A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 401 The happy summer vacation begins

As night fell, when Erica placed the third roast pork elbow in front of Charles, at 4 Privet Drive, Harry looked at the cucumber sandwich on the plate in silence. There was also a boiled egg for dinner yesterday.

Two slices of bread, a few slices of cucumber, a pinch of salt, this is the dinner of the Dursleys.

After not seeing each other for a year, Harry felt that if he painted the current Dudley into the oil painting of Hogwarts Castle, the frame would not be able to bear the weight and fall down.

After Dudley broke a chair in Charles's house, Petunia had to take her baby son to a child health consulting agency and brought back a comprehensive weight loss plan.

Dudley's hellish life began. Three meals a day only had bread, vegetables and fruits, and no meat, candy or soda.

In order to take care of her son's emotions, Petunia decided that the family's diet standards would be the same as Dudley's.

In addition to diet, there is also exercise.

Every morning, Dudley must go to the swimming pool of the sports center a few streets away for exercise training and must swim a certain distance in the water.

The coach is a stubborn and responsible middle-aged man who requires Dudley to complete the training, otherwise he cannot go ashore.

It is useless for Dudley to cry, because Vernon and Petunia have their own jobs now, and they are not in the swimming pool, so they can't hear their son crying.

Harry trains in the boxing gym next to the swimming pool every day. It is said that Dudley's crying once attracted the police. In the end, the police saw Dudley's figure, encouraged him and left.

Dudley is very irritable now. The food at 4 Privet Drive is very bad, but Harry is not worried.

"I'm full." Harry finished the cucumber sandwich in two bites, put the empty plate back in the kitchen, rushed out of the door faster than Hedwig flew, and came to 3 Privet Drive opposite.

Petunia and Vernon dared not say "n" (half no) to his behavior, because the murderer wanted by the news media last summer lived opposite.

Although this wanted criminal was cleared of his injustice, he really killed people, at least the Dursleys thought so.

Harry smelled the fragrance from the kitchen as soon as he entered the door.

Black poked his head out of the dining room, holding the apron he had just taken off. When he saw that it was Harry, he immediately said, "You're here just in time. Kreacher has just made beef pies."

As the house elf of the Black family, Kreacher's cooking skills are top-notch among his peers.

The crust of the beef pies he made was baked golden, and the filling ratio and the control of the heat were perfect. Harry swallowed his saliva when he heard it.

Harry did not go directly to the dining room. He first came to the living room and greeted Jack, Lupin and Percy.

Dumbledore was not needed. He was playing games upstairs, so it was best not to disturb him.

In addition to beef pies, Harry's dinner also included a plate of tomato spider leg meatball soup, which was to boil the canned tomato sauce and the meatballs in the refrigerator together. Black made it, and there was a little more salt. After drinking it, he had to drink another bottle of happy water.

Now 3 Privet Drive is very lively.

Now that the Death Eaters have escaped from prison, Harry has to brush up the buff at his aunt's house, so Dumbledore asked Black to come and protect Harry.

Black was naturally happy to do so. If Dumbledore had not disagreed, he would have taken Harry to his home long ago.

He now realized that living at 3 Privet Drive was actually not bad. He had breakfast with Harry every day, accompanied Harry to the Muggle boxing club to "play silly", Apparated to some old wizard bars and restaurants across the UK for lunch at noon, strolled back after "playing silly" in the afternoon, watched the Muggles in the "box" make a fool of themselves in the evening, and chatted with Mr. Smith...

If Mr. Smith had not always wanted him to try eating chocolate after turning into a dog, this life would be perfect.

The work of testing the antidote for the wolf was officially launched, but the director of the Werewolf Support Service Office went abroad after a meeting, leaving only two employees to shoulder all the big and small things.

Lupin didn't like the atmosphere in the Ministry of Magic very much. Many people pointed fingers at him, so he simply moved his workplace here and met with Percy every night to discuss work.

Percy liked the environment in the Ministry of Magic, and at the same time, he understood Lupin's difficulties, so he agreed.

