A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 394: Promising

The game was over, but the players hadn't returned yet. The Daily Prophet reported how the Hogwarts team won the Potions Championship from the second-to-last place under Percy's amazing performance.

In the report that took up the entire front page, at the top was a group photo of all the players. In the text part, how Percy turned the tide in the play-offs accounted for 80%, and the others accounted for 20%.

After reading the report, Fred and George began to discuss giving the third child a grand welcome ceremony.

However, when the players returned, they found that three people were missing, and Percy was one of them.

Snape was very depressed because Lupin was not among the missing persons.

Harry returned to the common room and just sat down at the long table when Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil surrounded him with smiles.

Harry greeted the three classmates: "Long time no see, is there any news about Hogwarts recently?"

Seamus next to them said to them proudly: "Hey, do you want to hear a story?"

Dean said to Seamus: "Don't worry about the story, we have something to talk to Harry."

Harry thought he knew what they were going to do, so he said: "Oh, gifts, I'll give them to you now."

Dean shook his head and said: "There's no rush for gifts."

Lavender said seriously: "We were commissioned to do something."

Harry suddenly felt something was wrong.

Parvati took out a stack of parchment and said: "Before leaving, Charles asked us to help you write down the homework left by the professors during your absence."

Harry opened his mouth and couldn't say anything.

Hermione next to him screamed: "Ah, I actually forgot that there was homework!"

Ron slipped away immediately after seeing this.

Harry was forced to make up his homework, and Hermione took the initiative to make up her homework. Ron knew very well that if he stayed with the two of them these days, he would definitely be dragged into the water.

He brought some candies back for Ginny, and now was a good time to take them over and brag to the second-year students.

When Ginny took the candies, she asked Ron, "Where are Percy and Charles? Why haven't they come back?"

Ron replied, "Professor Dumbledore is going to attend the International Confederation of Wizards conference, and he brought Percy and Charles with him."

The International Confederation of Wizards is a government organization composed of the magic ministries of various countries in the magical world. It is very high-end and classy for students, and it is very far away from her.

Ginny said in surprise, "Percy has made a difference!"

At the same time, in a small courtyard on Capello Street in the center of Verona, northern Italy, Percy held back for ten seconds and finally sneezed.

Charles joked on the side, "Why, this is your reaction to seeing a beautiful woman?"

Percy said a little depressed, "Why are you still in the mood to go out and play now?"

The International Confederation of Wizards holds a conference every year, and Dumbledore, as the president, will attend it. This time, he brought Charles, and Charles called Percy.

Percy attached great importance to this and made all kinds of preparations, but he didn't expect Charles to come out to play.

Charles looked at a bronze statue of a girl in the yard with great interest. The right hand and right breast of the statue were rubbed shiny by countless tourists.

He answered Percy irrelevantly: "Do you know that Shakespeare never came to Verona in his life? After hearing a tragic love story set in this city, he wrote the famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"."

Percy asked in confusion: "Who is Shakespeare? What is this story about?"

Charles twitched his mouth and sighed: "I have always believed that the lack of language and mathematics in Hogwarts is the most failed place."

Percy said: "In fact, there are wizards who specialize in teaching underage wizards writing and arithmetic, but our family can't afford the tuition."

"I heard that , some wizards in the UK believe that courses should be offered starting at the age of six, just like the magic institute. "

Charles casually said: "You will have the opportunity to promote this matter in the Ministry of Magic in the future, such as the Hogwarts Elementary School."

Then he returned to the topic: "Shakespeare was an Englishman four hundred years ago. He is one of the most famous writers and poets in the Muggle world."

"The story of "Romeo and Juliet" is... just think of it as Harry's son and Malfoy's daughter falling in love. Because the two families have deep conflicts, they cannot be together, and finally they die together for various reasons."

Percy understood the core of the story.

Charles continued: "The content of the story is not important. This tragedy has been very popular for hundreds of years. The Verona City Government bought this courtyard and claimed it to be Juliet's home, which attracted a large number of tourists. "

Percy suddenly felt that Charles was saying something else and was taking the opportunity to convey a certain message.

Charles went on to say, "There is an important topic at this conference, about the antidote for werewolves."

"Someone plans to propose at this conference to eradicate werewolves worldwide, and many countries agree."

The werewolf potion has been a hot topic in the wizarding world. Britain was the first place to announce and pilot it, and was at the center of the vortex.

It's just that the bureaucrats of the British Ministry of Magic want to reap the benefits without taking responsibility, so this matter fell on Charles, who was given a position in the Werewolf Support Service Office.

Now the Werewolf Support Service Office has only one director, and Percy is one of the internal staff.

Dumbledore originally wanted to bring Lupin, but Charles felt that Percy was more suitable for such an occasion with so many bureaucrats.

Percy became a little excited and said seriously: "You mean, like the Muggle government here, using this incident to seek benefits for the British Ministry of Magic?"

He thought that if he made contributions to the Ministry of Magic before joining the job, the Minister and others would definitely think highly of him.

But Charles shook his head and said, "No, it's for myself."

In Percy's puzzled eyes, he continued: "We are just a minor addition to this kind of meeting. If it is done well, it won't get much credit. If it is messed up, it won't be a big disaster. Even if I give Skeeter No matter how much money she has, she can’t write flattering news.”

"We need to make a speech in this meeting. I will give you the outline later and you can fill it in yourself. When the time comes, you will go on stage to speak."

Percy somewhat understood what Charles meant, and his face was as red as his hair with excitement.

Although Charles was not interested in this kind of meeting and would not come if he had never traveled here, Percy still valued it and vowed to get things done.

Charles did not throw cold water on him when he saw this, and continued: "This kind of meeting does not solve practical problems, and the effect of speeches is not that great, so the speeches do not talk about the actual situation, but talk more about a better future."

Now Percy has a bookish attitude, thinking that doing things in the government is just about getting everything done.

Charles planned to show him how real bureaucrats worked.

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