A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 393 The difference in the second decimal place

"Don't be nervous, relax, take it slow, it's okay."

The playoffs started, Joyce kept telling Percy and Charles not to be nervous, but everyone could see that she was the most nervous.

Charles had nothing to do now, so he chatted with her to distract her and prevent her from disturbing Percy.

"Fortunately, we left some magical herbs, otherwise Percy would have no choice."

After Charles finished speaking, Joyce immediately said, "Yes, yes, yes, at that time I thought you kept those bugs to scare girls."

There was no way to continue the conversation that day.

"Let me help." Charles went over and asked Percy, "Is there anything I can do?"

Percy said, "Can you help get the snake venom?"

Charles replied, "No problem."

After he finished speaking, he put on dragon leather gloves, went to the corresponding box on the shelf, took out a wax ball as big as a cantaloupe, threw it high into the air to break it, and then shot a stun spell with his wand.

In the wax ball was a venomous snake with black and gold rings, only as long as a palm, but the venom was enough to kill a large buffalo.

Charles easily caught the unconscious snake, took a cup, and began to extract the snake venom.

Next to him, Cedric was extracting venom from a three-legged golden toad, Ashford crushed a kind of ant with flames on its body, and Joyce also helped to pick the venom gland of a black gecko.

The five people were busy for half an hour, and they prepared the poisons of seven poisonous animals. When they were ready to put them into the pot, Percy suddenly said: "Let's boil them in two crucibles."

Everyone just went through the whole process. The original plan was to boil it in one pot. Cedric asked him: "Why do you want to divide it into two pots?"

Percy said seriously: "This potion needs to be boiled for a long time. I'm worried that the crucible will leak."

Everyone thought it made sense. The crucible was equivalent to boiling on the fire for forty-nine consecutive days. Although they brought high-end goods, they were afraid of the possibility.

If the crucible leaked at the last moment, all the previous efforts would be wasted, which would be terrible.

The two crucibles and the furnace were ready. Percy poured seven kinds of animal poisons and a bright red mineral powder into the two crucibles, then added water and ignited them.

Next, it was Charles's turn. He asked Cedric to hold his watch and remind him every minute, then began to cast a spell. The two crucibles were enveloped by a light blue light.

Joyce and Ashford were also ready on the side, adding water every half a minute.

Percy did not stop, and kept adding fuel to the furnace to ensure that the fire was strong enough.

When a minute passed, Charles stopped the acceleration spell, and Percy cast a spell in the crucible to make the drug react.

This acceleration spell is more like a catalyst, and the total amount of reactants and external input energy is unchanged.

A large amount of water vapor came out of the two crucibles, gathering into a large white gas column, rushing straight into the sky.

More than an hour later, Cedric shouted, "Time's up!"

Charles almost cast a spell and stopped in time.

Percy wiped the sweat from his forehead and began to prepare the final addition.

When he put honey, Sichuan Fritillaria, Platycodon grandiflorum and Tianshan Snow Lotus into the first crucible, something unexpected happened.




The crucible next to it could not bear the weight, and the bottom of the pot exploded all of a sudden. The potion extinguished the flames in the furnace, and a burst of burnt black smoke came out.

Joyce immediately cast a spell, and the poisonous smoke was rolled up, thrown into the sky, exploded, and dispersed with the wind.

Everyone was scared. If Percy hadn't reminded them that there might be problems with the crucible, they would have been finished now.

The remaining crucible seemed to be fine for a while, but no one dared to bet.

Cedric immediately took a new crucible, Charles cleaned the furnace that had just been extinguished and lit it, and Percy poured the pot of potion into the new crucible.

"Hiss..." Ashford took a breath, "This crucible has cracks too."

Joyce patted her chest and said, "Fortunately, the crucible was replaced in time, otherwise this pot would not be saved."

Charles glanced at the several cracks under the crucible and said seriously, "After I go back, I will write to the Ministry of Magic and ask the Ministry to set up a crucible quality investigation committee to prevent counterfeit crucibles from appearing on the market."

As he spoke, a sweet smell wafted from the side, a bit like candy.

The original black potion turned orange-red under Percy's operation, a bit like juice.

Percy exhaled a long breath, it seems to be successful.

Joyce asked hurriedly: "Is it done?"

