A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 400 Learning New Magic

"Is it you??"

"It's you?!"

In a wizarding tavern in Berlin, Charles and the vampire girl Marlene looked at each other, and Erica, who was following them worriedly, looked relieved.

Marlene said seriously: "If I had known that the student was you, I would have raised the tuition fee."

"No, your singing is so ugly. Why do you want to learn this magic? Do you want to kill people?"

Charles scratched his head and asked, "What magic do you want to teach me?"

Jack only gave him the time and place to learn a magic to deal with Horcruxes. He didn't know the specific details. He didn't expect that the other person was an acquaintance.

Marlene pinched her brows, sighed and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's go to Erica's house first."

Erica said happily: "Okay, you can help me work again!"

The three of them soon returned to Erica's house, where it was just like every summer. The flowers in the garden were in full bloom, butterflies and bees shuttled among the flowers, and fish jumped out of the water from time to time in the lake next to them.

Charles and Marlene sat on the grass by the lake and stared at each other. After a while, Marlene said, "The principal came to me before I graduated and said he wanted me to teach someone the magic of singing. The reward is very high."

"I originally didn't want to agree because I found a job in the orchestra, but seeing that the principal took good care of me in the past, I agreed after she said hello to the orchestra. I didn't expect it to be you."

"You also know that our school is famous for music and dance, and I studied singing."

"In singing, there is a magic that can touch the soul. It can be directly applied to the soul of the audience and arouse their emotions. There is no use covering the ears at this time."

Charles nodded. He had heard her mention the musical magic in Germany before. Someone once used the sound of the flute to cast a spell to lure all the mice in a town into the river.

Different places have their own strengths in magic. Music magic is extremely rare in the UK, but it is what wizards in Germany are good at.

Marlene frowned and continued: "You know how you sing. If your singing is matched with this magic...well, maybe you can persuade Erica not to continue studying garlic."

Erica hit her on the back behind her, pouted and said, "This is too cruel."

Marlene said with a fierce look: "If you study that abominable garlic again, I will tie you to the water tanker and let Charles sing to you!"

Charles ignored the two of them and started to fight, thinking about what the old man wanted to do.

First of all, the core of a Horcrux is the soul fragment on it.

Secondly, there is some kind of network connection between the soul fragments, and information can be transmitted under certain conditions.

Third, singing magic acts directly on the soul.

After confirming these three points, you can figure it out. The old man wants to attack the several Horcruxes in his hand with less exciting magic, just like simmering on a low fire, trying to see if he can indirectly use the link between the Horcruxes. Attack Voldemort.

And maybe Harry.

Marlene and Erica finished playing around and continued to give Charles a lecture: "Although this magic is obviously used for singing, it can also be used for speeches and conversations."

"Grindelwald knows, he cast a spell on Germany's Muggle leaders decades ago, asking him to use speeches to incite Muggles."

Charles thought the same thing. Grindelwald had teamed up with Mustache back then, so maybe he and the old man came up with this method.

"Huh?" Charles suddenly thought of something, "So this magic can provide spiritual suggestion?"

Erica immediately said: "Yes, she will use this magic when she goes shopping to negotiate prices. Sometimes it works."

Charles asked curiously: "Why does it only work sometimes?"

Marlene shrugged and said, "The effect of this magic is affected by the opponent's willpower."

"If the boss's lowest price for an item is five marks and he insists on asking for eight marks, it will be easy for me to ask the boss to agree to sell it to me for six marks, but it won't work if I ask for three marks."

Charles nodded and said, "I see, that's quite useful."

Marlene snorted coldly and said angrily: "I tried to persuade Erica not to study garlic anymore, but it turned out that she was determined and it was useless no matter what I said!"

Charles smiled and said, "Erica, if your garlic is ready for stereotyped breeding, let me know and I will sell the seeds for you."

Erica smiled and said: "Thank you, it is expected to be stable next year."

Marlene pinched Erica's neck and said, "You are a vampire, you must be ashamed!"

Erica immediately reached out to tickle her, and the two vampires were soon rolling into a ball on the grass.


They rolled into the lake together.

Charles ignored these two idiots. They could take a shower all day long and make their own lunch.

In the afternoon, Erica went to the garden to weed and fertilize, and Marlene began to concentrate on teaching Charles magic.

This type of sound magic does not require a wand when used by oneself, and is a bit like casting a spell without a wand.

Marlene demonstrated a sound magic to Charles. She faced the lake and opened her mouth when a bird flew by. Charles did not hear the slightest sound, but the bird plunged onto the water.

Charles asked in surprise: "Ultrasound or infrasound?"

Marlene was confused and didn't know what it meant.

She said, "This is a magic that students in our school must learn. If someone uses it when they have bad intentions towards you, it can make people dizzy, and when you use a lot of force, it can make people faint, and their eyes, ears and noses bleed."

Charles thought about it and thought that this effect might not be just a sonic attack.

Marlene continued, "This kind of magic is the simplest, sound magic, and it can be used to familiarize yourself with casting spells."

"Of course, you can't practice it on people."

"By the way, it can also be used to drive away mice and insects at home."

Charles raised his eyebrows, it looks quite useful.

Marlene opened her mouth wide to let Charles see clearly how her tongue moves when casting spells, and she also had to whisper the spell.

Her tongue is very flexible, and she can complete the action in the blink of an eye. Now she doesn't need to chant the spell.

Now, in order to demonstrate to Charles, she slowed down her movements, did it once, and then explained the key points.

Then Charles opened his mouth and tried to do it again. Marlene observed carefully in front of his mouth and pointed out any mistakes immediately.

After more than an hour, Charles rubbed his sore cheeks and said, "It's not easy to learn such magic. My face is sore and my tongue is cramping."

Marlene said as a matter of course, "That's for sure. There is no such good thing as success easily."

"When we started learning, we had to look in the mirror to see if our movements were correct. After school, we couldn't even bite bread and could only eat porridge."

Charles remembered something and asked, "You also taught Erica this magic, right?"

Marlene replied, "That's for sure. She used to be bullied a lot, so I had to teach her some self-defense magic."

Charles was about to start practicing again, and before that he said, "It seems that she also worked hard."

"No." Marlene said, "I practiced with her tongue myself, and she learned it quickly."

Charles blinked. Good guy, you two know how to play.

Marlene licked her lips with a sly smile and asked, "Do you want me to teach you the same way?"

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