A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 385 Let’s talk first

Beside the campfire, Charles started to make dough for everyone's midnight snack.

He planned to make dough with flour, seasoning and butter, put bacon on it and roll it up, and then use the air fryer to bake it.

It is estimated that when the bacon roll is ready, the action team who worked overtime at night will also be back.

Joyce sat by the campfire, hugged her legs, put her chin on her knees, and watched Charles busy.

When Charles was ready to make peace, Joyce asked him, "Why didn't you say anything just now? I want to hear your opinion."

Charles replied, "Someone said what I wanted to say."

Joyce asked again, "Who was it?"

Charles answered irrelevantly, "Percy's strength is to give advice, but he thinks too much, which interferes with his judgment, and it is easy for him to lose his mind and not stick to his own opinion."

"Cedric is very friendly and persuasive, good at coordinating and unifying internal thoughts, and making his companions believe in him."

"At the same time, he has excellent judgment, a firm mind to stick to his own ideas, and strong self-confidence."

"I am not very familiar with Ashford. From what I saw just now, he was a little unconfident and always worried about failure, but this may provide a different perspective on the problem."

"You are the captain. I think the role of the captain should be to give full play to everyone's strengths and make the judgments that he thinks are correct."

His answer was evasive for Joyce, and he did not give the answer she wanted.

This is the potion championship. The real contestants are their pharmaceutical team, and the action team is always doing odd jobs.

Charles put himself in a very positive position and did not participate in their major decisions. The other senior students in the action team did the same, only expressing their opinions on the content of their tasks.

"You are always like this." Joyce looked a little discouraged, "You can do a lot of things, but you don't do them."

Charles just smiled and did not refute.

Peers may not see it, but senior students know very well how terrible Charles' performance is.

Not to mention the single-killing of the Nangdu leopard, the talent on the flying broom, the ability to learn the Apparition in advance, and the presiding over the herb planting experiment; not to mention that he became an official of the Ministry of Magic before he came of age, opened a restaurant in Hogsmeade, and established a company with a large number of talented magicians in Farbottom Castle. The spell he used to bake the bacon roll alone is not something that an ordinary third-year student can master.

Joyce watched Charles cast the spell seriously, and a 180℃ wind ball sprayed from the top of the wand, covering the bacon roll suspended by the floating spell. After a while, the temperature of the wind ball made the bacon on the edge begin to sizzle and ooze oil.

She was sure that this spell was not a single spell that she was familiar with, but a new compound spell.

Compound spells are very difficult, and the user needs to balance the magic power, otherwise the spell will fail at the least, or even explode to death.

It can be seen that Charles's magic level is not only far higher than his peers, but even many adult wizards cannot compare.

For traditional wizards, the greater the ability, the more things they have to do.

Whether it is Dumbledore or Voldemort, the greater the ability, the more things they will take the initiative to do, good or bad things are all things.

So it is still very rare for Charles to be so capable but not care about things that he can participate in.

The air fryer spell lasted for fifteen minutes, and the bacon rolls were baked with golden skin and fragrant.

During this period, Joyce did not dare to talk to Charles, for fear of disturbing him from casting the spell and blowing up the midnight snack.

Charles used Transfiguration to turn a piece of firewood into a large tray and rack, and let the bacon rolls fly in and line up.

Joyce asked him curiously, "How did you come up with this spell?"

There are many baking spells, but they are basically a ball of fire, not like this.

Charles didn't know how he came up with it. He had very little memory of this, and he just said that he found an excuse to get by.

The smell of bacon attracted other people in the cabin. Percy and others came out to see what delicious food Charles prepared.

Not long after, the members of the action team came back one after another, bringing back some medicines.

Everyone began to count the harvest, but they were not very optimistic. There were not many new herbs collected just now, and only a few of them could be used.

"Other schools also came out to collect herbs." A seventh-grade student said, "It seems that they are also short of herbs."

Neville also said, "We met a few students from Kodos Dorez. They found that the herbs they found were not what they wanted, so they gave them to us."

The two senior students in his group nodded.

After hearing this, Percy quickly made up his mind and said to Joyce, "This is a good sign. I think the deal is feasible."

"Why don't we make a plan tonight and count which medicinal materials are missing and which are in excess. I will go and talk to them tomorrow."

Then he turned around and said, "Charles, come with me."

Cedric also thought that they could talk first, but there would be risks in the first contact. He wanted to go by himself, but it would be okay if Percy asked Charles to come.

At this time, Ashford asked Percy, "Will students from other schools take the initiative to attack you and make you withdraw from the competition?"

Many people nodded in agreement. Charles aside, Percy was a member of the pharmaceutical team. If he was beaten up, it would definitely affect Hogwarts' results.

Joyce thought for a while and said, "I think we can try, but we must be fully prepared. The action team is in the dark just in case."

The other people in the action team also agreed. At least they had to run back if they couldn't beat them.

Percy thought for a while and said, "As long as we show enough sincerity, they will not attack us, unless someone wants to embarrass themselves in front of other magic schools."

"I have a plan...blah blah..."

After he finished talking about the plan, everyone's expressions became very strange. Charles sighed, "Only students like you who graduate this year dare to come up with such an idea, but I think it's feasible."

Joyce immediately said, "Then let's do it."

After everyone had a midnight snack with tea, all the boys went outside to enjoy the cool air.

There was only one bathroom in the cabin, and the girls used it first.

Although magic can be used to clean the body directly, a comfortable hot bath can relax the spirit.

The boys arranged the night watch plan. Charles rested first, and other senior students would watch tonight.

Nothing happened overnight. The next morning, everyone looked at each other in amazement.

Several rows of huge open letters written in various languages ​​appeared in the sky:

"To Kodostoriz, Ugadu, and the Institute of Magic:

In the spirit of friendship first, our school is willing to consult with all schools and exchange what we have. Our school swears on the honor of Albus Dumbledore that all the exchanged medicinal materials have never been tampered with, and there will be no sneak attacks during the exchange. Our school representatives Percy Weasley and Charles Smith will be waiting at 100 meters from the entrance of the competition venue at 12 o'clock.

-Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

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