A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 387 Make the competition more professional

When everyone is at a disadvantage, if others suffer less, then you will suffer a great loss.

Seeing that representatives of Kodosdoriz and Hogwarts reached an agreement on the exchange of medicinal materials, Vagadu and the Institute of Magic had to follow up.

Percy returned with a full load, completely solving the medicinal material problem of the Hogwarts team, and the other three schools were basically no longer troubled by the shortage of medicinal materials.

The spectators outside the venue were hurt. They wanted to see the contestants fighting against various traps and enemies in the search for medicinal materials. As a result, all teams now do not need to collect medicinal materials, and all of them are nesting around their respective bases.

The members of the organizing committee were also very depressed. They spent a week setting up a large number of traps at the competition venue. Some traps were activated over time, and the safe places today would be dangerous tomorrow.

Now it’s good. According to the plan, the competition for potion materials will become more intense starting from the third day, but one or two of them are nestling in the base and can’t come out.

Nikita said to Takashima Tadao: "Maybe we thought too much before, we should make the competition more pure."

The next potion championship will be held in the magic department, and it will be Takashima Tadao's turn to be in charge.

He nodded slightly and said: "This is good, it can let students focus on the key points."

"I have a suggestion. Starting from the next competition, increase the proportion of innovative points."

The other three principals nodded in agreement. After all, it is meaningless to just compete to replicate existing potions. The purpose of the competition is to promote the research and development of new drugs.

Drmstrang School of Magic intends to participate in the potion championship in the future. Karkaroff said to them: "I hope the scope of questions can be wider."

Dumbledore immediately said: "This proposal is very valuable, I agree in principle."

He knows very well what Durmstrang is good at. The current questions basically do not involve poisons in the field of black magic, so Karkaroff hopes to add his strengths to it.

Nikita asked Dumbledore with some surprise: "Do you really agree?"

Not only did he have such doubts, but others did too.

Dumbledore has spent most of his life fighting against dark wizards. Everyone thought that he hated dark magic, and it was not realistic to agree to include poison in the competition scope of the Potion Championship.

"Yes." Dumbledore said with certainty, "A friend of mine once told me, 'Eating only things that are good for health cannot be called healthy. You have to eat poison and nutrition, and this is called healthy.'"

"Inspired by the decryption challenge last summer, why not add the battle between poison and antidote to the Potion Championship."

"I have a suggestion. The poison with the highest score in the next competition will be used as the test question for the antidote in the next competition. What do you think?"

Everyone quickly understood his idea.

Poison and antidote are developing alternately. Including poison in the competition scope of the Potion Championship will promote the development of murderous poison at a glance, but it will also allow antidote to improve accordingly.

In the contest between spear and shield, the shield cannot wait passively, but also needs to actively improve.

At this time, not only the other three principals of the Potions Championship, but also the principals of other visiting magic schools began to seriously consider the feasibility of this proposal.

A pure and extensive potion competition is very attractive to many schools.

Maxime, the principal of Beauxbatons, was somewhat tempted.

Now that Durmstrang intends to participate in the Potions Championship, two of the three most famous magic schools in Western Europe have joined, and Beauxbatons seems a bit out of the crowd if it does not join.

If the content of the competition is only to make potions, without any messy confrontations, the school and students need to spend less energy and have less trouble.

So Maxime decided to discuss it with other professors in the school after returning, and if there is no problem, it is okay to participate.

In this way, the Potions Championship is more academic, but it lacks confrontation, and most audiences will not like it.

Dumbledore also considered this, and continued with what he had just said: "How about we hold a Quidditch championship among the schools?"

"We can hold a knockout match together, or a round-robin match. Let's discuss the details together."

The most attractive game is naturally a magic fight, but it's too sensitive, so let's play Quidditch first.

Takashima Tadao immediately said: "This is a good suggestion, I agree to hold such a game."

The wizards of the magic institute are quite crazy about Quidditch, and their stadium is on the sea, which is also a feature.

The other principals had no objections in principle, but Nikita said: "Can the traditions of each school be respected in flying tools?"

Dumbledore and others said in unison in different languages: "No!"

Others are riding flying brooms, and riding flying carpets in India is not exaggerated, but riding a tree in Kodostoriz is too outrageous.

At this time, the principal of Ilvermorny said: "Do you want to hold a cooking competition?"

Maxim immediately agreed: "This is a good idea!"

The people around laughed.

This is not without a reason, but there is nothing to see on the big screen right now, only Charles is there preparing a feast.

There are many magical animals in the arena, and some ordinary animals are used as food for them.

This morning, a group of deer were drinking water by the lake, and Charles immediately caught one and brought it back.

He built a rack, hung the deer on it, and then bled, skinned, and gutted it, doing it very skillfully.

Harry and Ron hid aside, watching him busy with curiosity and expectation.

Eating venison is a tradition in the UK, but neither of the two children has ever eaten it.

Harry had heard Vernon brag about eating it when his boss treated him to dinner, and he was a little curious at the time. Is venison really that delicious?

"It's a bit boring." Harry said, "It's particularly quiet today."

Charles glanced at him, cut ten pounds of venison, and asked him to cut it carefully to make the sauce.

"Why do I have to cut it too!" Ron complained as he started.

It was Harry who said it was boring just now. Just give him something to do, why do you have to be implicated.

Neville said even more aggrievedly: "Let's not talk about the two of them being lazy here. I just came here, why do I have to work too!"

"Why don't you switch with me?" Seamus felt that he was the most wronged, "I just came out to fetch water."

"Charles, you are really something, you actually asked Hermione to fetch the water herself."

Harry, Ron and Neville each cut ten pounds of venison slowly, and Seamus was building a stove, which was much harder than cutting meat.

Charles said to Harry, "Harry, when you go back, write an article about Percy's performance in this game. It should be at least three pages."

"Ah?!" Harry almost cut his hand, "Why?"

He couldn't figure out why he had to write these things.

Charles didn't answer why, but asked, "Do you want the box tickets for the Quidditch World Cup final this summer?"

Harry's eyes suddenly widened. This year, he has read the news about the Quidditch World Cup in the sports section of the Daily Prophet at least five times, more attentively than Hermione reading a book.

"How did you get the ticket?" Harry asked immediately, "I asked Professor McGonagall, she said the tickets for the final were sold out last year, and she herself didn't get a ticket."

Ron also said, "I heard there are unsold tickets, but they are hard to get. Dad has been trying his best to get us tickets recently."

Charles said nonchalantly, "Mr. Ludo Bagman, the Director of the Department of Sports and Physical Education, gave it to me. I'm not in the UK for the summer vacation, so I'll give you mine."

In fact, he was ordered by the old man to get the tickets for the final. He finally got three tickets through his connections. The old man took two and left one for him.

The smile on Harry's face was too exaggerated even for the audience outside the stadium.

He cut the meat more diligently, fearing that Charles would not give him the ticket if he didn't do a good job. At the same time, he was thinking about how to write the reflections.

Charles didn't ask him to do this on a whim. At the moment, Voldemort didn't know what tricks he was going to play. Harry had to learn how to use his brain more, so as not to be cheated.

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