A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 388 Uninvited Guests

As night fell, the breeze brought the aroma of pies all around.

The charcoal in the stove built by Seamus was burning brightly, and there were thirty pies in it, half of which were filled with venison and the other half were filled with offal, which would be the breakfast and dinner of the Hogwarts team tomorrow.

Charles saw that it was almost done, so he took out some burning charcoal and extinguished it, sealed the stove mouth, and heated it again tomorrow morning.

The light of the bonfire illuminated the surroundings, and many insects were flying around the fire, occasionally crashing into the fire.

Joyce sat by the bonfire, holding a light gray headscarf that smelled of potion on her head, holding a cup of hot milk in her hand, and drinking it slowly in small sips.

Charles sat down next to her and asked curiously, "Have you finished your part?"

Now everyone in the cabin was busy, and even Seamus and the others helped wash the crucible by the lake.

The pharmaceutical team assigned tasks on the first day. The ten kinds of potions were handled by those who were good at them, and the others helped.

Joyce replied softly, "I'm done with my work today. Now Ashford is working. She is very proficient in the potion that increases strength."

"I have another potion for treating fire lungs tomorrow. I will probably finish all the work in the afternoon."

Charles poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip and said, "It looks like progress is good."

He didn't know how to tell the difference between good and bad potions, but he felt relieved to see the confidence of professionals.

Charles didn't talk too much about potions to avoid adding pressure, so he changed the topic: "What are your plans after graduating this year?"

Joyce's eyes lit up and she said with anticipation, "I have a plan to take a bad ball trip and visit potion masters around the world."

"Mr. Slughorn agrees with my idea and is willing to help me write letters of introduction to his friends."

Charles nodded. Slughorn came to Hogwarts from time to time to guide them a while ago.

"That's good." Charles smiled, "You will be the professor of potions at Hogwarts in the future."

Joyce seemed to have been hit on the spot, her face was a little red, and she turned her head to look the other way.

"I can't do it." She whispered, "I'm still far away."

Charles calculated with his fingers that if Snape died as he had in his "memory", Slughorn would survive until the 2010s, when Joyce would be around 30 years old and had the experience of studying abroad, so returning to Hogwarts would not be a problem.

"Huh?" Joyce turned her head and suddenly found something moving on the ground in the distance under the moonlight, "Something is coming."

"It's a big-headed hairy monster." Charles said nonchalantly after taking a sip of tea, "One just came and ran away immediately. It seems to be looking for a companion."

Joyce didn't take it seriously after hearing this. She had learned this in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class before.

The big-headed hairy monsters were mentioned in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. They are about 30 centimeters tall, have a huge gray head, and have long hair on their bodies. When they approach people, they will make people feel desperate.

In addition, their fighting power is not as good as geese. Children can kick them away with one kick.

It seems that they were attracted by the delicious pie.

Charles stood up, adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and turned on the night vision function.

There are quite a few big-headed hairy monsters, and they are all big. If you don’t pay attention in advance and let them approach the wooden house, it may affect the work inside.

But with preparation, children can beat them.

Charles didn’t even take out his wand. He turned his head and shouted to the wooden house: "Neville, if you have time, bring out two lively big iron-toothed cabbages!"

Not long after, Neville came over with two baskets, and the big iron-toothed cabbages in them made a "clicking" sound.

These big iron-toothed cabbages were brought from Hogwarts and later packed into boxes and placed in the competition field. I don’t know if students from other schools have been bitten.

Neville asked, "What's wrong? Are there enemies?"

He was sure that Charles didn't want these big iron-toothed cabbages to serve tea.

Charles said, "Nothing, some big-headed hairy monsters came."

He reached out and took out two big iron-toothed cabbages from the basket, holding the bottom without being bitten.

Neville said, "Let's go back to the house. These cabbages are too fierce and can easily bite you."

Charles smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

There are skills to using biting cabbages. He learned this from the old man, and it is still not outdated after a hundred years.

The big-headed hairy monsters were walking towards the wooden house following the smell and soon reached the lake.

At this moment, a pair of killing gods fell from the sky.

A big iron-toothed cabbage was bigger than the big-headed hairy monster, and its bite force was very strong. The gray big head was like a melon seed in the cabbage's mouth and could not last for half a second.

Suddenly, a terrified scream sounded in the dark night, like a mouse, accompanied by a cracking sound.

The two biting cabbages were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, rushing around, biting one to pieces, and then catching up with the other.

The big-headed hairy monsters were like headless flies, running around.

They were like billiard balls, changing direction when they hit another one, and after hitting it several times, they found that they actually ran a circle and returned to the original place.

Charles and his friends were speechless, but the biting cabbages didn't care about that, and they pounced on anything that moved around and bit it.

The big-headed hairy monsters in the outer circle finally ran away, and the number of them inside was reduced, and the number of those circling was reduced. In the end, only two out of ten escaped the pursuit.

There were also a few who ran towards Charles and his friends, and were also kicked away.

Just after a moment of silence under the night sky, a new guest arrived.

It looked like a wolf, or maybe a fox, with black smoke all over its body, or just a ball of smoke. It was a circle bigger than the black dog that Black had turned into, with a long and fluffy tail, and narrow and curved eyes emitting dark red light.

It stopped far away, lowered its head and ate the corpse of the big-headed hairy monster on the ground.

Neville swallowed his saliva and asked, "What is that? It looks a bit scary."

"I don't know." Joyce was also a little nervous, "I haven't seen it, nor heard of it."

Both of them felt the danger of the unknown creature, and they couldn't help but get nervous, holding their wands in their hands.

Charles frowned tightly, and his intuition told him that this guy was very strange and difficult to deal with.

"You go back to the cabin." He held the wand in his hand while speaking.

Joyce asked, "Do you want to call someone to help?"

Charles shook his head slightly and said, "No, don't stimulate it, it's better to wait for it to leave by itself."

Joyce nodded, motioning Neville to go into the cabin with her.

After the two of them entered the cabin and closed the door, a gust of wind blew, and the bonfire flickered.

The unidentified creature seemed to be made of smoke and disappeared with the wind.

A few beads of sweat appeared on Charles' forehead. He could feel that the thing appeared behind him at some point.

Just as he was about to turn around, a voice came: "Brother, what do you think I look like?"

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