Jack always listened beside them and gave some advice from time to time, which made the two new officials suddenly enlightened.

The TV series "The Wonderful Old Lady" was being broadcast on TV tonight. It was a children's comedy that told the interesting story of an old lady who gained superpowers.

Black liked the show very much and commented that it was "full of Muggles' fantasies about wizards, which was very interesting."

When he watched the show, he liked to tell Jack what wizards should do if they were wizards, and Jack always agreed with him with a smile.

Today's TV series was over, Percy had gone home, and Lupin stayed to chat as usual.

Black said to Harry: "I don't think it's necessary for you to make fools with Muggles using fists."

Like many wizards, he believed that wizards should fight with wands instead of fists.

Harry said, "No, I found boxing very useful to me, and it can also be used in magic duels."

Lupin agreed, "Harry has a point. In the dueling club, his reaction ability is higher than most students. He casts spells quickly, his hands are steady and accurate, and he can even dodge the spells shot from the opposite side."

Jack also said, "I think that wizards are the same as non-magic people. Physical health and ability are the most important."

"If you can cast spells faster and more accurately, even if it's just the spell that makes things float that you learn in the first grade, you can gain some advantages when fighting against enemies that are much stronger than you."

Seeing that his opinion was opposed by everyone, including Jack, who "just read Charles's textbook", Black felt uncomfortable.

Jack saw that his expression was not very good, so he changed the subject: "Harry, have you bought the textbooks?"

Harry shook his head and said, "Not yet. It's just the holiday now, so it's still early."

Jack said, "Oh, too."

"Albus said that Hogwarts is adding another course next school year, and I want to see what the textbooks are like."

Harry broke out in a cold sweat. Last school year, alchemy was added, and everyone was extremely busy. Now, another class was added, and it was hard for people to live.

Lupine knew some inside information and laughed when he saw Harry's bitter face and said, "Don't worry, this is just a self-study course. You just need to turn in the exercise book every month."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

All you need to do is hand in your homework and it will be easy, and then you can learn from Hermione's example.

However, Lu Ping continued: "The principal said that those exercise books have strong anti-plagiarism spells, so I can only write them myself."

"By the way, those who fail this month's homework will not be allowed to go to Hogsmeade next month."

Harry was dumbfounded.

Blake gloated and said, "Haha, luckily I graduated and don't have to do homework anymore."

Lu Ping also smiled and said: "The principal consulted all the professors when adding this course, and we all agreed that it is very necessary."

Blake nodded and said, "It seems like this is a good thing."

Lupine added: "Snape said that he had been suffering the consequences of not having this class for so long that he was about to explode."

Blake curled his lips and said, "I don't think we should put more burden on the students."

At this time, Dumbledore came down from upstairs. He first went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Happy Water. When he saw Harry, he said, "Oh, Harry, I just happened to have something to do with you."

Harry no longer cared about what the new course was. He couldn't escape anyway, so maybe he would have less trouble if he found out later.

He saw the principal on the first floor for the first time in the past few days during the holidays. He thought it must be a big deal, so he asked, "What's the matter?"

Dumbledore said: "You also know that Hogwarts invites Muggle parents to visit Hogwarts."

Harry nodded.

The first time Jack and Mr. Granger were invited to this event, which worked well, and the second time was during this year's Potions Championship.

Dumbledore continued: "The last event was not very good. Parents were frightened and classes were affected. Both parties were not satisfied."

One of Jack and Mr. Granger pretended to be a Muggle, and the other dared to check Dumbledore's teeth. Their performance made everyone at Hogwarts misjudge the acceptance ability of Muggle parents.

Therefore, during the second parent visit, the scale of the visit was a bit larger, and Peeves was no longer hospitable, which almost made it a mess.

Dumbledore made a new decision: "This school year's visit is scheduled before the start of school, mainly for parents of first-year freshmen, and several students will be asked to explain and demonstrate together."

"These students need to understand what Muggle parents think and explain some phenomena in a way they can understand."

Harry immediately replied: "That's no problem, I can help."

Then Penny came over.

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