A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 386 Let's sit down and talk

Ten minutes to twelve o'clock, at the meeting place, Charles and Percy suddenly appeared.

They first appeared as faint shadows, and soon became more and more intense in color, becoming solid in the blink of an eye.

A gray-brown hairy-legged eagle owl hovered over the two people, and their images appeared on the big screen not far away.

Five minutes later, students from the other three magic schools appeared in unison, and they were one step ahead to guard the place.

Charles took out chairs from the air, set up a square table, spread the tablecloth, put on exquisite tea sets, and a plate of finger biscuits.

The audience was a little confused that he could pull things out of thin air.

Lupine asked Dumbledore: "Is this some kind of invisibility spell?"

Others thought the same thing after thinking about it for a while. Charles should have made these things invisible and followed him, and now he is pretending to be de-invisible.

Dumbledore concentrated on observing Charles's every move, and suddenly sighed and whispered: "I didn't expect that he could use this magic so skillfully."

He saw that those things were not invisible, but were "taken out" from the mirror space.

Behind Dumbledore, a Western reporter was busy writing, and the photographer she brought was looking for a good location with his camera.

Everyone sat down at the table, and Charles invited everyone to have tea and snacks.

The students at the magic house remained motionless, just looking at Percy.

The representative of Wagadu only thanked politely, but also made no move at all.

On the contrary, it was a girl from Kodos Dorez who picked up the finger biscuits with a smile and ate it, and she tasted birch sap.

She was a roommate in the same dormitory as Valentina. She often fed rubies in the past. While eating, she said to Vagadu and the students at the Magic Institute: "Smith is the master of Phoenix. People recognized by Phoenix will not do those things." Unfashionable little move.”

The representative of the magic institute remained unmoved, and the Wagadu student just said that he was not hungry.

Percy was the main force in the negotiations. He said sincerely to the representatives of the three schools: "This time we come with sincerity. You don't have to worry about any conspiracy on our part."

"To show our sincerity, the other members of the Hogwarts team are in the cabin at this moment and have not left."

At this time, the big screen in front of the auditorium flashed, and the screen switched to the Hogwarts stronghold. You can see the other members of the action team sitting outside the house playing cards together.

As for where the playing cards came from, it was the same as the tables, chairs and tea sets. It also involved the use of transfiguration.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried that Hogwarts was trying to lure people here and steal other people's cauldrons.

Percy continued: "This competition is based on the preparation of potions as the only scoring event, and the competition outside the crucible is just an embellishment that is insignificant to the championship."

"We might as well focus all our energy on the crucible, and maybe talk to the respective principals about the rest. We might as well hold a special competition, and then the Potions Championship becomes more pure."

"Our biggest problem now is the shortage of medicinal materials. I think everyone has collected additional medicinal materials, but at the same time, some medicinal materials are missing."

"In this regard, we have a suggestion. Let's share our concerns, solve this problem together in the shortest possible time, and concentrate on preparing for the final goal."

The representatives of the three schools thought about it. Their thoughts were the same as the dissent within Hogwarts. What if they lost the game that they were supposed to win after exchanging medicinal materials.

Takashima Tadao, the principal of the Magic Institute, turned to Dumbledore and said, "Your students are very confident."

Nikita, the principal of Kodosdorez, smiled and said to Lao Deng: "The confidence of Hogwarts is worth learning from."

Dumbledore replied: "It would be terrible if young people are as stubborn as an old man like me and have no idea of ​​​​changing."

Principal Ajinbad of Wagadu did not speak, and his expression did not change.

They were the host in the last competition, but Hogwarts stole all the limelight on and off the field. This time they came with a revenge mentality.

If Hogwarts' plan could be implemented, many of their follow-up actions would not be possible.

On the other side, a Western reporter heard Dumbledore's words and immediately wrote with a quill, "Dumbledore thinks he is old. This may be a signal to retire from many honorary positions..."

At the negotiation table, a representative of the Magic Institute said: "I don't think such behavior will help us."

They are also short of medicinal materials, but not many and can cope with it.

Charles smiled and told him the names of three medicinal herbs in Japanese, and then said: "We have at least these few medicinal herbs that we cannot use."

The representatives of the magic house couldn't sit still. What Charles was talking about was one of the most important medicinal materials they lacked.

The problem facing magic now is not that Hogwarts has these medicines, but how do they know they are short of them.

With a huge smile on his face, Charles mouthed to them, "Rat."

The two representatives of the magic institute suddenly became stiff. They did not expect that their eavesdropping, which they thought was foolproof, would be discovered and even counter-eavesdropped by the other party.

Representatives from the other two schools saw the clues and thought that Hogwarts must have some information about them, so they had the confidence to do so.

At this time, Percy said seriously: "From a certain perspective, this game can be divided into four stages."

"In the first stage, we felt like nothing was going on."

"The second phase is when we feel like maybe something is going on, but we shouldn't take action."

"In the third stage, maybe we should take action, but we can't do anything for various reasons."

"In the fourth stage, when we lose the game, we will think that maybe we could have done something, but it's too late now."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I suggest that you go back and discuss it. If you are willing to cooperate, we will meet here again at 4 pm. Bring the list."

According to the plan discussed last night, Percy did not intend to waste words with other schools. During the negotiation, he only needed to show sincerity and hint that Hogwarts knew some information about each party. Everyone was smart and knew how to make choices.

Moreover, he did not think that the first negotiation was a time for bargaining. It was considered a success if he could determine whether to exchange.

As long as the principle issues were agreed upon, the details could be put aside to avoid unlimited wrangling.

Before leaving, the representative of Kodosdoriz said: "I am personally very interested in this suggestion. We will go back and discuss it with our teammates. We will give you a reply whether it is passed or not."

The representative of Vagadu said that he would also go back to discuss and give a reply later.

The representative of the magic institute ran the earliest. A ball of fire surrounded him, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a burning human-shaped paper piece the size of a palm.

From the beginning, the two of them had been hiding in the distance, participating in the negotiations through their clones.

Charles and Percy were still sitting at the table. After everyone left, they and the tables and chairs sank into the ground like stones on the water in the blink of an eye.

The two appeared on the ground some distance away from the wooden house. Percy asked Charles: "How many schools do you think will agree?"

Charles thought for a while and said: "Just now, Kodosdoriz hinted that they would agree to our proposal."

"If everyone disagrees with this matter, then we will go back to the starting point. As long as one agrees, the other two will worry about being at a disadvantage, and they have to agree to make up for the gap."

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