A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 384 Should we trade with them?

Technology and tactics complement each other. In view of Joyce's ability to make portkeys, Charles formulated a tactic for the action team to obtain supplies before the game.

This tactic is actually very simple. The action team that collects supplies should obtain as many supplies as possible at a time, and then return to the base collectively through the portkeys, put down the things and then go out.

Just like a mining car.

"Say 'Professor Snape is a good professor.'" Charles pointed his wand at the team that had just returned.

Harry's face instantly became like he had eaten a pound of flies, and Ron and Hermione next to him were the same.

"Are you stupid?" Harry muttered.

Ron also said: "He may be fake."

Hermione nodded continuously.

Charles just waved his hand and asked them to go to the cabin to unload the goods.

Harry asked him mysteriously, "Guess how many opponents I just killed."

Charles replied, "No guessing, hurry up and work, whether we will starve or not depends on you."

Hermione complained on the side, "Harry, you idiot, just wanted to use the leg-locking spell to catch a pheasant, but the pheasant flapped its wings and flew away, and the students from other schools were laughing so hard that they could hardly stand up."

Harry was extremely embarrassed at this moment, and Charles shook his head helplessly.

Harry's group was mainly to collect food. The tree was full of bags and a few pheasants with white feathers, and it seemed that they would not be hungry for a while.

They put down the bags and petrified pheasants and rode the flying birch tree to another direction.

Charles opened the bag and looked at it. There were bread, vegetables, beans, olive oil, tea, drinks and condiments.

More than an hour later, Harry and his team came back again. In addition to catching a few more chickens, they also brought back some bacon this time.

During this period, the other two groups also returned many times and seemed to have brought back a lot of things.

"Have you taken action?"

Charles saw that Harry's face was dark, Ron's hair was afro, and he was grinning, but Hermione was safe and sound.

"These two idiots..." Hermione looked helpless, "I told them to be careful of traps, but they didn't listen."

Charles said while plucking the pheasant: "This is not a game. If you are not careful, someone will die. Just now, a student from the magic school almost died."

Harry and Ron really treated this game as a game. They became serious when they heard that someone almost died.

Charles continued: "There are still a lot of supplies in the venue, so the competition is not so fierce. There will be more and more conflicts in the next two days."

At this time, the last group of people this afternoon came back. Neville had black eyes, but he looked very excited. He probably won.

Charles raised his wand and cast a spell at the sky. A large amount of white mist sprayed out from the tip of the wand, and soon covered the base of Hogwarts and the surrounding lake and birch forest.

In the audience outside the stadium, the audience of Durmstrang immediately talked about it, because from the way Charles waved his wand just now, this was the spell of their school.

On the other side, Lupin said to Dumbledore: "Charles knows a lot of foreign spells."

Professor Baburin said: "He has many friends abroad."

Dumbledore remained silent. He had guessed who taught Charles this spell.

Professor Baburin said puzzledly again: "Why didn't he use this magic earlier?"

Lupin replied: "Maybe they have some plan."

In fact, Charles didn't have any plan, but simply felt that the setting sun was shining on his face, which was dazzling.

Today's pheasant is similar to the stewed duck made for Ruby that day. Use oil to fry the diced onions and pheasant meat to make them fragrant, and then fry the chopped carrots, then put them in the pot, add water and beans, and finally add some salt and spices to simmer slowly.

Preparing meals for fifteen people is not a simple matter, and Charles is very busy.

Dinner was stewed pheasant with carrots and beans and bread, plus chicken giblets and vegetable soup. It was great to be able to do this under the current conditions.

Everyone ate after a full breakfast and was already very hungry. Everyone thought Charles's cooking was great.

Dinner was also a meeting time, and everyone reported their work today.

Joyce said worriedly: "This year's competition requires the preparation of potions to treat ten diseases, and now 80% of the medicinal materials have been collected."

Harry gnawed on the chicken neck and said: "Then let's go and get the remaining medicinal materials tonight."

The other members of the action team nodded together.

At this time, Ashford said anxiously: "I'm worried that there are no medicinal materials we need in the competition venue, or that the ones we need have been taken away by others."

The map only marked the medicinal material points and food points. I don't know what they are. I can only rely on luck and grab more.

Others thought the same and became worried.

Percy thought about it seriously and said, "I think the other three schools will also encounter such problems. Why don't we trade with them?"

Everyone was shocked by this bold idea, but it made sense after careful consideration.

Cedric nodded and said, "I think this method is feasible. Although there are certain risks, the benefits are greater."

Although doing so may allow other schools to gain points that may be lost, it is only a possibility. Losing points is a foregone conclusion.

There is another possibility, Ashford said, "What if we lose in the end because we help others?"

Percy stopped talking. If Hogwarts lost, he would be held responsible. He would be the first to be blamed.

He participated in the competition to improve his reputation in the Ministry of Magic. He did not seek merit but only to avoid mistakes. Therefore, he did not insist on his own ideas at the last moment.

Cedric insisted on his own ideas and said firmly: "We can't pin our hopes on the mistakes of others, but we should ask ourselves to do better."

"As long as we go all out, I believe that others will not make mistakes and will not defeat us."

Qiu Zhang also said cautiously: "I think so too. Do your best and don't pin your hopes on the opponent's mistakes."

Joyce was a little unsure about which side to support. Both sides made sense, and she was also hesitant.

Charles ate quietly and watched them discuss. The differences between them were very intuitive.

After dinner, the discussion did not produce any results, and the members of the action team worked overtime.

Charles walked outside to the birch forest, poked a hole in the trunk, inserted a tube, and the other end of the tube was a large beer cup on the ground.

Joyce walked from the dark woods to the light ball above Charles' head and asked curiously: "Are you getting birch sap?"

Charles answered while busying himself: "Yes, it's the season now, make some drinks for everyone."

Spring comes late in the north, and now is spring, which is the season for getting birch sap.

After Charles finished the work of getting birch sap, he took the tree to the mirror space and returned to the campfire to continue boiling water for tea. Joyce sat down opposite him, and it seemed that she had something to say.

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