A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 398 The end of the semester

What a wonderful time after finals.

After dinner, the Gryffindor common room became a sea of ​​joy as students celebrated the arrival of summer vacation.

Ruby, who had just returned from France, also joined the celebration. She stood with one leg on Charles's head and kept doing various difficult poses, which made everyone laugh.

Ron's owl "Piggy" admired "The Boss" infinitely, and was also studying on top of Ron's head at this time, but he often lost his balance and fell onto Hermione's book next to him.

Every time the piglet fell down, Hermione held it back on top of Ron's head.

Crookshanks also wanted to imitate, but Hermione held him down between his legs.

At this moment, Harry was not celebrating as happily as the others. He was staring nervously at Charles' face, trying to judge something from his expression.

Charles assigned Harry a task during the Potions Championship, asking him to analyze Percy's proposal to exchange potions.

Harry scratched his head for a long time this afternoon, and finally, under Hermione's guidance, he wrote a large essay based on some content from the History of Magic class.

Charles read it over and didn't demand too much. He just wanted to let this guy have the impression of analyzing the pros and cons in his mind, so as not to do anything in a hurry.

Soon, a ticket for the Quidditch World Cup final appeared in Harry's hand, making everyone envious.

There were no classes the next day, so Dumbledore gave everyone a day trip to Hogsmeade.

At breakfast, Charles went around the four colleges and paid everyone's wages for working in the greenhouse this school year.

The students who received their wages happily went to Hogsmeade to promote consumption. Charles chatted with the Harry trio on the way.

Harry asked Charles: "Where are you going this summer?"

Charles sighed and said: "There are too many things to be busy with. First of all, there is the second Decryption Challenge, and the company's affairs. The work of the Ministry of Magic also needs to be arranged. After that, I have to go abroad."

Harry sighed: "It's not easy for you."

Charles continued: "There is also a paper on herbal medicine. I hope I will have time to finish it in the summer."

"So the holiday homework will remain the same as before."

Harry immediately replied: "No problem!"

For him, helping Charles with his holiday homework was an important source of income.

Although he doesn't have the pressure of paying off a 30-year mortgage, it still costs a lot of money to buy snacks and gadgets.

Even if Charles didn't say it, Harry would have to mention it.

Hermione hated this kind of thing, but she decided not to say anything when she thought about Harry's family situation.

However, Charles still brought the topic to her: "Hermione, did you return that thing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hermione asked a little angrily: "Did you complain to Professor Dumbledore?"

Charles said seriously: "I don't think you have enough character to control it yet."

Ron was confused when he heard what was going on, and couldn't help but ask: "What are you talking about?"

Charles replied: "It is a very useful but extremely dangerous thing. Improper use can cause serious consequences."

The time-turner matter needs to be kept secret and cannot be spoken out openly.

Ron heard what he said was so serious. He looked Hermione up and down carefully and said seriously: "Although I don't know what that thing is, I can also see that the consequences are serious. You seem to have gained a lot of weight."

Hermione's face suddenly turned pale.

She herself had noticed recently that her clothes were becoming narrower.

Charles said: "It's normal. It happens when you eat too many sweets."

"Reading and thinking too much consumes a lot of energy in the brain, so you get hungry easily. When you are hungry, you eat a lot of sweets. The excess sugar turns into fat."

"When you are hungry the next day and you continue to eat new sweets without consuming the fat saved yesterday, you will naturally gain more and more fat."

Harry continued: "Dudley is like that. He always eats sweet things. I think he will surpass the Fat Lady this summer."

This kind of knowledge involves areas that Ron has never been exposed to. He found it very interesting and said nonchalantly: "It's okay for girls to be fat. My mother is fat."

At this time, Hermione was already nervous and kept mumbling something, just like before an exam.

The trio of Charles and Harry dispersed when they entered Hogsmeade. He wanted to go back to the Dancing Grass Restaurant to arrange some work.

This year's Quidditch World Cup final will have many wizards from all over the world coming to watch the game. Wizards also want to eat and drink. This opportunity cannot be missed.

Charles and Fudge had earlier agreed to build a temporary restaurant in the camp, but problems arose. There were not enough working elves.

There will be 100,000 wizards in the arena, and even if 1% of the wizards go to dinner, there will be thousands of people, enough to tire Dobby and the others to death.

Now there are no more wild elves in the UK, and even the weak ones waiting for death have been taken to the Dancing Grass Restaurant. Charles gives them a job like smelling whether the ingredients are rotten or spoiled, and he feeds them for the rest of his life.

To this end, Dobby thought of a way and reported the situation to Charles today: "Professor Dumbledore agreed that we hire elves from Hogwarts to help. Although I don't like them, their work level is still very good. "

Charles asked him: "Is the payment going to Hogwarts or directly to them?"

Dobby replied: "Basic pay to Hogwarts."

He explained to Charles.

Now the working elves are heretics in the eyes of the house elves, and are more hateful than the lazy elves. They can be burned to death slowly with a slow fire, not with a strong fire.

If Dobby directly hired the house elves of Hogwarts, it would be strange if he didn't "break" his legs. He still had to ask Dumbledore to come forward and let him give strict orders to the house elves, so the hiring fee was given to Hogwarts.

Charles thought this was okay. He had to do the job well first, and everything else was empty.

"Where are the raw materials?" Charles asked Dobby again, "Can you guarantee that there are enough materials?"

Dobby replied: "Mr. Axe Prewett said he can help with the raw materials, and Muggle food is cheaper."

"He also prepared a large cold storage for Muggles. We can avoid Muggles when we go to pick up the goods."

"Now there are enough ingredients for 5,000 people in the cold storage. If it is not enough, we can prepare more within two hours."

Charles nodded. It seems that Dobby has some capitalist thinking. As long as he can make money, he doesn't care whether you are a wizard or a Muggle.

Funding is not a problem.

Dancing Grass Restaurant is a subsidiary of Phoenix Logistics. There is a shell company in the Muggle society under the name of the old man, which specializes in transferring money between the two societies.

Charles said to Dobby: "Call Master Malfoy later."

Dobby replied expressionlessly: "Okay, boss."

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