discovered."

In the past two years, he and Professor Sprout have learned a lot of spells for fighting with plants, and they use them in a very good way. In the competition not long ago, he grabbed a position in the action team.

When a whopping willow as tall as a person stood there, everyone recognized that he had such strength.

There should be some herbs in the stadium that can be used for fighting. We can get some back to strengthen the base defense.

Percy looked at the map and said, "This wooden house is close to the center of the stadium, and it is convenient for movement. The other three schools will also think of it. We have to find a way to get there first."

Charles thought and said, "It should be possible to use Apparition there."

Percy and Joyce passed the Apparition test. If it can be used, it should not be a problem to take a few people to grab a place first. Even running a few more times can bring everyone there in a few minutes.

It would be easy if this kind of space magic could be used. Charles would have more choices when guarding the house.

Everyone began to discuss and put forward various ideas.

Finally, Charles said, "I am worried that someone will use disguise magic to pretend to be one of us, so I will ask the returning action team members some questions about Hogwarts. If they can't answer, they will be treated as spies."

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