Others looked at Percy expectantly.

Percy studied the potion for a while and said happily: "It has been successful according to the description in the record!"

Others finally breathed a sigh of relief, but their hearts were lifted again. Whether they can defend the championship depends on this potion.

The competition time was up, and Joyce said to Percy, "This potion is your credit, go and submit it."

Percy did not refuse. In addition to submitting the poison, he also explained it when necessary. This matter could only be done by him.

He took a deep breath, tidied his hair and clothes, and took the bottled potion to submit.

Kodosdorez prepared four mice specifically for testing toxicity.

The test order was reversed according to the previous competition results, and the work of the Ugado team was tested first.

Their poison looked like honey, sticky, and the mice who tested the drug were reluctant to eat it, but they were forced to drink it in the end.

The medicinal properties of this poison were quite strong. The mice convulsed for two minutes and then died. As a poison, it scored 9.1 points.

This score is considered low because the time from attack to death is too long, giving the opportunity for rescue.

Karkaroff picked a little with a spoon, put it in his mouth, and said expressionlessly: "Honey stuffed with oleander pollen is the main ingredient. It tastes just so-so, not delicious at all. I give it a 6 for taste."

The final score is the sum of 80% of the poison score and 20% of the taste score. The Wagadu team’s poison score is 8.48 points, plus the previous 92.333 points, for a total score of 100.813 points.

Next was the poison from the Hogwarts team. The mouse took the initiative to drink it, but even after drinking all the medicine in the small saucer, there was no reaction at all.

The judges were a little confused. They all saw the operation of the Hogwarts team. They did add several highly toxic raw materials. There is no reason why the white mice would not react after drinking it?

Percy saw their doubts and explained: "If a wizard drinks this poison and casts a spell, he will lose all his magic power, the blood in his body will flow backwards, his mind will be confused and he will have random thoughts, and eventually his blood vessels will burst and die."

Karkaroff raised his wand and cast a spell on the white mouse. In the blink of an eye, the white mouse turned into a red mouse because of the burst blood vessels under its skin. It was too dead to die anymore.

"It's a good poison, very useful for wizards." Karkaroff seemed very interested in this poison.

After he finished speaking, he took a spoonful, smacked his lips, then took a second spoonful, and finally stopped after four spoonfuls.

After Dumbledore and the others gave the poison a score of 9.85, they looked at Karkaroff a little worriedly, thinking that this guy would be fine after eating so much, right?

"It tastes great!" Karkaroff looked extremely satisfied. "It tastes like juice. I give it 10 points!"

The Hogwarts team cheered, so the total score was 106.546 points, which seemed to have a huge advantage.

Then came the magic team's poison, which looked like red bean paste.

After taking a small bite, the white mouse stiffened and fell straight down. It took half a minute to die.

Poison of the Magic Team scored 9.7 points.

Karkaroff took a spoonful, nodded and said: "Not bad, it looks like a filling in a dessert, but the texture is a bit rough. I give it 8 points."

The final score of the Magic Team was 106.447 points, which was only 0.069 points lower than the Hogwarts team.

The team at the Magic Institute had no choice but to grind the ingredients because of lack of time, which affected the taste.

The Hogwarts team breathed a sigh of relief and caught up with the wizarding house, but immediately became nervous, as well as Kodosdorez.

The poison made by the Kodos Dorez team was a kind of chocolate. After two bites, the mice fell into a deep sleep and lost their lives in their dreams a minute later.

There is something wrong with eating chocolate until you fall asleep. One minute is too long. In the end, Poison scored 9.5 points.

Karkaroff broke off a small piece and put it in his mouth. Everyone in the Hogwarts team looked at him nervously.

Kodosdorez was already in the lead. Although the poison score widened the gap a little, as long as the flavor score was equal to the magic score, the total score would still be the highest.

"Bitter." Karkaroff looked a little embarrassed, "Although I know the reason for the taste, the dark chocolate here has this taste, but I want to use the tastes from around the world as a reference, so I give it 7 points."

Five seconds later, the cheers of the students at Hogwarts echoed differently under the sunset that had just begun to rise in the sky.

The Kodos Dorez team finally scored 106.514 points, 0.032 points lower than the Hogwarts team.

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