A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 399 Only when you are the head of a household do you realize how expensive firewood and rice

The Dancing Grass Restaurant has reserved a private room for every old family in the UK.

Today, the restaurant is quite famous. With the help of a certain reporter, wizards gradually have the view that if you don't have a private room in the Dancing Grass Restaurant, you have no status.

The Malfoy family is no exception. It also has its own private room. Like other families, it settles the bill for the year in autumn every year according to tradition.

The old Malfoy couple has been missing for a long time, but the life of the little pony classmate has to go on.

When people make a living, face is the most important thing.

Especially for a family like the Malfoy family, which has always been high-profile, if the pomp is gone, then wait for the wall to fall and everyone to push it.

On this day, Malfoy invited many students from Slytherin College to the Dancing Grass Restaurant, and found a reason to celebrate the upcoming holiday and treat them to a sumptuous dragon dinner.

In the middle of the long dining table was a roasted Welsh green dragon cub, surrounded by various fruit and vegetable desserts, bread and cakes, and twelve kinds of drinks made from dragon blood.

This set meal is a high-end product. You can't eat it just because you have money. You have to book it a long time in advance. It is said that the Minister of Magic failed to book it a while ago.

This meal made Malfoy very proud in front of his classmates. Everyone drank twelve kinds of dragon blood drinks that can only be drunk in the Dancing Grass Restaurant, and ate the dragon meat in big mouthfuls. From time to time, they complimented Xiao Ma very much. He was so excited that his usually pale face turned red.

The lively banquet ended, and the ordinary life continued.

When everyone left, Malfoy took out the prepared lunch boxes and put away the leftovers on the table.

These lunch boxes were provided by the Dancing Grass Restaurant. They can preserve food for a long time. The private room users are free and can pack up the dishes and snacks.

There are many untouched dishes on the table. Everyone is busy eating meat and not touching many fruits, vegetables, bread and snacks. The meat left on the dragon's tail is enough for him to eat for four days, half of the neck can be eaten for a week and a half, and the bread can be eaten for a month.

The bones cannot be thrown away. After washing, they can be put together. He has contacted the buyer.

Only when you are the head of a household do you realize how expensive firewood and rice are. Last summer, Malfoy had to pawn things from his aunt's house to get enough money to buy textbooks. This year, he has to buy a lot of things, from socks to robes.

"Mr. Malfoy, our boss wants you to come over."

Dobby's emotionless and cold voice made Malfoy's hands tremble, and the last lunch box fell on the table, and several dragon wing membrane rolls rolled out.

Malfoy immediately said in a panic: "I... I can pay the bill now."

He went to his aunt's house again during Christmas and took a lot of things to sell at Borgin and Burke's in Knockturn Alley, so that he had money to treat guests today.

This is theft and sale of stolen goods. If it gets out, his reputation will be ruined. He did it very secretly, and no one knew who was selling things.

So he thought that Charles should not know that he had money to pay the bill, and was worried that he would run away without paying, so he called him over as soon as possible.

Dobby did not answer, but just repeated that Charles asked him to come over.

Malfoy bit his lips tightly when he came to the office with a bag of lunch boxes, his face paler than usual.

He felt that Charles's finding him outside the school must not be a good thing, and he was worried whether he could see the sun tomorrow.

Charles was playing the mass-produced version of Magic Tetris behind his desk. When he saw Malfoy come in, he pointed to the chair opposite the desk and asked him to sit down.

Malfoy sat down on the chair carefully, holding the lunch box.

Charles asked him directly: "I heard that your Malfoy family has a way to exchange Galleons for Muggle currency?"

Malfoy was furious when he heard it, jumped up and yelled: "How can you insult someone's innocence out of thin air!"

He ignored the lunch box that fell on the ground, and spent half an hour sternly rebuking Charles for linking the Malfoy family with Muggles, which was an insult to the Malfoy family.

Charles continued to play the game without looking up at him. When he said he was tired, he said lightly: "I have 50,000 Galleons to exchange for Muggle currency, and I plan to take out 500 Galleons as a reward."

The office was suddenly quiet.

"You want to bribe me with money? This is an insult to me!" Malfoy wanted to scold Charles loudly, but the money was too much.

In the past, Malfoy would not even look at 500 Galleons, but now it is different. With this money, he can have a few good meals besides eating leftovers.

The air was quiet for five minutes, and the expression on Malfoy's face changed hundreds of times. Finally, he said hesitantly: "I... heard that some... wizards are doing this kind of thing."

"But... they... I heard that they also charge some money."

He had heard his father mention this before, and vaguely remembered a few names.

Charles actually didn't know whether the Malfoy family was involved in the currency exchange business or those wizards were acting under their banner. Dobby didn't know about this either. The news came from Eleanor.

This matter bypassed the goblins of Gringotts, or there were goblins involved in private. The Malfoy family may have just provided some cover.

Anyway, since Xiao Ma knows, let him try the water.

Charles wrote a check to Gringotts on the spot, and copied a bank account of a shell company from his notebook and gave it to Malfoy.

He said, "Here are 5,000 Galleons. Take it and try it first. Their share will be paid from the 5,000 Galleons, and your 50 Galleons will be paid separately."

"If you succeed this time, there will be another time. The next time will be 10,000 Galleons, and your reward will be 100 Galleons. If you succeed, we will continue."

"Exchange for fifty thousand galleons this month. Depending on the situation, there will be more next month. This is a long-term business."

Malfoy swallowed. He thought this business was only for one time, but he didn't expect it to be permanent.

He calculated in his mind that if he could earn a thousand galleons during this holiday, not only would he not have to eat leftovers, he would also be able to buy back the things he had sold from his aunt's house.

But Malfoy still hesitated. The Malfoy family has always been known for its noble pure-bloods. If he takes this step, he will have a relationship with Muggles. What will happen in the future?

"I have a condition." He said carefully, "You can't tell this matter."

Charles nodded and replied: "No problem, you only need to negotiate this matter with me. You can come to Dobby when I'm not around."

Malfoy's expression changed when he heard Dobby's name, and finally he took the check and account number.

After Malfoy left with the lunch box, two people appeared in the office. Grindelwald and Jack had been sitting on the sofa next to the door.

Grindelwald asked Charles with great interest: "Can you trust him?"

Charles went over to sit down on the sofa, poured tea and water for them, and said to Grindelwald: "Malfoy is just a low-class little villain. He can bully lower-grade classmates, but he doesn't have the guts to do such a big thing like you."

He then asked curiously: "I'm surprised. Why did you agree to Dumbledore to help train Hogwarts students during the summer vacation?"

After drinking tea, Grindelwald said: "I have been idle recently, so why not find something to do."

Charles felt something was wrong. The old man and the others had been carrying out some kind of operation against goblins, and there was no reason for them to be idle.

Before he could go into details, Jack said: "After you have finished your business these days, I will send you to learn a magic to deal with Horcruxes."

Voldemort and Harry's bodies trembled at the same time, and an unpleasant feeling filled their hearts.

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