A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 402 This Year's Freshmen

Harry was a little surprised that Aunt Petunia came over at this time, and what was even more surprising was that she was not nervous at all, and even greeted the "murder wanted criminal" Black calmly.

Mainly because Dumbledore was there, she was not worried about what Black would do.

Petunia came to find Harry and asked, "Harry, can you make a copy of the photo on your bedside for me?"

She paused and added, "I only need the part about Lily."

Petunia used to clean Harry's room when she was cleaning the house, and today she saw something incredible next to the bedside.

Harry immediately realized that she was talking about the family photo in the letter that his mother sent to Black when he was one year old.

The letter had been at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, and Black gave it to Harry after he came back.

Harry said with some distress, "No problem, but I don't know how to copy the photo."

Moving photos can definitely be copied, as is the case in the Daily Prophet, but he is not a photographer, so he really doesn't know how to do it.

Then the aunt and nephew looked at Dumbledore together.

Dumbledore was not a photographer, so he knew about this, but he had never actually tried it.

However, he had a wide network of contacts, so he said, "The photographers at the Daily Prophet must know how to do it. I'll write and ask."

"Harry, can I borrow Hedwig?"

Harry replied immediately, "No problem."

Hedwig was on a shelf in the corner of the living room, and Dumbledore immediately wrote a letter and asked him to send it out.

The other party replied the next morning, saying that it was no problem to copy the photo, and that he could bring it to the Daily Prophet headquarters in Diagon Alley when he had time.

There was a fireplace at No. 3 Privet Drive, which made it very convenient to go to Diagon Alley.

Vernon was reporting to Jack in the living room, trying not to turn around and look at Harry and Black "burned to ashes by green flames" in the fireplace.

When Harry walked out of the fireplace, Black asked him, "Would you like some ice cream first?"

Harry replied, "I don't think so."

"That's not good." Black raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Fusco will be unhappy."

Florin Fusco was looking at Harry viciously from the side.

They came out of the fireplace of the ice cream shop, and it would be a bit unreasonable not to help take advantage of their business.

Black chose this place on purpose, just to play with Harry for a while.

Harry was about to say that he would come back to eat after finishing his work, but suddenly saw an acquaintance at the table outside.

Seamus was sitting there, and sitting opposite a girl, her hair was red like Ginny, tied into a long ponytail behind her head, and the two were studying a piece of parchment.

Black thought for a moment and whispered, "Is that a girl from the Prewett family?"

Harry had heard of the name of this family, and after thinking for a moment, he asked, "Is it the family of Mrs. Weasley?"

Black nodded and said, "Yes, these are the only two families with red hair among British wizards."

"In addition to Molly, the Prewett family has three brothers. Two of them died in the battle with the Death Eaters, and one is a Squib who went to the Muggle world."

"I think she should be the daughter of that Squib."

Harry heard Ron mention that there was such a Squib uncle, and Fred and George seemed to have mentioned such a cousin. It seemed that Charles also mentioned it vaguely, and it seemed that he had some relationship with him.

What he cared about now was how Seamus was with this girl.

Black saw the gossip fire in his eyes, so he said, "I'll go copy the photos, and you go play with your classmates."

Harry hesitated for a second and agreed.

When he walked a few steps towards Seamus, he had already thought about how to tell Charles about what happened today. He believed that Charles would definitely be interested in this gossip.

Maybe... Harry couldn't help thinking that he could use this to ask Charles to increase the salary for writing summer homework by 30%, and he would definitely agree.

"Hey, Seamus." Harry acted nonchalant, "I didn't expect to see you here."

Seamus said happily when he saw Harry: "Hey, Harry, why are you here today!"

He asked Harry to sit down and began to introduce the two: "This is Miss Mafalda Prewett, a student at Hogwarts this year. Today she came to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks and wands."

Harry thought that her last name was indeed Prewett, and greeted her warmly: "Hello, Miss Prewett. I am Harry Potter, a classmate of Seamus Finnigan."

Mafalda had been staring at the scar on Harry's forehead. After hearing his self-introduction, she said excitedly: "It's really Mr. Potter!"

"I know everything about you. You are mentioned in the books "Modern History of Magic", "The Rise and Fall of Dark Magic", and "Important Magical Events of the 20th Century."

Harry felt that this was familiar. He had heard something similar a few years ago.

He asked curiously, "Have you read all these books?"

These books are not thin, and Hermione will have to read them for a while. It has just been a short time since the summer vacation, and the admission letters have just been received by the new students. There is not much time left.

Mafalda replied, "After Charles knew that I was a wizard, he gave me a lot of books last Christmas in order to let me understand the wizarding society first."

She gestured at the height of the table, meaning that there were so many books, and then said, "I have read them three times."

It was the first time that Seamus heard this. He turned his head and looked at Harry. Both of them felt the shadow of someone in her.

Harry thought he had just heard a familiar name, so he asked, "Who is the Charles you mentioned just now?"

Mafalda replied, "Charles Smith, oh, he is also your classmate."

"My father has been working for Mr. Smith for many years, and now he works at Charles's Falbottom Castle."

Simo said, "Harry and Charles live next door to each other and have known each other since childhood."

Mafalda said in surprise, "Is that so?!"

"I went to Charles's house with my father before, and I remember eating a delicious cake."

Harry was confused and immediately said, "By the way, I heard Charles mention you!"

"The cake was originally mine, but I was out for something, and when I came back, I found it was gone."

"I always thought Charles stole it, and then made up a story that he gave it to the guest."

Charles, who had been wrongly accused by Harry for several years, was thus vindicated.

With this incident as an opportunity, everyone began to get acquainted.

Seamus said to Harry: "Mafalda's parents are busy recently, and Mr. Prewett originally wanted to ask Charles to bring her to Diagon Alley."

"Charles went abroad for something, so he asked me to bring Mafalda to buy things."

Mafalda said: "I've seen news about Seamus in the Daily Prophet before, but I didn't expect to see him so soon."

Harry seemed to sense a strange atmosphere in the air.

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