A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 396 You should learn from him

Sometimes, Dumbledore wanted to hit Charles all over the head with the brow-level wand given by Nico Flamel.

"The meeting lasted for four days," Dumbledore tried not to get angry. "You didn't attend even once. Tell me what you did?"

This time he brought Charles to see the world, which was a bit of a nurturing thing, but as a result, this guy didn't see anyone all day long.

Charles said seriously: "I'm making friends everywhere."

He was right, but Percy exposed him: "The friends he made were all witches from different countries."

Charles twitched the corner of his mouth and immediately explained: "You are not entirely right."

"At this meeting, ministers of magic from many countries came with their wives. Getting to know them is equivalent to getting to know the ministers of magic."

Dumbledore was speechless, this excuse could not be refuted.

Things like taking advantage of the International Federation of Wizards' conferences to use public funds for food, drinks and travel have a longer history than the International Statute of Secrecy, and it may be more difficult to change than amending the International Statute of Secrecy.

Percy looked thoughtful.

He has appeared in front of many foreign dignitaries in the past few days, but they are all officials in charge of foreign affairs and other affairs, and he has not yet spoken to ministerial figures.

When Charles saw him like this, he said, "Don't even think about it. I can still do this at a young age. If you try to imitate me, there will be a scandal."

Dumbledore spit out more than a meter of tea in a sip, and the Elder Wand almost changed its owner.

"No!" Dumbledore reacted immediately, "You must be advertising your restaurant and company."

"Yes!" Percy also came to his senses, "I almost got fooled by you."

Charles looked innocent and said: "After they found out about my life, they asked me how my life was, and I honestly said it didn't matter because I opened a restaurant."

Percy was stunned.

After knowing that Charles had no parents, Percy tried his best not to mention his parents, and also reminded his brothers to try not to step into minefields.

Well, now, this guy would actually make a fuss about something like this.

Those ladies would surely be wondering what kind of restaurant Charles could own as a kid.

Cross-country travel is not a big problem for wizards these days, and it is even less of a problem for the minister's wife. Maybe one day I think of it, I can go there on the weekend or something.

With the level of Dancing Grass Restaurant, guests will definitely be surprised.

As soon as I went back to promote it as a member of the minister's family, word of mouth spread.

Dumbledore saw Charles's tactics clearly, sighed and said, "Percy, if you want to make a difference in the Ministry of Magic in the future, remember Charles' performance today."

Percy would have trouble understanding it for a moment.

Charles explained his doubts: "The Ministry of Magic is like a large-scale potion tournament. You have to do everything possible to get points so that you can be ahead of others."

"Sometimes, in the face of one's own goals, some things can be given up."

"But you have to clearly see the cost of giving up those things and carefully weigh the pros and cons to see if it's worth it."

"The devil knows how I ended up in the trash can. My parents don't matter to me anymore."

"But others are different."

Percy vaguely felt that there was something in his words, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Charles said to him: "Don't think so much. Think about the exam at the end of the semester first. If you don't do well, even the Werewolf Support Service Office won't want you."

Percy and Hermione have the same attitude towards learning, but Hermione is a bit extreme because she is worried about being looked down upon because she is a Muggle.

He was so deliberately reminded by Charles that he immediately became nervous.

Now that the meeting is over, it's time to go back to Hogwarts.

When Percy returned to the common room, he was welcomed by everyone. Before Charles could give out the Italian licorice candies, limoncello hard candies, Sicilian blood orange hard candies, and fruit honey candies he had brought back to everyone, Professor Delacour was immediately Called to the office.

"A letter from Fleur to you." Professor Delacour's face looked bad. When Fleur wrote to him a while ago, it was accompanied by a letter to be forwarded to Charles.

Professor Delacour said: "There are a group of students at Beauxbatons who need to make up classes this summer, and Fleur is also on the list."

Charles nodded and replied: "I heard from Louis Manz when I was in Kodos Doriz, and I heard that the selected students are all outstanding students."

"Nowadays, the trend of rivalry between magic schools has become bigger with the Potions Championship. I think this may be preparation for some kind of inter-school competition."

"Perhaps, you father and daughter will be enemies next time."

"I'm looking forward to it," Professor Delacour said with a smile.

"I have a question," his tone suddenly turned sinister, "What were you two planning to do this summer?"

Charles said carefully, "About the Veela."

After he finished speaking, his attention was focused on Professor Delacour's hand. If he took the wand, he would run away immediately.

Professor Delacour did not take his wand, but sighed deeply.

He said, "You know, I hate prophecies."

"I went there when I first got married and saw the secret realm of Veela."

"I thought I was strong-willed, but I couldn't get close. I thought I had been walking forward. When I regained consciousness, I had gone back the way I came."

"There is an ancient prophecy among Veela. There is a tree there. Every time the moon is full, a leaf will fall. The Veela child born on the day when the last leaf falls will be the one to unlock the secret of the secret realm."

This was the first time Charles had heard of this, and when he heard something unexpected, he couldn't help but ask, "People?"

According to grammar, it should be "the veela who unlocked the secret of the secret realm", not "people".

Professor Delacour nodded and said, "Yes, it's a mixed-blood veela."

Charles asked again, "What is the secret of the secret realm? Is there any explanation?"

Professor Delacour shook his head and said, "There is no clear explanation. The only thing that is certain is that it is magic that can change the world."

Charles was surprised. This was something he had not expected.

Professor Delacour's business was down: "The living environment of the veela is not very good now. Their beauty has attracted the peeping of people with bad intentions."

Charles was surprised again, and then said, "Then they can turn into wings."

Professor Delacour was silent for a while, and said, "Some people like that."

Charles was silent too.

Professor Delacour didn't want to talk about this issue in depth, so he asked Charles to go back.

Charles returned to the dormitory and opened Fleur's letter, which said that the plan to go to the veela secret realm together this summer could only be postponed.


Charles sighed after reading the letter.

Simo was picking candies on his bed and asked curiously: "What happened that made you sigh?"

Charles replied: "I think sometimes predictions are not a good thing."

Simo scratched his head and said: "I don't understand such a profound field."

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