A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 383 The game begins

After a week of preparation, this year's Potions Championship has begun.

Before the game started, Nikita spent an hour explaining the detailed rules of this game.

The rules of the competition are basically the same as previously revealed, with just a few added details. For example, the wooden houses in the venue are on a first-come, first-served basis, and you can ask the patrol for help if you are in danger.

The most surprising thing is that there are cameras in the venue, and footage of the action team members' activities outside will be broadcast on the big screen in front of the auditorium at the entrance of the venue from 9 am to 5 pm every day.

This has been widely praised by the audience. Being able to watch a reality show is better than waiting outside for a few days.

The most surprising thing is that after the scoring, there is an open play-off, where a guest is selected to draw questions, and only materials brought from the competition field can be used, giving schools that are not far behind the possibility of a comeback.

But in this way, the contestants have more things to consider and their headaches become even more painful.

Charles is a little worried because Joyce, the captain of the Hogwarts team, is not a strong person in terms of personality, and he doesn't know what kind of decisions she will make when facing high pressure.

Fortunately, there are many people in the team who can make up for this shortcoming.

The competition is about to officially begin. The contestants bring their crucibles and other equipment for inspection by the referee team.

The team from the magic house brought a lot of colorful chopsticks, and many of them had various patterns engraved on the top.

The lid of the Wagadu team's crucible is also colorful, and the handles on it are still shaped like various animals.

The cauldrons and other supplies at Hogwarts are all placed in wicker baskets. I don’t know if the referee team members saw that they were branches of the Whomping Willow and did not rule the violation.

However, their professor discovered a problem with a transparent crucible in Kodosdorez. Charles listened for a while and understood that the thing was actually solidified vodka.

In the end, I couldn't bring the vodka crucible inside.

Later, Charles learned that the vodka crucible was only deliberately inspected by the referee team. They also had a sandwiched crucible.

At twelve o'clock sharp, the game officially started.

All members of the Hogwarts team were wearing traveling cloaks. They immediately lifted their cloaks, and Percy cast a spell to imprint all the cauldrons and other tools on the ground into two dimensions inside their cloaks.

The Wagadu team removed an elephant-shaped handle from the lid of the crucible and threw it on the ground. The handle quickly transformed into an African elephant that could carry them all on its back.

The students of Kodosdorez uprooted many poplar trees nearby and made flying trees on the spot.

The students of the magic house threw out a handful of chopsticks, which turned into horses immediately after landing.

In the past few days, other magic schools have also done their best to gather information, and they already know the location of the wooden house in the venue.

The test questions and maps for the competition are all placed in the wooden house, so you can prepare first if you get there first.

But the fastest one was Hogwarts. Joyce picked up a knife from the tool pile in advance. After everyone joined hands, she made the knife into a door key. The next moment everyone arrived at the intended destination with a "biu" .

Joyce had serious lessons in making portkeys and had a certificate from the Ministry of Magic.

As soon as everyone arrived at the destination, they started to get busy. First they took out the tools, the pharmaceutical team studied the questions and maps on the table in the wooden house, half of the action team arranged the cauldrons, etc., and Harry, Ron and Seamus helped Neville to beat people. Willows are planted around the cabin.

Hermione went to a nearby birch tree and pulled it over and started casting spells on the trees.

Charles was building a stove with stones and turned to Hermione: "Are you sure you have mastered those spells?"

Hermione said proudly: "That's natural. I succeeded after trying it twice. Everyone said I was very smart."

On the second day after arriving here, Harry and Ron were going to see how the students from Kodosdorez rode on big trees to play Quidditch. Hermione was not interested in Quidditch, so she learned how to play Quidditch on the sidelines. A tree is made into a flying prop.

Although the flying tree she made now has a speed of only more than 30 kilometers per hour and a maximum ceiling of 20 to 30 meters, it is enough as a means of transportation.

Over there, Charles had already set up a stove, chopped a tree into firewood, set up a pot, lit a fire, and started boiling water to make tea.

His task is to guard the underground passage leading to the wooden house, and he can just sit here and drink tea.

An hour later, Joyce and others discussed the results and summoned other members of the action team to start arranging tasks. Soon, a group of three began to take action.

Charles sat alone by the fire, holding a knife in one hand and a wooden block in the other, concentrating on chipping the wooden block into the shape of a fish. The smell of tea came from the copper kettle on the fire next to him.

Behind a big rock in the distance, several people from three magic schools were hiding there, discussing whether to take action.

The students of Kodosdorez said: "Let's take away all the cauldrons from Hogwarts, so that they can't make potions."

Wagadu's student said worriedly: "But that Charles Smith is sitting there. We can't get to the cabin without him."

"He was able to kill a poisonous leopard by himself two years ago. Maybe he is even better now."

The legend of Charles is still circulating in Wagadu. The students there are more aware of how terrifying the poisonous leopard is, and they feel a little scared when they have to face him now.

A student from the magic institute said: "With so many of us coming together, I don't expect him to be able to kill us all."

The students of Kodos Dorez and Wagadu asked him to go first, but he naturally refused.

"We have to outwit!" said another student from the magic school, "I can make you look like Hogwarts students in the eyes of others, so that he can relax his vigilance."

Others thought it made sense.

The student immediately cast a spell similar to the Confusion Charm. The student who said that everyone went to the ground together just now became a member of the Hogwarts action team in the eyes of others.

Charles carved a fish and threw it into the water after casting a spell. The wooden fish immediately twisted its body and dived into the water, ready to bite anyone it saw.

At this time, a person came over from the opposite side. Before he spoke, Charles stood up and pointed his wand at him and asked, "What does the professor with mandrake leaves on his head teach?"

The magic school student disguised as a Slytherin student had already prepared the slogan. He immediately recalled the information about Hogwarts in his mind. He thought that only the professor of Herbology would dress like this, so he answered, "It's Sprout who teaches Herbology...ah!"

Charles first cast a flying spell, then a throwing spell, and threw the man into the lake.

Now even Peeves knows about Hogwarts. Neville made the Boggart who turned into Snape grow mandrake leaves on his head.

Charles sat down and poured himself a cup of hot tea, blowing it to cool down and drinking it slowly.

Not long after, another Gryffindor student came over. Charles asked him, "Who is spinning like a top in the sky?"

The student from Kodostoriz was Valentina's classmate. He had heard some interesting things about Hogwarts, so he answered, "It's Peeves!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he also flew into the lake.

Charles curled his lips. After the Christmas holidays, Ron could tell the story of Snape being "biu" under the ceiling ten times a day in the common room. Gryffindor students couldn't have not known about it.

The students behind the stone thought that Charles had become alert. No matter how useful this trick was, no one dared to force their way in, so they had to disperse.

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